Yoongi ♡ Prom

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It's prom season and the whole school is buzzing. Conversations can be heard about who's going with who and what color dress is going to be worn. Guys are going around asking their crushes or girlfriends to prom and making elaborate posters with colorful letters and cheesy poems. Me? My boyfriend hasn't asked me to prom, and he probably won't. He's the type of guy who's not too fond of prom or even the idea of it. He'd rather stay home sleeping or working on his music. I'd like to say that it doesn't bother me, but it does. It's senior year and this year's prom is the most special out of them all. It's the last prom I'll get to go to ever.

I walk into first period and see Yoongi sitting in the back corner, his usual spot, scribbling in his notebook. I walk over to him and ruffle his hair.
"Morning sleepy head."
His arm reaches out and grabs my waist pulling me towards him, giving me some sort of hug. He leans his head on my stomach and hums, "Good morning."
"What are you writing?" I ask continuing to run my fingers through his hair.
"I figured as much." I said chuckling. "You're so talented. I can't wait until a company decides to pick you up."
"You really think that'll happen?" He asked pulling away and looking up at me. His eyes glistened hopefully.
"Yes. You're too talented not to be picked up by an entertainment company."
He grinned showing off his signature gummy smile.
"Hey Yoongles." I said brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
"There's something I wanted to talk to you about."
The teacher walked into the room causing my attention to stray away from what I was about to say. Yoongi removed his hand from around my waist.
"You should probably take a seat so you don't get in trouble." He said.
I nodded and sat down in the desk in front of Yoongi.
"Y/n." He tapped my shoulder.
I turned around and faced him.
"You said you wanted to talk about something. We can talk at lunch, okay?"
"Yeah." I smiled. "Sounds good."

I began to fidget with my pencil just thinking about what to say to Yoongi. My plan is to talk to him about prom. We never talked that much about it. Last time we talked he didn't seem to have much to say.

"So... prom is in a couple months."
"Eh." He shrugged. "I don't really care about prom."

And that was it. That's all that was said about it. I haven't bothered to bring it up since. Prom is getting closer and I really want both of us to go. As much as I don't want to, I have to talk to him about it.


Lunchtime had finally arrived. We went outside away from everyone and sat at a picnic table under a tree.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Yoongi asked.
"Um." I cleared my throat before speaking. "Prom is coming up. It's in a week."
"Is it? I didn't really notice." He said eating his food.
"Well... um... I'd really like it if you'd go...with me. If both of us... you know... go together."
"Y/n you know I'm not one for proms."
"Yeah I know, but we never really walked about it."
"What's there to talk about?" He asked.
"I don't know..." I trailed off, feeling foolish to even bring the topic up.
"Okay then." He said continuing to eat.

It was silent for a few moments until I spoke up.

"Look." I sighed. "Senior prom is important to me and you know what, I don't care if you don't want to go. That's fine. I'll just go by myself."
"You're gonna go alone?" He asked, seeming surprised.
"Yeah. So what? You don't want to go and I do. That way we both get what we want." I shrugged.
"Okay." was all he said.

When I left school I immediately drove to the mall to look for a dress. Prom is in a week, I'm hoping they're not sold out of all the good dresses. I walk into one of the stores and start looking around. I'm surprised by how many dresses they have.

"Wow." I whisper to myself as I admire a beautiful deep blue dress.
My eyes wander over to a bright yellow dress. The design is very pretty but yellow isn't my color. There's a sparkly black dress but I don't want to wear a black dress to prom. I spot a beautiful deep red two piece dress that has a sparkly top and a skirt that flares out at the bottom. I go over to the rack and find my size before going to the dressing room to try it on.

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