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Liam bashed on the front door of the suite the next morning, I jumped out of my bed just to shut the noise up. He interrupted an amazing dream I had, which did not make me very happy!

"Hey Li." I greeted him, with a yawn.

"When's Lou coming back?" he asked, squeezing past me.

"Soon, I don't know why?" I asked quizzically.

"Just curious, so what did you get up to last night?" he questioned me with one raised eye brow.

"Watched a few movies, had a little cry. You know the usual girl things." I winked, following him into the kitchen.

"You know these are the last days of having your last name, which by the way you've never told me your full name before." He looked at me expecting me to tell him my secret.

"No way, I'm not telling you my name." I pointed my finger at him to get the point across.

"I could just ask your sister." He threatened, but that would be silly. Ever since I became famous all my entire family changed their last names on Facebook so that we could keep our privacy, so he was just going to have to wait until the wedding to find out my real name.

Sure if he really wanted to he could search up all the old high school yearbooks, but Liam isn't the stalker type, I don't actually think he could be bothered digging too deep into my past.

"She would never tell you." I poked my tongue out at him. He was just about to flick my face when the door opened, and a voice of an angel rang through the suite.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else..." he sang making his way over to us, he continued to serenade Liam, trying to be funny.

"Oh hey Jay, what are you doing here?" he asked me, pretending to be here to see Liam, he started making kissing noises towards my best friend.

"Ha, ha." I fake laughed, sticking my tongue out at him, he was too quick though and bit the tip of it before it could go safely back into my mouth.

"That's something I did not want to see this early in the morning" the uncomfortable Liam mentioned before making a huge scene pretending he was going to throw up in the trash can.

"Real mature Liam." Louis mocked, taking the piss. It was a running joke about how Liam was always saying that exact thing to Lou all the time, he hadn't said it since Lou and I had gotten serious some may say I matured him. I didn't exactly like that assumption; I didn't want to be known as the one who took the fun out of the Tommo. After all that's mostly what made me fall for him in the first place.

"How was your night with your father in law?" Liam asked helping himself to our fridge.

"It was very Australian." Lou made a face at the word Australian, I made sure to whack him for that.

"Hey, what's wrong with Australian's?" I asked him, taking it personally.

"Yeah, you know your children will be half Aussie." Liam pointed out, I knew he regretted it when he said it, that sad faraway look in Lou's eye probably wasn't the reaction he was expecting.

"Sorry mate." Liam tapped him on the arm, but Lou just smiled, and started telling Aussie jokes, that's the way he was, always shielding the pain of the serious with humour.

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