Taehyung ♡ Christmas

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"Okay let's take one like this." Taehyung pulled me into his chest, using his free hand to hold up his phone in front of the mirror.
I wrapped my arms around him looking into the back facing camera smiling for the photo.
He snapped the picture, looking down fondly at his phone screen.
"We're so cute." He giggled. "I'm totally setting this as my lock screen...and my home screen."
It was November 30, Taehyung and I planned to start decorating for Christmas today. We always wear our matching sweaters when we decorate and Taehyung wanted to take pictures, so we're doing that right now.
"Okay now let me take one." I said pulling my phone out. I opened up the snow app and chose a cute Christmas filter. I held my phone out making sure both Taehyung and I were in frame. He pressed his chin on my shoulder and I used my free hand to cup his cheek. He grinned brightly, his boxy smile on display. I took the picture, looking at the end result.
"This in is gonna be my home screen and lock screen." I beamed.
"Here let's take one where we're squishing each other's faces." Taehyung said.
"Alright." I giggled.
He held his phone out and we posed for the photo.
"Ah cute!" He gushed. "Let's go eat breakfast. I'll make snowman shaped pancakes and hot chocolate!"
We went to the kitchen and started preparing a quick breakfast. The pancakes turned out to be pretty alright. They looked like snowmen and chocolate chips for eyes and buttons.
"Tae, this is so cute." I said snapping a quick photo.
"Of course it is. I'm a professional chef."
"Whatever you say baby." I chuckled.

After breakfast, Taehyung and I dragged out the Christmas tree and got it set up. Then, we hauled in the storage containers that held the decorations, lights, and ornaments.

"Should we start on the lights next?" I asked.
"Yeah let's start stringing lights." Taehyung said opening a plastic storage container. He reached in and pulled out a huge wad of Christmas lights. "Looks like we'll have to untangle them first." He laughed awkwardly.
"It'll be alright. Let's get started."
Taehyung dropped the clump of Christmas lights onto the ground.
I fumbled around for the end of the string of lights, triumphantly holding it up after I found it quicker than expected.
"Good, you found the end, now what?" Taehyung asked.
"I don't know. Maybe just pick it up and start shaking it. That usually works with tangled necklaces."
"Does it?"
"Not all the time, but it's worth a shot."
Taehyung shrugged and lifted the ball of Christmas lights, shaking it around. A few strands fell loose, thankfully. Taehyung and I started to work on those, slowly getting the lights a little less tangled.

"Grab that end right there." Taehyung said.
"Where?" I asked.
"Here. You see me shaking it?"
"Oh okay." I grabbed the string of lights, pulling and maneuvering it until it was untangled.


"Taehyung we've been at this for hours." I whined. "I'm tired." I dropped the twisted and tangled mass of Christmas lights on the floor.
"We'll get there. Just keep working on it." Taehyung said hopefully.
"My back hurts. We've been hunched over these lights for an hour."
"How about we take a hit chocolate break?"
"Really?" I ask sitting up straight.
"Yeah. I'll go make it right now. You stay there."
"Okay." I grinned.

I patiently waited, hearing Taehyung shuffling things around in the kitchen. A few minutes later he returned to the living room with two large mugs full of hot chocolate, a huge swirl of whipped cream on top.

"Ahhh thank you!" I grinned, taking the warm mug from him.
He sat down next to me on the floor and held his mug out. "To a Merry Christmas." He said.
"To a Merry Christmas." I repeated, clinking my mug lightly against his.
We both carefully took a sip of the hot liquid, both of us getting whipped cream on our noses in the process.
"Look at you." I giggled pointing at Taehyung.
"Me? What about you?"
We laughed at each other and talked about literally everything, taking a break from the stressful untangling of the Christmas lights.
Once our Christmas mugs were empty, we had to get back to the lights.

"I don't know how we're gonna get these untangled." I said standing up. The lights had somehow gotten wrapped around my arms and legs.
Taehyung burst out in a fit of laughter at my silly appearance.
"You look like a Christmas tree!" He said.
"Taehyung stop. Come help me."
"Let me plug them in first." He giggled, rushing over to the wall outlet.
He put the plug in the outlet, causing all the lights to turn on.
"So cute!" He gushed, walking over to me. "I'll help you now."
He started to pull some of the lights off me, tossing them over his arm. I noticed his feet where starting to get tangled in the string of lights looking up on the floor.
"Okay, I think this one can be pulled through here." Taehyung mumbled to himself as he grabbed one of the strands. He pulled on it, jerking me forward into his chest.

"Ahhh Taehyung!" I squeaked as we both went tumbling to the ground.
We both landed on the floor, me right on top of Taehyung.
"Oops." He coughed. "Didn't know that strand was tangled around you."
"Never mind that. Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. Just got the breath knocked out of me but I'll be fine."
I sighed, running my fingers through hair.
"What a mess." I chuckled.
"We can be a mess together." He smiled softly before pulling me into a kiss.
I closed my eyes, melting into the kiss. I can't help but think about how romantic this probably looks. A couple, tangled up in bright Christmas lights kissing. It sounds like something out of the movies or a love novel.
Taehyung pulled away, a fond look on his face.

"My Christmas angel." He grinned.
"T-Taehyung." I blushed furiously.
"I'm serious."
"Yeah. O-Okay let's just finish getting these lights untangled."
"Whatever you say angel."

I was in a rush to finish this one h a
Anyway I decided to double update since it's Christmas!
I'm still working on the others. They're only halfway written right now. If I finish them I'll go ahead and update all of them tonight as a special Christmas gift to you guys!
Also I started writing a special Christmas imagine last night and I'm really excited to show you guys!

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