Hoseok ♡ Red Riding Hood AU

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A modern red riding hood au that's loosely based off notcypherwork's SOPE AU

I stepped out of the convenience store and started to head home. I was really craving a certain drink and decided to go out and get one despite it being 10:00 at night.
I opened the drink and took a sip. All of a sudden I felt a raindrop hit the top of my head. I ignored it until more started falling from the sky. It was only a slight drizzle but it was enough to bother me. I grabbed my red hood and pulled it over my head to protect my hair.

(Cliquearmy I'm waiting for y'all to make song references in the comments)

I was almost home when I noticed a shadow lingering at the corner of a building. My heart rate started to speed up. This guy might not be a bad guy but he looks pretty sketchy and something in the back of my mind is screaming at me to turn around.

I didn't listen.

As I approached the man I looked away trying to act like I was looking at the buildings. Just as I was about to pass him, he spoke up.

"What's an innocent girl like you doing out so late?"
"Excuse me?" I asked turning towards him.
"You shouldn't be out so late, especially all by yourself." He said stepping out of the shadows.

The man had dark brown hair and wore a printed t-shirt, a leather jacket and leather pants to match. He seemed really intimidating and like someone I shouldn't be talking to.

"It's dangerous out here." He said.
"What do you know?" I retorted, my voice getting snappy.
"Oh sweetheart I practically live on these streets." He said approaching me.
I stepped away.
"If you're naive enough to go out on these streets late at night you obviously have no knowledge of the dangers out here."
"I don't even know you. Leave me alone." I said and started walking off.

The guy seemed to get the message and didn't follow me as I headed home. I started hearing footsteps behind me. I sighed.

"I told you to stop following me." I said turning around.

It felt like my heart stopped when I saw it wasn't the guy from earlier. I started to quicken my pace and get away from the mystery man. Before I knew it someone had grabbed me.

"Are you trying to run away from me?" He asked.
"P-Please let go." I whimpered.
"Why would I do that?" He asked. "Then you'd get away."
The man shoved me against the wall of a nearby building, knocking the breath out of me

"I thought I told you it's dangerous out here."
My head snapped in the direction of the familiar voice.

The guy from earlier had somehow found me and was here to help... I hope.

"Let go of her." He said, his voice low.
"Or what?" My assailant asked.
"Or you'll regret it."
"Tch. Your threats mean nothing to me."

All of a sudden the creep was shoved off me. I watched as the guy who came to my rescue had him pinned to the wall.

I gasped when I saw his eyes glowing yellow. I noticed his nails had grown out along with his canines. He snarled at the guy showing off his long fangs.

"Leave and don't come back." He growled, his long claws digging into the man's neck.
"O-Okay okay." The man choked out.

As soon as he was let go he ran off. My "hero" turned towards me, his eyes, teeth and hands were back to normal.

"You're- you're a-" I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Yes. I am." He said. "I wouldn't be too worried about that right now. I just saved your butt."

He was right.

"Thanks for that by the way."
"Sure. But I told you it's dangerous out here."
"Yeah yeah I know."
"I feel like you owe me more than just an apology. I did save your life after all."
"I wouldn't go that far." I chuckled.
"Oh come on, you can't do me one little favor?"
"A favor? What did you have in mind?"
"Tell me your name."
"Really? That's it?" I snorted.
"Yeah." He shrugged.
"It's Y/n."
"Y/n." He repeated, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Okay so you're not gonna tell me your name?"
"You didn't ask."
"Oh my gosh." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What's your name?" I asked in a mocking tone.
"It's Hoseok." He said.
"Well Hoseok, thank you for saving my life."
"You're welcome."
"Goodnight." I gave him a small nod and started to walk off.
"Ah, actually..." he trailed off.
I stopped and turned towards him.
"Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like you owe me more than just your name."
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"The least you could do is give me your phone number." He said.
I was taken aback by his forwardness, but he's very cute so I think I can make an exception.
"Alright." I said stepping towards him. "I'll give you my number."
"Really?" He asked, his voice going higher.
It was a huge difference from the way he spoke before.
"Yes really." I said, a small chuckle leaving my lips.
He cleared his throat and straightened his jacket. "Cool." He replied flatly, pulling out his phone.
I put my name and number into his phone and handed it back to him.
"Should I be expecting a text from you tonight?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"I don't know, I might call you instead."
I let out a small chuckle and started walking off again.
"Wait." Hoseok ran up beside me. "Don't you think after what happened I should walk you home?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.
"Maybe you should."
"Perfect." He grinned and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Let's get going sweetheart."

QOTD: Converse or Vans?

AOTD: BOTH, but I like Vans more

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