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I thought about it for the entire night, I knew it would be crazy just to go over and kiss him right there which is why I didn’t do it. I needed to wait just a little bit longer for him to come around; I needed him to heal before I could kiss him again.

“Niall! You crazy kid I’m so Happy for you.” I told him, giving him a great big hug, the smile on his face was worth it. I knew he was so proud of himself too.

“I’m pretty happy too.” He admitted giving me that cheeky look I’d always liked. Penny was not far behind him, I didn’t hesitate before enveloping her into a giant hug too.

“Thank-you.” She said to me as she hugged me back.

“How’ve you been?” she wanted to know, I took a sharp breath in before looking at her directly.

“I’ve been better.” I admitted glancing over to Lou who was across the room chatting to some girl. Pangs of jealously shot through me, but I knew he still loved me.

“He loves me.” I smiled up at her, and she mimicked my smile exactly.

“I know, I can see it in the way he looks at you.” She smiled at me, but I glanced one more time towards my husband. Even though he was laughing at something the girl said I caught him sneaking glances over at me too. He noticed me staring at him and gave me one of his famous sexy smiles as if to purposely weaken my knees.

“Jay?” Penny interrupted my day dreaming, I hadn’t realised that I’d zoned out on her.

“Yeah, sorry I was lost in my thoughts.” I gave a nervous chuckle as I turned my attention back to her.

“You look beautiful tonight.” She said with a toothy grin, and Niall whisked her away.

“Thank-you.” I called over to her and turned my attentions back to Louis.

He didn’t speak to me for the rest of the night, no communication besides the occasional glances or smiles were exchanged between us, but that was okay with me. It was all I needed. Louis loved me and that’s all that mattered.

A/N - 10 comments and 10 Votes before the next upload!

btw, you guys are literally AMAZING I mean come on, why else would you STILL be reading this silly book! haha I'd just like to thank each and every one of you even if you've never spoken to me before I don't mind you guys are still AMAZING!

anyways get commenting and voting! upload soon xx

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