The Launch.

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“HE DID IT!” Liam shouted over the phone, I couldn’t help but scream with excitement, it had been almost a week since Liam had shared with me Niall’s plan but now he’d finally done it and it was the most wonderful news I had heard in a while.

“Did she say yes?” I asked curiously.

“Course she did.” Liam laughed at me stupidity.

“This is wonderful news!” I was genuinely excited over this news.

“Yeah Niall wanted me to ask you if he could bring her to your big party tomorrow night?” He asked me, and of course I told him he could bring her.

I had invited all the boys, I was especially nervous to see if Louis would turn up, he hadn’t said anything to me but I knew he had gotten the invitation thanks to his roommate Liam Payne.

“So I guess we will all see you then?” he asked before saying goodbye.


“Jay! Hurry up the car is here!” Harry called from the front door, it was finally the day of the party  the launch party for the final season. Lila had a brand new boyfriend to show off, and all I wanted to do was spend the night with my television family for the very last time as a unit. I still wasn’t sure whether Louis was coming or not but that wasn’t going to stop me from having fun.

“Coming!” I hollered running towards him in my heels.

“You look hot.” He winked taking my hand.

“Thanks Harry.” I grinned and we made our way down to the car.


“Stop jigging.” Harry placed a hand on my knees that I had been jigging up and down, I hadn’t even realised that I was doing it until he’d pointed it out.

“Sorry.” We were just pulling up at the hotel, camera’s were flashing it was then that I realised that me arriving with Harry would look extremely bad to the press. I told the driver to drop Harry off first, drive down the block and then come back to drop me off. Harry agreed with this idea thankfully.

“See you soon.” He said to me before stepping out of the limo

Once he’d circled along the block and back again I noticed that the rest of the band were already walking down the red carpet, I couldn’t see Louis anywhere. Disappointment spread throughout my mind. I took one step onto the carpet when someone grabbed hold of my arm. I looked up to see who had touched me. Louis stared down at me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I was confused, did this mean he wanted to get back together? Or was this all for the press?

I decided I would play along for the camera’s he smiled grandly towards all the reporters, as he grabbed me closer in for some photos.

Safely inside i noticed Lila and Harry staring at us from different sides of the room, I was equally as confused as they were. I turned to Louis and pulled him over to a private corner to speak to him.

“Thank-you.” I directed into his eye. He looked away at first, chuckled in the awkwardness before turning towards me once again.

“I love you Jay, I didn’t stop.” He answered looking into my eyes with his. My heart throbbed as a million thoughts flashed through my mind.

“I’m not ready yet, but when I am we’re going to make us work.” And with that he kissed me on the forehead and walked away.

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