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I didn't want to scream, or show Miley that I was scared out of my mind. She was always so strong and I didn't want to seem weak in her eyes.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She laughed, her laugh always made me smile as did her great big cheerful grin.

"Well I don't think the rollercoaster is haunted." I tried the Louis method of lightening the mood with humour.

"You haven't been on this ride before have you?" She asked finally catching on.

I shook my head, and gulped my last breath as we were being strapped into our seats, I felt so suffocated like I was trapped in this monstrous metal claw. I did not like this at all.

"Ready?" Miley looked over to me, I swear I wasn't even breathing.

"Don't worry I'll save you!" Superman called and with one big whoosh of air the ride was over, it went that fast, I can't even remember any exact details besides my stomach rising all the way into my throat and my lungs gasping in the air that flew in while I screamed, I remember hearing the excited squeals coming from Miley I sure did envy her fearlessness.

"That was awesome!" She beamed as I walked clumsily out the exit if the attraction, I was glad to finally have my feet on solid ground, proud that I never ever had to do that stinking coaster again, but she was on a high there was no stopping her now. I was going to have to make sure that my sister Bailey took over Miley Duty for the rest of the night. Bailey always loved rollercoaster's.

"Jay!" A familiar British accent screamed my name, I searched for where the voice was coming from and when I finally found it I was overjoyed.

"Lottie!" I swiftly ran over to my sister to be and enveloped her in a giant cuddle. I hadn't seen her since Lou and I went over to London just after the baby was born. We bonded alot that trip and I think Louis was secretly over the moon about his wife to be becoming best friends with his sister, and honestly so was I.

"You look amazing." She complemented me after our embrace came to an end. I gave her the once over checking out her slim figure, I always had envied her gorgeous physique.

"Shut up! Look at yourself you sexy thing." I exclaimed causing her cheeks to blush bright red.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked searching for the rest of the family.

"They went off with your Mum." She explained, grabbing hold of my hand.

"Lottie have you met Miley?" I asked her, not certain as to whether she had before.

"Not officially, hi I'm Lottie Tomlinson." She smiled as Miley gave her a welcome hug.

"Man your Mom must have great genes." The Southern girl noted, checking out my sister in law sweetly.

"Speak for yourself." Lottie teased, and we all walked off to find the other ladies.

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