Jin ♡ Breaking News

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Ok so I was lying on the couch one day and was mindlessly watching an ad for a local news station and this idea just popped into my head immediately. The whole story. There will be a couple cameos from some Kpop idols


Quick note: I will be referring to Jin as Seokjin for the majority of this imagine for storyline reasons

I jump into the news van, my cameraman behind me.

"Step on it. I have a news story to cover." I tell the driver.
"You got it."

I take a seat and wait impatiently for us to arrive at the location.

"Yunho I need you to get the camera ready. When we get there we need to jump out and start filming."
"I know." He sighed.
"Hey, sorry if I'm being pushy. You know how I feel about us being the first ones to report on these things."
"I know." He says again, a forced smile on his face.

The tires of the vehicle screech to a stop as we arrive at YG Entertainment. Before the van can fully stop, I've slid open the door and jumped out.

"Yunho come on come on!" I urge my cameraman to hurry and get the camera rolling.

He lugs the heavy camera onto his shoulder while I get the microphone hooked up. There's a noise causing Yunho to stop and check his phone.

"It's the boss. We're about to go live. You ready?" He asks looking up from his phone and slipping it back into his pocket.
"Ready." I nod and hold my microphone up.
"We're live in 3... 2...1."
"Hello everyone, I'm L/n Y/n with ATZ News and we're here at YG Entertainment to report on the fraud charges against YG. We're the first to report on-" I'm suddenly cut off and pushed out of frame.
"Hi I'm Kim Seokjin with BH news and I'm here to tell you that WE were the first news station here, not ATZ."

I'm appalled when I see Seokjin from BH News taking over my news broadcast.

"Actually, I didn't see your van here, so we were here first." I say shoving him away.
"No, we were parked beside that building. You couldn't see us." He said.
"I most definitely could, and there was no vehicle there."
"BH News is always the first one to report on breaking news stories."
"No. ATZ News is. I make sure I'm always here first, but you have to be right on my tail."
"Maybe if you just give up you wouldn't have to worry about me being "on your tail."

Little did I know Yunho was getting the whole spat on camera.

"Yunho! Are you still filming? Why are you still filming? Put that away!" I shout and put my hands over the camera lens.

*the next day*

I walk into the news office feeling everyone's eyes on me. My boss called me after the news story aired. He wasn't happy about what he saw and wanted me to come to his office as soon as I got to work. I'm ashamed of the way I acted yesterday on live television, but in my defense, it was Seokjin's fault.
I walk into my boss's office, my eyes focused on the gray carpet.

"Y/n. Thank you for coming in. Have a seat."

I take a seat in the leather chair across from him, finally tearing my eyes from the floor.

"What you did yesterday was uncalled for. That was unprofessional and immature."
"Yes sir, I know."
"It doesn't matter who got to the location first. You're there to report on it."
"Yes but to be the first news station at a breaking news location is big. I pride myself on getting there first, but Seokjin is-" I could see that my words had no effect on him. He looked utterly unimpressed and annoyed. "Sorry." I mutter.
"You have made our news company look really bad because of that little show yesterday. This competition you have with Seokjin is bad not only for our company, but theirs too."
"What's gonna happen to me?" I ask.
"Well, I've talked to the head of BH News and we both agreed that you and Seokjin need counseling to settle your differences."
"What?!" I shout louder than expected.
"It's either that or you lose your job."

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