Jimin ♡ Newborn Vampire Reader

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Had this random idea one day about newly turned vampire Y/n and vampire boyfriend Jimin helping her with her new life.

I sat in the living room, impatiently tapping my foot against the floor. My fingers unconsciously pulling at a loose string on the couch cushion.

Even from here I could smell it.


My mouth was watering at the thought of the thick, red liquid. I could practically taste it on my tongue. My body craves it, needs it.

"Here." Jimin stepped into the room, a fresh blood bag in hand.
I snatched it from him, ripping the top open, the sweet and savory scent filling my senses and fogging mind. The pleasant aroma was overwhelmingly strong now. The smell itself almost driving me mad. Without a second thought, I started gulping down the deep crimson liquid. My thirst finally being quenched.
"Easy there princess." Jimin giggled, ruffling my hair. "Slow down a bit."
"Sorry." I sighed. "I'm just so thirsty."
"I know. That's how it is when you're first turned."
I bring the blood bag up to my lips again, drinking a little more slowly. I heard Jimin let out a quiet chuckle.
"What?" I ask.
"You're just cute." He smiled. "I knew you would look beautiful as a vampire, but not this beautiful."
I bit my bottom lip, looking away bashfully.
"Oh, and by the way, red looks good on you." He added with a cheeky grin.
"Red?" I ask.
"Your eyes." He smirks, his eyes turning red themselves.
"Oh. I didn't even realize they turned."
"It happens." Jimin said, running his fingers through my hair. "You get so caught up in feeding that you don't realize much of anything."
"Yeah." I mutter, remembering all those times Jimin told me he lost control and couldn't snap himself out of it. "What if I hurt someone?" I ask quietly, worried I'll have the same fate as him.
"You won't." Jimin reassured me. "I won't let it happen. I promise."
I smile softly at him before taking a few big sips from the blood bag and finishing it off. Jimin let out a little chuckle, reaching over and wiping something off the corner of my mouth with his thumb. He brought his thumb to his mouth and licked the small amount of blood off of it. I felt a shiver run through my body at his small, and somewhat sensual, action.
"I'll throw this away." He said, taking the empty blood bag from me and leaving the room.

I got turned only two days ago. All of this is very new to me. The sounds I hear are much clearer and louder, smells are much stronger, and my vision is sharper than it's ever been. Not to mention the constant dryness in my throat. Jimin says it'll go away in a few weeks and I won't need to feed as often. My newfound strength and speed is strange as well.
It was my decision to be turned. Jimin and I had discussed it many times in the months leading up to my turning. I knew what I was in for, fully aware of the struggles that lied ahead.
I now understand what Jimin went through all those times he spent with me. I can smell everyone's blood when I'm waking down the street. It's so overwhelming.

I felt a presence behind me. I quickly jerked my head around, seeing Jimin standing behind the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Testing your instincts. Looks like I can't sneak up on you anymore." His full lips forming a pout.
"Good." I laugh. "I hated when you did that."
"I thought it was pretty funny." He chuckled as he hopped over the back of the couch, landing directly beside me.
"You jerk." I snickered, pinching his ear.
"Ah! Ow ow ow ow." He whined.
"Consider this payback." I say, releasing his ear.
"No fair. You're much stronger than me right now." He pouted as he rubbed his ear.
I shrug and lean into him.
A small giggle leaves his rosy lips as his arm drapes itself over my shoulders.
"You know, I worried about turning you." He stated. "I was afraid you would be so bloodthirsty you would go on a rampage. I knew you'd be much stronger than me and I feared I wouldn't be able to stop you."
"But?" I urge softly.
"But you've done so good." He beamed proudly, his free hand stroking my cheek lovingly.
I get a bit flustered at his compliment.
"Even as a vampire, I can't see your face flush." He teased.
"Stop it." I nudge him lightly.
He leans in, brushing his lips against mine. "I'm just kidding baby." He purrs, slowly moving closer until our lips connect.
I close my eyes, melting into the kiss. His hand immediately moves to the back of my neck, forcing our lips closer together.
One huge perk of being a vampire is that makeout sessions with Jimin are 100% better than they used to be. The emotions I feel are much stronger, plus, Jimin doesn't have to hold back anymore.
His hand trails down to my waist, his thumb moving his circles before he lightly squeezes my hip. He exhales against my lips as he pulls away, his cheeks flushed, his pupils blown out, and his eyes hazy.
"I'm never gonna get tired of that." He grinned lazily.
"Me neither. I feel like I've been missing out."
He smiles a little, his thumb tracing over my lips.
"What should I call you now?" He asked softly.
"What do you mean?"
"I already call you babe, baby, babygirl, honey. How about a new pet name?"
"What did you have in mind?" I inquired.
"My little bat." He grinned cheekily.
I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling.
"You like that, don't you?" He asked.
"Maybe a little." I admitted.
"Cute." He muttered quietly before pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek.
"Hey Jimin?"
"Can I have another one of those blood bags?"

This one was a bit short, nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Consider this a pre-Halloween imagine!

I know it's only mid September, but it's never too early for Halloween! In fact, I've been listening to my Halloween playlist on repeat since the first week of September.

BTS Imagines 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora