The Laughter

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 I called in sick for work for the entire week, Harry didn’t hound me too much for doing so because he wasn’t exactly hanging around the house much anyway " having a job of his own and all. Lila called to ask me where I was which really surprised me since I was under the impression that she hated me, turns out she doesn’t hold grudges and was coming over after work. I warned Harry so he had a chance to make other plans to avoid any further awkwardness.

“You look awful.” She observed as I let her inside the apartment. Maybe it was because I hadn’t had a proper shower in two day, I had cried my eyes out every day since he left and no matter what painkilling drug I took nothing seemed to be hurting less.

“I feel awful.” I admitted taking the bottle of gin from her hands. I hadn’t drunken any alcohol since I got pregnant two years ago but I thought this occasion was a great time to start again.

“Where’s the boy?” she asked looking around, I guess by boy she meant Harry.

“I don’t know, he’s never here much.”I told her taking a sip straight from the bottle.

“Slow down girl, you don’t take alcohol well remember?” she sat down on the sofa and I did the same. It felt good as the liquid slipped down my throat, it felt good to have Lila here even though I’d had the worst week possible.

“Can I tell you something Jay?” she asked once she’d finished pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail.

“Is it good?” I asked with a mouthful. She looked quite sceptical.

“Not really.” She couldn’t look me in the eyes.

“Oh. Okay just spit it out Lils.” I was feeling better already with the liquor now in my system.

“You know how I was late to do my maid of honour speech?” I nodded so she continued. “Well I was with Harry, and he told me something.” She didn’t look sure of herself so I gave her a funny ‘get on with it’ look.

“He told me that he’s in love with you.” She winced as if expecting the worst. I couldn’t help myself so I started to laugh hysterically.

“What’s funny?” she asked confused, the confusion on her face just made me laugh even harder, I laughed so hard my muscles started to ache, I could hardly sit up anymore I was laughing that hard. Lila cracked a smile but obviously couldn’t see the humorous side to all of this.

“Jay you silly goose.” She laughed at me but I just couldn’t stop, I didn’t even stop after I had fallen to my feet. I don’t know why I found it so funny that Harry was in love with me but at the time I thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

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