Bella Donna

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We walked the streets of Italy, hand in hand It felt good holding onto my husband’s hand in public knowing that no matter how hard any girl tried to lure him away from me. He was mine and mine only.

“They have the best pasta over there.” Louis pointed to a pasta shop across the side of the street, I had never been to this part of the country before so he had taken on the role of ‘tour guide’ which was quite useful if not entertaining.

"Per favore?" Lou said to the waiter as we neared the tiny restaurant When the beautifully dressed Italian man came closer, out came Louis’ very impressive Italian. “me e la bella donna vorrebbe ordinare adesso.” He said proudly and the man nodded handing us the menus. We both skimmed over our choices, which were written in both English and Italian which helped the tourists like myself. I looked up to spy on Lou who was frantically searching the pages for something impressive to order for us.

“Well I’m out.” I said shutting the menu loudly in my face. Lou looked up and smirked at me. “You Mr. Italian can order for us, I trust you.” I folded my arms along my chest and waited as he told the waiter our order.

“Since when did you know how to speak Italian?” I asked him as my curiosity grew.

“Ask Harry.” He said with a wink and not another word came about it.

Yes my husband is a cheeky sod.

When our dishes came, he eagerly started to eat from his plate, I toyed the pasta with my fork before lifting the hot pasta to my lips.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, pausing from his hunger.

“You should know by now that I can’t eat this until it’s cooled down.” He sighed and began eating again. Sometimes I think he forgets how weird I am.


Hey guyyys what did you think of this little chapter eh? cute? :3 hehe

anyway just a heads up...the rest of the honey moon will go by pretty fast because this book is already pretty long and the wedding took up most of it! there is alot more dramas to be coming soon! and I don't want this book to be waaaaay tooooooo long if ya know what I mean?

anywayss I can't wait for the next book I know you guys are going to love it!

I've already made the cover and it's so so so so so CUTE I bet you will love it!

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