Yoongi ♡ Werewolf AU [request]

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Requested by @user30256665 she wanted werewolf mate au
I haven't really written werewolf imagines because I'm more of a vampire kinda person so I hope this one turns out alright.

I walked through the woods, the leaves crunching against my boots. There's a small flower that grows at the base of a tree around here. I've been keeping an eye on it for a while and I like to keep a check on it ever so often.
I located the tree quickly, having been to it multiple times I had memorized the way. I crouched down and looked at the beautiful white flower. I admired the way it had a tiny hue of purple and blue. I wished I could dig it up and bring it home but I've never been good with caring for plants.

I heard the cracking sound of a stick somewhere in the woods. I snapped my head in the direction of the sound. Nothing.
I stand up and look around, not truly believing that I'm safe. I heard the leaves crunching as someone approached me. A low growl emitted from behind me. I slowly turned around wide eyed as I saw a wolf stepping towards me. He looks way too big to be a normal wolf.

That better not be what I think it is.

I stepped back trying to slowly get some distance between us. The dark brown wolf lunged at me. I was quick to step aside and dodge. I didn't give him another chance to try and attack because I broke out into a sprint, quite literally running for my life.
I know I most likely won't make it. The chances are slim, but if I die at least I'll be a little closer to civilization. Then my body won't be so hard to find.

I groaned out of annoyance with myself.

"Don't be thinking that way Y/n!" I thought to myself. "You can make it."

I pushed my legs to go faster even though they were burning and throbbing.

Suddenly I heard a whimper. I stopped in my tracks and saw a black wolf had attacked the brown one that was chasing me. I let out a gasp as I hid behind a nearby tree and watched. I know I should be running but I kind of wanna watch this wolf get his butt kicked.

I watched as the two wolves rolled around gnashing their teeth at each other and growling. The black wolf managed to bite the other one and somehow get him to calm down. The brown wolf backed away as the black wolf growled in a threatening way.

When the wolf left, I watched as the black one crouched down on the ground. I could see it morphing and changing. I wanted to run away but for some reason I was stuck.

I watched as the wolf turned into a man. He stood with his back turned to me and dusted himself off. He was breathing heavily and seemed worn out. He turned around and faced me. My breath caught in my throat and my heart started thumping faster in my chest. His eyes glowed yellow and I could see his sharp canines showing on his top and bottom rows of teeth.

Despite his glowing eyes and sharp teeth he's gorgeous.

I quickly came to my senses and mentally slapped myself.

He's a werewolf!

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes and teeth goin back to normal.
"Get away from me." I said backing up.
"I won't hurt you. I just wanna know if you're alright."

He did save me. I just don't know that I can trust him so quickly.

"I'm fine. Why did you save me?"
"I felt as if I was being pulled towards this area. I decided to come and check it out and I saw you were being chased."
"Are you what I think you are?" I asked staring at him. "Or was I seeing things just a moment ago?"
"You weren't seeing things. I am what you think I am."
I bit my lip and looked away, unsure of what to do.
"Um... well." I spoke up. "That was very nice of you to save me but I need to get back home." I started to turn around and walk off.
"Hey wait!" I heard leaved crunching as the man ran towards me.

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