Taehyung ♡ Merman AU [request]

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Fanart is by sugashook on Tumblr

For this imagine I picture Taehyung with blue hair and his mullet (I miss it) and an extravagant blue tail with sparkles and a big dramatic fin

I swam through the water making sure to staying close to the bottom. I dug through the sand looking for shells. If you want to find the best shells you have to go out a little ways from the shore. I don't ever go out too far. I usually don't go past the sand bar. Except today.
As I'm searching for shells I notice a dark lump a few feet away. It's moving around quite a bit. I'm not sure what it is, and for some reason I swim closer. I go up to the surface for a moment to get a big breath of air before going back under. As I near the object I notice the creature is trapped in a net. All I can see is a bright blue tail thrashing around. I freeze when I see arms pulling at the net trying to break free.

That can't be what I think it is.

The person continued to wiggle around under the net and I see a head of blue hair flowing in the water. I bring my hand up to my mouth not believing what I'm seeing.

It's a merman.

I quickly push aside my shock and excitement as I swim over to rescue him. When he sees me his eyes widen and he starts thrashing around even more in an attempt to get away from me. I frantically shake my hands in a way to tell him that I mean no harm, but he doesn't seem to notice. I grab part of the net and start pulling up on it. As soon as I get the net up off the sandy floor, enough to make an opening for the merman to escape, he does. He gets out from under the net and swims off as fast as he can, not looking back.

I feel a little sad that he just left. I wanted to talk to him. My whole life I wanted to believe mermaids were real and now I finally saw one and he's gone. I swim up to the surface taking in a breath of air before swimming back to shore.


That night I was tossing and turning in bed, not able to forget about that merman. I really wanted to get a better look at him. The only thing I saw was his beautiful blue tail and his matching hair, I barely saw his face and didn't even get a good look at the details of his tail which I'm super bummed about.

Will I ever see him again?


It's been two days and I've pathetically been searching for the merman, hoping to see him again. I climb out onto the rocks lining the shore and sit on the one farthest out from the beach. I watch as the sky starts to turn a pink and orange color as the sun begins to set.

"Maybe I should just stop looking for him. He obviously doesn't want to be found." I say aloud and put my feet in the water. I feel a little sad as I accept the fact that I probably won't ever see this merman again.

There's a large splash a few feet away from me causing me to jump and pull my feet from the water. I can see something just beneath the surface, swimming closer. I notice bright blue hair swaying and my heart begins to race.
The merman from the other day pops his head up out of the water. I back away a little, still slightly startled.

"Hi." He speaks. His voice is deeper than I imagined.
"Um." He looks around nervously. "I'm sorry for swimming away from you the other day. Thank you for saving me."
"You're welcome." I said, still in shock.
"I brought you something as a way to say thank you."

He brought his hand up out of the water and held out a large pink tinted shell. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before. I let out a soft gasp and covered my mouth with my hand.

"I noticed you liked to collect shells so I got this for you." He held it out, his cheeks pink.
I reached out and carefully took it from him.
"Thank you." I said.
"My name's Taehyung." He said looking away shyly.
"I'm Y/n. Would you like to have a seat?"
He nodded and hopped up on the rock.
When he took a seat, a big part of his tail was exposed and I could get a better look at it. My eyes traveled down his tail. The vibrancy of it was incredible. I noticed little flecks of silver in his tail.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked nervously.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to stare." I said shyly. "Your tail is beautiful."
"Thank you. Do you want to see the rest of it?"
I nodded.

He lifted his tail up out of the water where I could get a good look at his fin. My eyes widened.

His fin was wide and fanned out at the bottom. It looked so extravagant and beautiful.

Taehyung dropped his tail back down in the water looking embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you nervous." I said.
"It's fine. I'm just shy. I've never had a pretty girl complement me like that before."
"Pretty?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes widened and he looked away. I could barely see him nod.
"Well, I think you're very handsome."
"I'm not handsome." He shook his head.
"Yes you are. I bet you're a prince too. You look like a prince."
He looked shocked.
"N-no! I'm definitely not a prince. I'm just a regular merman. Nothing special."
"I think you're special."
His cheeks became extremely pink.

Taehyung and I sat and talked for a while. I eventually got him to come out of his shell a little. We both unfortunately had to leave since the sun was starting to set.

"It was really nice talking to you Taehyung. Thank you for the seashell."
"You're welcome."
I started to get up but he stopped me.
"Um... Y/n?"
"You'll be here tomorrow, right?"
"If you want me to be."
"I do."
"Then I'll be here." I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow." I waved goodbye as I walked away.

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