He's My Lou....a very drunken Lou...

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"Did you see when, Bailey and the, the HAHAHA?" My sister Tamy was still delusional, and quite heavily intoxicated at this point. It was already 5am, and we were all driving back to the hotel, we didn't stay at the theme park that long of course, we went to a club, Phoebe, Daisy, My mother, Bailey, and I all were sober the whole time which I wished I could say the same for the rest of the party.

"You are so out of it." I told my crazy younger sister as we pulled into the hotel, Bailey helped me carry her out of the car and into the foyer. Since Lou's Mum and my own mother had come back earlier with the younger girls we were left with all the crazy drunk girls, oh well except for Miley she was barely tipsy.

"I'll take her to our room." Bailey offered taking hold of her drunk older sister, I watched them head into the elevator, and smiled as it wasn't often that I saw my two crazy siblings let alone on the gold coast with a bunch of my friends.

Coincidence or not but the boys herded into the foyer only minutes after us, led by the sober male members of my family as well as good old Liam. Louis of course was the total opposite and acting like a mentally ill child, over the years that I'd known him I'd learnt to live with this kind of behaviour. I remember towards the beginning of our relationship where I used to get extremely embarrassed over his drunken out bursts especially ones in the public, I'd appear next to him in magazine articles about how he was drunk at a club or a party and it really irked me at first. I had to get used to it, but now I didn't notice as much, now all I saw was my Louis after he's had the time of his life and I loved it.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" he asked running over to me in a drunken crooked line, I couldn't help but giggle especially when I saw his facial expressions, it was quite ridiculous actually.

"I'm here to see you." I told him, leaning over to kiss him on his nose; luckily I had heels on and could actually reach it this time.

"You came all the way to here to see me here?" he asked not quite using an understandable sentence.

"Yes I did." I told him sincerely, all my friends had left me here, Harry and Liam were the only ones left down in the foyer unless you count Zayn and Niall who were passed out on the floor by the elevator.

"That was nice of you." He leant down to kiss me, although it didn't quite work out the way he planned, it was more of a slobber like what baby kisses are like, which for some unknown reason made me crack up laughing right there in the middle of the hotel ground floor.

"Did I tell a joke or some think?" Lou asked confused as he started rubbing his drooping eyes.

"No boo, let's go to bed?" I asked and held my hand out to him; he reluctantly took it in his and followed me over to the elevator.

"Night boys." I said to the other four, and instantly regretted leaving Liam with three drunken males, as the elevator doors closed, and Lou started singing softly.

"Am i a good singer?" he asked me, and I started to say something, but was shh'd by him placing his finger against my lips.

"Course I am, bitches love my voice." He laughed to himself, while I just stood there rolling my eyes, yep he's my Lou alright.

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