Namjoon ♡ Jealous [request]

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Requested by CozmeticRm 💜 she requested an imagine where Y/n and Namjoon go on a date and get interrupted by Y/n's old school friend 👀
I'm choosing Vernon from Seventeen as her high school friend. He won't be a Kpop idol in this imagine though, just a regular person.
Also I went ahead and decided to publish this because you're so freaking nice and you always complement my writing uwu 💕💘💖💞💗💓💕💘💗💖💓


I got my camera ready and waited. BTS have just accepted their award and are headed backstage to their dressing room. I waited and waited but they never came. I started to walk down the hallway in search of the seven beautiful Korean boys. I turned a corner and bumped into someone's chest. My camera fell from my hands.
The guy and I both bent down to retrieve the camera. Both our hands grabbed it at the same time and we stood back up. I looked up to see who I had bumped into. My eyes widened. It's Kim Namjoon.
My face heated up just looking at him. He's even more beautiful in person. Next thing I know I'm profusely apologizing.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz."
"It's okay." He said, laughing. He glanced down at the lanyard around my neck and the camera in my hands. "Y/n. Do work here?"
"No. I'm an amateur photographer and my friend was able to get me VIP access to this event. She's a host on a variety show and was able to pull some strings."
"That's cool." He smiled. "Is your camera alright? You dropped it just now."
"Ah. I hope it is." I said examining it. I turned the camera on and it worked just fine.
"Yes it still works. Thank goodness because this is expensive."
"I like your shoes." He said.
"Oh! Thanks they're new. I've been making a good amount of money with my photography here lately and figured why not treat myself." I smiled.
Namjoon smiled, biting his lip causing my heart to do front flips in my chest.
I was so distracted that I hadn't noticed the rest of BTS walk past us and into their dressing room.

"Crap!" I said.
"What is it?"
"I was supposed to get pictures of you guys on your way to your dressing room but I missed it. The rest of your group just walked by."
"Then come in our dressing room. You can take pictures there."
"No, you guys need your privacy."
"It's okay. We don't mind. Plus I made you drop your camera."
"No you didn't." I said. "That was all me."
"Please, just come in the dressing room and get the pictures. It might be the only opportunity you have." He said.
"Okay fine." I sighed. "Thank you."

We headed towards the dressing room door, I went to open it but Namjoon spoke up making me freeze.

"Wait." He said stopping me.
"What is it?"
"I'll let you get the pictures you need only if you give me your number first."
He smirked and leaned against the door frame. Proud of how smooth he is.
I blushed. "Okay. Deal."

Present day

Namjoon was finally on a break after working so hard promoting the boys' new album. He planned a special date for us tonight since we haven't got to spend much time together.

I finished doing my makeup and made sure everything was just right before meeting with Namjoon outside my apartment. He greeted me with a long kiss.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled against my lips before going in for another kiss.
I put my hands on the sides of his face and kissed back before we both pulled away.

"I love you so much. I'm so glad I asked for your number that night." He said.
"Me too."

Namjoon wanted to keep the date location a secret. The only thing he told me was to wear comfortable shoes, so I assume we'll be walking wherever we're going.
The drive to the "secret" date location was surprisingly short. Namjoon and I got out of the car and started walking down the street. He turned down a small cobblestone pathway and continued walking. I saw a sign for a local garden sitting amongst the flowers. I let out a small gasp when I realized where we were.

There's a garden that does this event once a year where they string lights up in the trees and decorate the garden with beautiful light displays. Namjoon grinned seeing my reaction. We walked further and I started seeing fairy light covered bushes and trees. Namjoon grasped my hand as we made our way through the garden. We stopped and I took a few pictures of us in front of the lights.

A guy came along and saw us snapping photos.

"Excuse me, I can take a picture of you two if you'd like." He offered.

Namjoon and I exchanged glances for a moment before agreeing. I handed my phone to him and posed with Namjoon. The guy handed my phone back and I thanked him.
He stopped for a moment and looked at me.

"Wait a minute. Y/n."
"Yes?" I asked.
"Y/n it's you!"

I looked at the guy for a moment before it clicked.

"Vernon!" I exclaimed.

We both hugged each other.

"I haven't seen you in five years." He said pulling away.
"Yeah it's been a while. I'm sorry it took me a while to recognize you."
"It's okay." He smiled.

Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Oh! Vernon this is my boyfriend Namjoon."
"Yes I recognize you! From BTS, you're very talented."
"Thanks." Namjoon said shortly.
"Uh... Namjoon this is Vernon. We were friends in high school."
"Nice to meet you." Vernon said extending his hand.

Namjoon stared down at it.

Vernon cleared his throat awkwardly. "Anyway." He said pulling his hand back. "It was nice seeing you again Y/n. We should catch up sometime."
"Y/n has to go." Namjoon said pulling me away.
"Um. Bye Vernon, I'll see you around?" I said as I was pulled away.

"Namjoon, what are you doing?" I asked trying to keep up with him.
He didn't answer.
"What about our date?"
Still no answer.

We walked back the way we came and got back in the car. Namjoon started the car and headed home.

"Namjoon what was that back there? We didn't even finish our date."

He didn't speak. He didn't say a word. He just drove until we got to my apartment. He got out of the car and opened the door for me to get out. I followed him inside my apartment.

"Hey!" I shout getting his attention. "Why are you acting so strange? What's your problem?! You just pulled me away from Vernon and we didn't even get to finish our date!"
"You wanna know what's wrong?" He asked stalking towards me. "You hugging Vernon like that."
"I didn't mean anything by it!" I shout. "I haven't seen him in five years."
"You introduces me as your boyfriend and he has the audacity to say that you two should "catch up sometime?" He asked using air quotes.
I was about to speak up but Namjoon grabbed my waist tightly and pushed me against the wall.
"You're mine." He growled.
My breath caught in my throat.
"Say it." He demanded.
"Say... what?" I gulped.
"Say that you're mine."
"I-I'm yours."

He grabbed the back of my neck and started attacking my lips. He kissed me roughly and bit down lightly on my bottom lip. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me close to him. I moved my hands up to run through the his hair tugging on it a little. He sighed against my lips and pulled away, both of us breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry I got jealous." He sighed deeply.
"It's okay."
"No. I ruined our date."
"Namjoon." I said grabbing his face. "It's okay. We can do it again another time."
"You don't wanna go back tonight?" He asked.
"No. I want to lay down and cuddle with you."
He smiled softly and lifted me into his arms carrying me to my room.

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