She's Just Being Miley

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“I can’t believe Miley Cyrus just hugged me.” Bailey whispered, in complete and utter shock, her eyes were wide, and her body still stiffened in that same position as Miley had left her. I still couldn’t believe Miley had come all the way over here for this, I mean sure I had invited her to the wedding but she actually came, which is amazing. Ok guys I know I’m famous and everything but I still get shocked when other celebrities want to meet me, or when people like Miley Cyrus want to come to my wedding on the other side of the world.

“She’s so nice.” I gushed, admiring the southern beauty as she introduced herself to all the other guests.

“I wanna go on a roller coaster already.” Miley told me, as she gave me a giant bear hug.

“Which one? There are heaps to choose from.” I pointed out. There was still a good crowd at the park, but that was to be expected. Every time I’d come here as a child this place had been swarming with people.

“Any, come on Jay this is your bachelorette party we have to do something fun.” She took hold of my arm and dragged me off to line up for the superman escape, now I’m not sure about anybody else and why they enjoy that particular ride, for instance my sister Bailey is obsessed with this freakishly fast coaster, did I mention it only takes a few seconds to complete the whole thing? Its nuts I tell ya!

I stood nervously in line, desperately not wanting her to pick up the stench of my fear; she was jumping excitedly on the spot. Miley had always been energetic even before I met her I knew that.

“What are we waiting in line for?” she asked me, I shrugged thinking nothing of it.

“Excuse me” she called over to one of the staff members close by. My eyes soon popped out of their sockets when I realised what she was doing.

“Could you please take me and my friend to the front of the queue, Pretty please?” she asked him, I wasn’t sure whether he knew who she was, or if he was blinded by her beauty but that traitor took us straight to the head of the line, my heart immediately started racing a million times faster at that point, I thought I was going to die!


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