Namjoon ♡ Imaginary

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My sister gave me this idea a while back. Hope you guys like it!

"Joonie c'mon." I excitedly pull him through the doors of the store, rushing over to one of the shelves. "Check out all these cool toys!"
"Yeah! I like that red car. It's so cool!"
"Ooh what about this?" I point to a plastic microphone. "These are fun. Your voice echoes in it."
"Really? That sounds fun."
"It is! Oh!" I turn my head, distracted by something else. I run over to a small shelf with jewelry displayed on it.
"Y/n!" Joonie says pointing to something on the shelf. "Check this out."
I stand on my tiptoes, peering over one of the shelves. A small necklace sits there displayed in its box. It's silver with a dainty blue heart on it.
"Wow." I gape.
"It's really pretty." He comments.
"It is."
"You would look really nice with that."
"I would?"
Joonie nods his head.
"Y/n?" My mom asks.
I turn my head to see her and my dad walking over to me.
"Did you find anything princess?" Dad asked.
"This!" I point to the necklace on one of the shelves.
"Oh it's very pretty." Mom comments.
"Joonie said it would look good on me! Can we buy it?" I ask.
"Oh, Joonie thinks it would look good on you?" Mom asked.
I nod.
"Well, if Joonie thinks so."

I ended up getting that necklace. I think mom bought it to make me feel better. She never thought Joonie was real, but she tried to play along for my sake. I continued to speak with him. We spent every day together. He would come to school with me sometimes and hang out with me. Some kids made fun of me for "talking to the air." I tried explaining that Joonie is my friend, but they were convinced I was imagining it.
When I turned ten, my parents spoke to me about Joonie. They said he wasn't real and that I need to let it go. It really hurt me that they didn't believe me when I told them Joonie was real. Then again, I also knew only I could see him.
After that, I started secretly talking to Joonie. I wouldn't talk to him in public. He understood why I had to do what I did. He was always understanding. I loved him. But one night, things changed.

"The sky is so pretty!" Joonie marveled.
"It is. The stars are bright tonight." I comment.
"Hey look!" He points. "A shooting star!"
I gasp, squeezing my eyes shut and clasping my hands together, making a wish.
"What did you wish for?" Joonie asked.
"I can't tell you." I giggle. "What did you wish for?"
"I'm not saying either."
"Okay, fine."

Joonie stopped showing up after that. I was so sad. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring him back. It broke my heart. I thought about him every day, wishing and hoping that he would return, but he never did. Eventually, I just gave up. Joonie became a distant memory. Of course, I still think about him. He was a big part of my childhood. Sometimes I even doodle him on a piece of paper.

I sit in the back of my college classroom and make a small sketch of Joonie, my free hand reaching up to touch the necklace he picked out for me all those years ago.

"Hey." Jimin plops down beside me.
I look up, seeing a big grin on the blonde's face.
"Morning Jiminie." I smile.
His eyes move down to the sketch of Joonie. He tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips.
"Hey." He spoke up. "There's a new student here that look like that guy you always draw, but older."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I mutter.
"No, I'm dead serious."
I look up at him.
"Who is that guy you always draw anyway."
"That's her imaginary boyfriend." Taehyung teased as he walked over.
"It is not. He's just... an old friend." I sigh.
"I'm only teasing, Y/n." Taehyung ruffled my hair playfully.
"Listen, you need to branch out and make more friends here." Jimin nudged me. "Taehyung and I can't be your only friends."
"He's right." Taehyung nodded. "You should come hang out with some of our friends."
"Yeah we're friends with some of the older students here."
"Except Jungkookie." Tae added.
"Yeah he's younger than us. I heard Yoongi is pretty close friends with the new guy." Jimin nudged me with a grin. "Don't you wanna meet him?"
"It's fine. None of them bite, they're just... eccentric." Taehyung said.
"Tae, you're eccentric." I pointed out.
"Okay, so they're not on my level of eccentricity, but they're lots of fun." He beamed.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least be introduced." I sigh.
"Yay!" The two of them cheer.

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