Hoseok ♡ Vampire Prince

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I saw a tweet with this picture of Hoseok and it said "This only furthers the vampire prince Hoseok agenda." and I wanted to write an imagine about it.

My heart was pounding against my chest. First thing I'm being cornered by an insane vampire threatening to kidnap me and now I'm stuck in a car with two strange men.
They came out of nowhere and pulled the vampire off me before taking me and pulling me into this car with no explanation. The only thing they said was "You're safe now."

I don't know wether to believe these two or not. I live in a world where vampires keep humans as their own personal blood bag. For all I know, these two could be kidnapping me.

I sat in between the two vampires, scared out of my mind. Unsure of what lies ahead of me.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked shakily.
"Somewhere safe." One of them answered.
I nervously fiddled with my hands. Unsure of whether I should trust these guys or not.
A few minutes later, the car pulled up to a large house. The outside seemed very well taken care of. The color scheme of the house was black and gray. The style was sleek and modern, not scary at all.
The two men got out of the car and began leading me up to the huge doors. They took me inside, taking me through a large living room. The inside decor seemed to match the outer decor. Dark colors. A large couch sat in front of a fireplace, a small coffee table on the floor in front of the couch. It seemed cozy and modern.

"Your majesty." One of the men spoke.
"Have you brought her?" A new voice asked from somewhere inside the vast room.
"Yes." The other man answered.
A dark haired man dressed in all black appeared in front of us in an instant. His features were striking and beautiful. His eyes were bright and happy-looking, despite their red color. I quickly took notice of a smear of blood across his lip.
He quietly dismissed his guards leaving the two of us alone.
"Hello." He smiled showing off a pair of sharp fangs. "You must be Y/n."
I stepped away nervously.
"Oh. I'm so sorry." He turned away for a moment wiping his mouth. When he turned back to me, his eyes were a deep brown and his fangs had retracted. "My appearance seems to have startled you. I'm very sorry."
I looked at him, still feeling uneasy.
"Let's try this again." He sucked in a deep breath. "You must be Y/n."
"I am." I nodded.
"I'm Hoseok." He smiled warmly. "Come on. I'll show you around." He said.
"Wait. Show me around?" I asked.
"Yes. This is your new home now."

Oh no. I'm gonna become a blood bag for a vampire prince.

He seemed to sense my nervousness because he spoke up, immediately putting my worries at ease.

"There's no need to be afraid. I won't hurt you." He spoke calmly
"You won't?"
"No of course not. Truth be told, I've been watching you for a while. You're very beautiful and I didn't want another vampire to take you, so when my guards were out watching you tonight, they saw you get attacked and I gave them the go ahead to take you."
This was a lot of information to take in at once.
"You... saved me?" I asked.
"Well, I suppose I did. I just want you to be safe."
I nodded.
"Here." Hoseok held his hand out. "Let me show you around."
I reached out taking his hand. He took me out of the living room and brought me into the kitchen. The countertops were made from black marble, resembling a glittering galaxy.
"Here's the kitchen. Don't worry, there's human food in here, fully stocked." He grinned.
He then took me back into the living room and led me up an immense staircase leading to a hallway.
"That door leads to the bathroom." He pointed. "And just down the hallway here is your room."
He opened the door revealing a gorgeous bedroom.
"It's just got your basics. Bed, dresser, closet. You can decorate it however you'd like."
"It's... beautiful."
"Perfect!" He beamed. "I'm so glad you like it."
He then took me directly across the hall to another room. "This here is my room."
I looked around in awe. He had a black comforter on his bed, a desk in the corner of the room with a computer and large studio equipment on it. He had a shelf against one of the walls with brightly colored figurines lining the shelves. I also noticed a rainbow smiley face flower art print hanging on his wall along with a small sign that said "hope".
I would have never guessed a vampire lives here.

"This is your room?" I asked, unconsciously walking through the doorway.
"Yeah! You like it?"
"I do." I smiled. "It's very cute and..."
"Happy?" He asked.
"Yeah. Happy."
"It's weird for a vampire though, right?" He asked.
"It is, but I like it."
"I'm glad."
"What about that over there?" I asked pointing to his studio setup.
"Oh. I make music."
"What kind of music?"
"Hip hop." He answered shyly.
"That's so cool." I smiled.
"It is?"
"Of course it is. I never imagined a vampire making hip hop music and saying in a brightly decorated before."
"Well Y/n, if there one thing you should know about vampires, it's that we're just like you. We have interests and hobbies, and we don't all like dark colors."
"Ah. Sorry."
"Don't be." He said cheerfully, wrapping his arm around me.
I looked up at him. He seems to have realized what he did, because he pulled away rather quickly.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat. "Make yourself at home."
"What about clothes?" I asked.
"Oh. I can get my guards to go and get your clothes for you, or I can get you new ones."
"New clothes?"
"Mhm." He nodded.
"Well, I lived in a small, crappy apartment. I don't really have much." I spoke quietly.
"There's no need to worry about that anymore. Anything you need you let me know and I'll take care of it, okay?"
I looked at him, my heart swelling at his kindness. Without thinking I stepped forward and hugged him.
"Thank you Hoseok."
He let out a light chuckle and hugged me back.
"You're welcome."
His face slowly dipped into the cook of my neck. He inhaled deeply, tightening his arms around my waist. He was quick to pull away after that, his eyes wide.
"Oh my. You smell incredible." He put his hand over his nose and mouth. "I just fed before yo I got here, but your scent is intoxicating. Excuse me for a moment." He began to step out of the room.
"Wait." I moved my hair behind my shoulder. "Here."
"No. That's not why I brought you here."
"It's okay. You saved me, plus you're giving me a place to stay and providing me with everything I need. It's the least I can do."
"You don't have to do that Y/n."
"I want to."
He looked at me for a moment. I could see he was trying to figure out what to do. Slowly, he pulled me to him, his arms wrapping securely around my waist.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
I nodded.
I saw as his fangs poking out from under his top lip, his dark brown eyes turning a deep red.
"I'll be gentle, I promise." He said running his hand over my cheek.
He dipped his head into the crook of my neck, I shivered when he placed a soft kiss to my skin. A second later I felt his fangs pierce into my neck. Hoseok started to gently rub my back as he drank from me. It didn't hurt, it felt soothing.
He pulled away after a moment, making sure not to take too much blood. He licked his lips, his eyes and teeth going back to normal. I looked up at Hoseok admiring his features up close. His skin was perfect, his nose was so cute and his lips were so pretty. I couldn't help but smile at the small mole adorning his top lip.

"Are you okay?" He asked, snapping me from my thoughts.
"I'm fine. S-sorry." I stuttered nervously. "I was distracted. You're very handsome."
"Oh." He blushed. "No one has ever said that to me. Thank you."
"Can I kiss you?" I asked before my brain could kick in and stop the words from leaving my mouth.
"Yes." Hoseok answered almost immediately.
He leaned in encasing my lips in his, kissing me softly, cupping my cheeks with his soft hands.

I'm so grateful it was him that found me and not some creepy vampire who only wanted to use me for blood.

He pulled me closer to him, keeping me secure in his arms as we kissed. He hummed softly against my lips, his hands gently rubbing my waist. Despite him being a vampire, I felt warm in his embrace. I pulled away, a blush on my cheeks.

"How was it?" He asked quietly.
"Like nothing I've ever experienced."
"Me neither." He smiled, his fingertips tracing over my cheek. "Are you hungry?"
"A little."
"We'll go make you something good. Come on sweetheart." Hoseok took my hand and led me out of the room.

The ending of this was kind of abrupt I'm sorry. I suck at ending imagines. After you've done nearly 300 it's hard to come up with a decent ending and you just start to get lazy hnfndjs

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