Hoseok ♡ Black Swan

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I walked around the moss covered forest, my bare feet brushing against the growth as I passed by large trees towering over me. They became more dense the further I got.
I had been yearning to go back to my secret spot by the lake for a few days now. Things have just gotten to be too much.
As much as I wish I could fly to my desired location I can't. I don't want anyone to see me, which is why I resort to walking.

I hear the sound of something rustling through some nearby leaves. My wings immediately swoop in front of me, shielding my body from the unknown danger. When nothing happens, I shakily move my wings, peeking out into the forest. A small squirrel scampers in front of me, stopping to pick up an acorn before skittering away. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Geez Y/n. You scaredy cat." I shook my head at my own reaction and carried on with my short journey.

My heart thumped with excitement as I spotted the beautiful lake in the middle of the woods, a sparkling waterfall sitting right at the back of it. I took a seat in the grass and dipped my toes in the cool water, relaxation washing over me. I stare down at my reflection, breathing out a sigh. I lightly kick my feet around in the water, my reflection becoming distorted.

I've been rather lonely here recently, feeling like somewhat of an outcast, like I don't belong. Everyone in my village seems to have found someone to be with.... except me. We're taught to find a job weather it be making baskets with the women in our village or making food. Then we must find someone to spend our lives with and start a family with that person, nothing more. The problem is, I don't want that at all. I want someone, yes, but I want someone to go on adventures with. I don't want to be tied down, taking care of someone my whole life and working my fingers to the bone. I want to have fun.

"Am I too picky?" I wonder to myself.

My eyes move from the water to a small patch of flowers nearby. I reach out, pulling one from the earth. I admire the small, pale pink flower, twisting it between my fingers, looking at it from every angle. I start plucking the petals away one by one, lost in tonight. I hold them in my palm, watching as minuscule flecks of sparkles embedded into the petals catch in the light.

"I wish I could just be happy." I sigh, dropping the petals. The wind blows some of them into the water. I watch as they float further and further away from me, dancing on the lake's surface. A blue glow starts to emit from the water. A gasp leaves my lips as I stare at it in awe, wondering why it could be doing that. Maybe a weird reaction from the flower petals? I decide not to worry about it and lay back in the grass, my wings creating a sort of cushion underneath my back. I let out a deep breath, closing my eyes, allowing the warm breeze to brush past me. It gets stronger, causing me to squeeze my eyes tightly as my hair gets blown in front of my face. The wind dies down almost instantly. It was really strange, but I decided not to worry about it. I'm here to relax.
The weather was perfect. The sun was out just a little, but it wasn't shining into my eyes thanks to all the trees. I could feel my body starting to calm down, a slight feeling of drowsiness falling over me.


I could feel myself slowly starting to wake up.

Did I fall asleep?

The last thing I remember is lying here and feeling so comfortable, so I guess I did doze off. I wonder how long I was asleep.
My eyes start to open, still heavy from drowsiness. I squint, the harsh light too bright for me. I see a figure standing over me, appearing to be looking down.
I jump, my eyes opening wide. The man jumps at my reaction, letting out a shriek. I sit up, looking at him. The first think I notice is his black wings.

"Hello." He smiles brightly. "Sorry to frighten you."
"You're..." I trailed off, staring at his wings. "You're a black swan."
"I am!" He beams proudly, taking a seat next to me. "I'm Hoseok."
"I'm Y/n."
"Pleased to meet you." He reaches his hand out.
I hesitantly shake his hand.
"Where did you come from?" I ask.
"The sky." He answered plainly. "I saw you down here and something told me to come and check on you. I don't know why."
"So, what brings you to the magical lake?" He asked.
"Magical?" I question, tilting my head to the side.
"Yeah it's magic. Did you not know?"
"No." I shake my head.
"Well, they say you can make wishes and the lake grants them. Did you make a wish?"
"Well... I don't know." I trailed off, my mind going back to when I saw the lake glowing. "I think I did."
"What did you wish for?"
"I wished for happiness."
"Ah! That makes sense!" He beamed joyfully.
"You know how I said something told me to come check on you?"
I nod.
"That's what it was! The lake! You wished for happiness and here I am!"
"I'm here to make you happy Y/n." He smiled.
For some reason that made my heart flutter.
"So tell me, why are you unhappy?"
"Well, my village has a certain way of doing things and I just don't agree with it."
"I see. You don't want to be stuck doing the same thing your whole life. You want someone to be by your side. Someone to adventure with, right?" Hoseok asked.
"Yeah. How did you know?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. "I feel like I just knew what it was."
This is so strange.
My mind wandered somewhere else as I tried to make sense of what was going on. Something tickled my hair causing me to snap back into reality. I turned towards the smiling man who seemed to be oozing with bubbly and gleeful energy. I saw him with a handful of flowers, gingerly placing them in my hair.
"There." He grinned. "So pretty."
"What's so pretty?" I asked.
"You. You're so pretty." He smiled.
I bit my lip, my cheeks getting hot. I looked up at him. He was glowing. His eyes were scrunched up, his heart shaped smile and perfect teeth were on full display. He really is a good looking guy, really good looking actually, much more handsome than the guys in my village. I haven't been around him for long, but I'm already starting to get this warm feeling in my chest.
"So Y/n, where do you want to adventure to first?"
"I don't know." I murmured, playing with a blade of grass. "I'd like to visit the mountains."
"Okay. Then that's where we'll go first."
"Of course, silly!" He said poking my cheek. "You and me, together!"
Me and Hoseok? Adventuring together?
The idea doesn't sound so bad.
"Is it weird of me to say that I like you at lot, even though we just met?" I asked hesitantly.
"Not at all, because I feel the same way."
I tried to hold back the grin that tried to make its way onto my face.
"I can tell your mood has brightened a lot since I got here." He said with a giggle, his hand brushing against my wings. His arm wrapped around my waist.
"You're right. Thank you Hoseok."
"Of course. It's what I'm here for." He said.
We sat there together admiring the lake. I really enjoyed his presence and it oddly felt like I'd known him for more than just an hour.
"How about you come live with me, away from your village. We can be together and live by our own rules." Hoseok spoke up.
"That sounds like a dream." I smiled.
"It can become a reality. I know it's sudden and you'll probably need some time to think about it, but-"
"Yes. I'll come live with you." I spoke up.
"Really?! Ah that's amazing!",He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek catching me off guard. "We can go there now. I can show you my cottage. It's tiny and cute and warm and cozy. I have lots of pillows, blankets and delicious snacks!" He went on, rambling excitedly.
I smiled, happily listening to him.

Maybe my wish came true. I asked for happiness and I got it in the form of Hoseok.

QOTD: Have you guys been catching up on shows or watching any movies during this quarantine?

AOTD: I've been trying to finish season 4 of My Hero Academia, I watched a Korean movie called Beautiful Vampire, I watched Birds of Prey, and my family and I binge watched all of Tiger King. So I'd say I've been doing quite a bit of tv watching 😂

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