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"Jay" this group of girls called my name, Miley, Lottie and I all turned around to face them. They were all staring at me, like they'd never seen a person before.

"Hey." I smiled, not wanting to be rude, they all seemed really nice.

"Can we have a photo with you?" One of the girls asked, I nodded and went over to take photos with them. Miley and Lottie were just staring at me like I was insane.

"Oh my goodness, you're Miley Cyrus." One of them pointed out and Miley started to blush.

"Yeah that's me." She admitted giving Lottie a regretful look, I offered to snap a photo of the girls with Miley which they all seemed pleased about.

"You guys are so nice." The first girl told us and all we could really do was thank them and go on our way, I think Lottie was secretly grateful that she wasn't famous.

"What ride are we going on next?" was the first thing Miley asked as the three of us walked hand in hand to find the other brilliant ladies who had come to share this last night of freedom with a crazy girl like me. I was completely aware of all the cell phones that were snapping completely unnecessary photographs of me and my friends walking around a theme-park, I mean I couldn't think of a more boring thing to photograph. But I couldn't exactly complain I was actually quite honoured to be photographed, it made me feel important even though I didn't quite understand it.

When we neared the small crowd of faces I am very familiar with, they all started cheering as if I was important or something. I felt a blush spread across my pale face - yes I was still discoloured from that hellish ride Mrs Hemsworth had made me go on!

"Hey gorgeous girl" Christina greeted me, planting a big sloppy kiss on my face, just the way she liked to embarrass the boys on set, she was like a second Mum to me since I'd moved across the world when I was only 19, she had taken me under her wing straight away, she was an amazing woman and I was definately proud to have her play my mother on screen.

The proud face of my own mother was seen from the corner of my eye, I gave her a gigantic smile as Lou's Mum was the next one to smother me with adoration.

"You look even better every time I see you." She complimented, as she nearly took away all my oxygen. I quickly gave Phoebe, Daisy and Fizzy a cuddle before I could get bombarded by all the other guests. Which included; Xenia Goodwin, my best friend from preschool -AmberLyn, my next door neighbour - Hailey and her Mother Hannah, My cast mate Alice, My first agent Callie Bennet who I still kept contact with till this very day, my aunty Georgia and cousin Bethany and one of my newest friends Lucy Hale, who I had a pleasure working with on an upcoming project.

"Wow, you guys are amazing." I told each and every one of them at the same time. I was so happy that all these lovely ladies had taken the time to come and see me, some travelled across the world to support me and I couldn't help but start tearing up at their kindness.

"Jay, don't cry babe." Lucy rushed over to comfort me, which worked a charm she gave the best hugs in the world, well second to Louis of course.

"How was superman?" Tamy and Bailey giggled, knowing all about my fear of roller coasters.

"Terrible!" I answered rather too quickly causing everyone to laugh at me, this night was only beginning yet I knew it was going to be one I'd never forget.

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