Jimin ♡ Jealous [request]

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This was requested by @ayeitz_joxy101 they requested an imagine where Jimin gets jealous

The boys got a well deserved break in their schedule. They released their new album and had finally finished promoting it and going to all their interviews. The boys requested a vacation and thankfully, the company was able to deliver. Jimin requested that I be able to go with them, and thanks to Jin nearly scaring the crap out of Bang PD I was able to go.

Our destination was Bora Bora. A place no one had been before. I was super excited because this is the first time I'm getting to travel with the boys. I'm usually stuck in the dorm while their touring so I've never been able to travel with them. It was so crazy getting to ride on a private plane. The whole flight Jimin was cuddled up to me, showering me with kisses talking about how happy he was that I could go with them.

After hours of being cramped on the plane we had made it to our destination. The company booked a very nice hotel suite for us. Unfortunately we had to be accompanied, but that's how it has to be when a world famous Kpop group goes on vacation. It wasn't too bad, just a few managers and staff members had to tag along, that's all.

Everyone stood around waiting for the staff to get us checked in.

"Mmm I'm so happy you could come." Jimin hummed, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Me too."
"It's all thanks to me." Jin said proudly. "Y/n would never have gotten to come if it weren't for my persuasive talents."
"Yeah whatever hyung." Jimin said.

We got checked into our room and chose who was going to sleep in which bedroom.

"Y/n and I call this room!" Jimin yelled and dropped his bags on the floor.
I set my bags down next to his and flopped down on the bed.

"This is so exciting! What should we do first?"
"We should check out the pool and the beach!" Jimin said.
"Did someone say beach?" Hoseok asked bursting into our room.
"Yes! Should we check it out?" I asked.
"What about unpacking?"
"Unpacking can wait." Jimin said. "We're on vacation. We should enjoy it."

Sadly we had to wait for everyone to get unpacked anyway. Then we were finally able to head to the beach.

I wore my brand new bikini feeling quite confident. Jimin and I ran across the sand trying to see who could make it to the water first. He won. But I didn't care.

We played around in the water for a while, then we collected some seashells. Both of us are laying down on our beach towels enjoying the sun. All of a sudden Taehyung ran up taking pictures of us with his camera.

"Tae!" I giggled and put my hand on the camera lens.
"Nooo~ let me get a picture of you for my scrapbook."
"I don't have makeup on!" I giggled and covered my face.
Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled it away snapping a photo.
At this point Jimin had taken notice of the situation. He sat up and started glaring at the two of us.

Taehyung ran off laughing in victory that he got a picture.
Jimin stood up and gathered his items along with mine.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Come here." He said grabbing my hand.

He didn't answer me as he pulled me towards the hotel. I didn't say a word until we got into the hotel room.
Jimin was acting really mad. I could tell he was jealous.

"Hey." I spoke softly. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? Taehyung was grabbing your hand and trying to take pictures of you." He snapped.
"He didn't mean anything by it Jimin."
"How do you know?"
"Why are you taking up for him?"
"I'm not. I just think that maybe you're overreacting."
"Overreacting?" He asked raising his voice a little.
"Yeah. I think Taehyung was just trying to have a little fun."
"Oh so now I'm ruining the fun?"
"No! Jimin you're taking things out of context."
"Am I Y/n?" He yelled.
"Yes you are!" I yelled back.

Jimin stood just a few feet from me, staring at me with angry eyes as he breathed heavily, his shoulders moving up and down. I didn't want to say anything, afraid I'd make him even more angry.

We walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I'm being uptight and ruining our vacation. I guess I was just jealous."
"You were jealous?" I asked.
"Yeah." He admitted shyly.
"Aw Jimin." I grabbed his cheeks and squished them. "You have no reason to be jealous. I love you. Okay?"
He nodded.
I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. I started to pull away but he forced our lips together again. We kissed a for a little longer until we pulled away.

"Come on baby. Let's go and enjoy our vacation." I said pulling him out of the hotel room.

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