Jin ♡ Christmas

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"Oh Y/n!" Jin sang from our room.
The boys were invited to some Christmas party for Kpop groups. Dates are encouraged, so of course he wanted me to tag along.
I was in the bathroom trying to finish getting ready when I heard him calling my name.
"What is it?"
"Are you ready to see my outfit?"
I shook my head, stifling a laugh. "Sure."
I stepped out into the hallway facing our shared bedroom. Moments later Jin emerged from our room strutting down the hallway dressed in a red suit and green tie, a Santa hat on his head.
"Jin, babe." I chuckled.
"What? Doesn't it look good?" He asked spinning around.
"Well yeah, but it's a little cheesy don't you think?"
"Cheesy? No. Cheesy would be one of those Christmas suits that have an ugly sweater design printed on them."
"You have a point."
"Here put this on." Jin went to put a Santa hat on my head that I guess he was holding this whole time.
"Wait wait wait my hair." I backed away. "I spent hours trying to make my hair look decent, let me put the hat on."
"Alright alright." Jin sighed, handing me the festive, red hat.
I placed it on my head, stepping into the bathroom to adjust it in front of the mirror. Jin walked up behind me, looking at our reflections.

"Look at us. We're gonna be the best looking couple at the party."
"I don't know about the hat." I said. "Don't you think it looks a little weird with this dress?"
Jin tilted his head to the side. "No, I don't think so."
I wore a red glittery dress with a slit down the side. The Santa hat just doesn't seem to mix well. I examined myself in the mirror.
"Maybe it's not so bad."
"That's the spirit!" Jin hugged me tightly, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Now let's go, we don't want to be late."
"Hold on, let me grab my bag first."
I swiped my handbag off the nightstand in our room along with my phone before I got dragged out the door by Jin.
"Let's listen to some festive Christmas music shall we?" Jin turned up the radio the local station playing a classic Christmas song. Jin started to sing along, hitting every note perfectly. I watched the sky turn from blue to a beautiful mix of purple and pink as the sun set. The scenery before me was so beautiful, especially with Jin singing in the background.

Before I knew it, we had arrived at the building where the event was being held. Jin pulled up to the building and got out, tossing the keys to the valet before walking over and opening my door for me. I stepped out of the car, admiring the huge building as Jin led me to the entrance. He opened the doors and stepped into an entryway where a staff member was standing.

"Hello." He greeted us with a brief nod.
"Hello." Jin and I spoke in unison as we made our way to the dining room.
There were beautifully decorated round tables lining the room, a huge dance floor right in the middle.

I saw many familiar Kpop idols sitting around at their designated tables, some were up dancing. My eyes stopped on a familiar group of boys, all waving their arms wildly, well, except one and that would be Yoongi.

"There's the guys. Let's go have a seat." Jin said.
I nod and follow him to the table.
"Wow you guys look incredible." Taehyung said with wide eyes.
"Of course we do." Jin said straightening his suit jacket.
I nudged him roughly with my elbow.
"Ow!" He winced.
"Thank you Taehyung." I said politely to him before sending a glare to Jin.
We took a seat at the table, making ourselves comfortable.
"Hyung try this." Hoseok said sticking his fork out to Jin, a piece of beef on the end of it.
Jin being the non-picky eater he is, scarfed the whole thing down.
"Mmm! Where'd you get that?" He asked.
"Over there." He pointed to the corner of the room where a large table sat, all kinds of food lined up on it.
"C'mon babe let's go get some food." Jin said grabbing my hand.
I couldn't argue with him. I'm hungry too.

When we got to the table we started filling our plates with anything that looked good. We grabbed a drink before heading back to the table.

"Good grief you two!" Yoongi exclaimed when we set our plates down.
"What can I say? I found someone just like me." Jin smiled brightly, his eyes squinting up.

We both started digging in immediately.

"Did you get this?" Jin pointed time some sort of food on his plate.
"No I didn't see that!"
"Here try it. It's really good." He said getting some on his fork and feeding it to me.
"Ew. The couple is being mushy." Jungkook cringed.
"Hey!" Namjoon shoved him. "Be happy for your hyung."
"Yes Namjoon." Jungkook shut up immediately.


Jin and I had cleaned our plates and were both full, but very happy.

"Hey!" Taehyung stood up excitedly. "Let's all go dance!"
"Yeah let's goooo!" Hoseok jumped up from his seat.
"Shall we?" Jin held his hand out to me.
"Of course." I grinned, taking hold.

All of us made our way to the dance floor, Yoongi had to be dragged, but he made it.

Jin grabbed both my hands, the two of us swinging our arms around and dancing like idiots. We knew we looked stupid but we didn't care. We were just happy to be having fun with each other.

AHAHAHAHAHAH I've been rushing around for an hour trying to finish up the last 3 Christmas imagines and get them published before the new year
I still have 3 minutes to spare! Yes!!

Since tomorrow is Wednesday I'll be publishing a very special Christmas imagine to kick off the new year. I hope you all look forward to it !

Now I'm gonna get soft for a minute.
It's been a great year and I've made so many new friends through this imagines book. My first imagines book got TWO translations this year! I've gotten so many kind messages and so much love and support from you all and can't wait to see what 2020 holds! Happy New Year everyone! ❤️

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