College Besties.

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            HEEEY!! newest chapter is here!! woohooo wedding countdown!!

“I can’t believe you came.” I told Kristen as her and Rob came down to see me just after the show. Everyone was talking and having a great time I could see Lou talking to my cousins while Liam was interacting with Tamy. I gave Kristen a giant hug I could feel her tiny body up against mine, I’d always been jealous of her slim figure.

            “It’s your wedding we had to come.” She promised a shy smile on her face.  Rob awkwardly stood beside her, looking awfully out of place.  So I decided I would give him a hug also. Kristen began to laugh at the awkward embrace I shared with her husband.

            “Rob’s not a hugger.” She laughed once more, I didn’t mind though it was a dream of mine to hug Edward Cullen after all.

            “It’s the eve of my wedding, and I wanted a hug.” I teased him, letting go. He readjusted himself but couldn’t hide the nervous smile evolving on his face. I was still a little high from having cuddled up with one of the hottest couples from Hollywood.

            “Can I borrow her for a second?” Someone asked Kristen from behind me, I turned to face someone I hadn’t seen in a very long time.

            “Tess!” I exclaimed a little too loudly. She giggled looking ever so beautiful. Kristen and Rob said their goodbyes and took off to mingle with some more people.

            “This is amazing are you sure you still want me here, I mean come on Jay you have some pretty high classed friends here.” She joked looking around the room at a sea of celebrities.

            “Oh shh you, you know you’re my favourite.” I squeezed her so tightly making up for all the hugs I had missed out on over the years. I hadn’t seen her since College where we had studied performance together; it seemed like so long ago. I guess it had been a while.

            “I’ve been keeping up with the gossip magazines and girl you seriously have the life.” She marvelled, probably still star-struck. She had graduated and then went on to do a teaching course and was now a high school drama teacher right there on the gold coast.

            “It’s pretty unreal at times, heck even I need to pinch myself occasionally.” I joked, and she started laughing again.

            “Or you could get your hunk of a pop star husband to do that for ya.” She said with a flirtatious wink.

            “I still can’t believe that I’m getting married tomorrow.” I admitted, holding onto my nervous stomach.

            “Hang on a sec, I just oh my g...did I really just talk to Kristen Stewart just before?” the poor girl was now in shock, obviously it had only just sunk in for her.

            “Hey now isn’t the time for you to be star struck, I have so many people I want you to meet!” I practically had to drag her with me to meet some of my nearest and dearest.

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