The Bathtub part 2

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“Hey you.” The familiar face of my best friend Liam entered my vision. A shy smile planted on his face I don’t think he actually thought about why I was in the bathroom to begin with. I sank further down into the soapy water, but gave him an equally shy smile in return.

“Haven’t seen you in a while.” He broke the silence first. I stared at him before giving my reply.

“It feels like years.” I admitted shying away from his glance.

“I’m not here to lecture you.” He promised as he sat down beside the tub, chuckling to himself.

“I know.” I responded quietly turning to face him once again.

“He’s here.” I never expected him to say that, not in a million years but I knew I couldn’t just race out to see him if I did he’d surely run away. I had to wait for him it was the only way.

“I’m serious.” He laughed at my startled facial expression.

“Why...what’s he doing here?” I wanted to know why my husband had come to this house, a million different combinations of excuses filled my head, but no matter how many different answers I came up with I always came back to the same conclusion.

“I think he wants to talk to you.” He told me quite uncertain. I guess Lou hadn’t exactly filled him in either.

“Then why are you the one who’s in here, while he’s out there?” I asked quizzically after all it didn’t make much sense.

“I wanted to see you first.” He grinned cheekily. Well he did see me NAKED I’m sure if Louis comes here he’d probably wish he’d come here first, I mean look what happened last time I had a bath!

“Oh hey I just remembered something but you have to promise not to tell anyone.” He edged closer I could practically smell the excitement radiating off from him.

“I promise.” I even held out my pinkie finger to prove myself. He linked his finger with mine right before he spilled the great big secret.

“Niall is going to ask Penny to marry him.”

“Are you kidding!” I practically screamed, that news was absolutely fantastic! Go NIALL! I thought to myself. I had always loved Penny she was so perfect for Niall in every single way.

A knock on the door interrupted or excitement for a second I stopped breathing thinking that he had finally come to see me. But it wasn’t Louis.

“Um Liam, Lou’s ready to go home now.” Harry told him regrettably. The two of them stared at me with sorry looks on their faces, waiting to see my reaction.

“Good seeing you Liam.” I smiled grandly not wanting my disappointment to shine through.

“I’ll call you.” He promised kissing me on the cheek. The two men left me in my tub of self pity once again I was left to wallow in it.



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