Jin ♡ Annoying Co-Worker

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I sat at my desk, typing away on my computer. I glanced over at a stack of papers beside me and started reading through them, typing down information from them.

I huffed out an annoyed sigh.

"You've been peeking over my desk for the past five minutes. What do you want?" I ask.
"Nothing." Seokjin grins from over the barrier of my cubicle, continuing to stare.
"Well I'm trying to work. You should be too."
"Who needs work when you have a face like mine." He grinned, brushing his hair back.
"Yeah... whatever you say." I turn my attention back to my work.

I manage to finish a small stack of papers without any interruptions. The phone at my desk rings, I answer it immediately.

"Y&H, this is Y/n how may I help you?" I answer. "Yes, I can get a message to him. Name and number, please? Okay, thank you. Alright goodbye."
I pull out a piece of paper, scribbling the customer's name and number on it. I dial my boss's number and see if he picks up.
"Hey. I just got a call from a woman who had issues with an order. She wanted me to get a message to you." I say. "Yeah her name is..." I grab the piece of paper with her information on it and read it off. My jaw clenches when I see a small note scribbled upside down on the top of my paper.

Hey beautiful ;)

I quickly end the call with my boss before writing something down and sliding it through the gap between the wall of my cubicle and the desk. It reads: Stop writing on my paper ;)

I hear a small laugh from Jin, then the paper gets slid back over to me.

Don't slide a blank piece of paper onto my desk then.

"It was an accident." I huff, earning another laugh from Jin.
By some miracle, I made it through the day without any more interruptions. Thankful to finally go home, I gathered my things, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
"Hey Y/n." Jin called after me.
"Yes?" I ask, trying my best to be nice.
"There's this project coming up and I think we should work together on it."
"No thank you. I'll pick someone else." I politely decline.
"C'mon Y/n. Why not?"
"You're constantly flirting with me. We won't get anything done."
"What if I promise not to flirt?" He asked.
"No. Now, I really would like to go home."
"Okay." Jin sighed.


The next day at work, Jin didn't bother me at all for the most part of the day. He left his cubicle, which I didn't pay much attention to. I was just thankful I was able to get some work done. Placing some papers into a file folder, I set it aside, stretching my arms out.

"Oh Y/n~"

Oh no.

"Yes?" I ask, turning around to see him leaning against the entrance of my cubicle.
"Guess what?"
"You and I are partners." He winked.
"The boss paired us up for the project."
"No way. There's absolutely no way he did that."
"He did." Jin grinned proudly.

What actually happened...

"Yoongi. Please say you'll pair me and Y/n up for this project."
"No, Jin. She can pick whoever she wants."
"I don't want her to pick who she wants." He whined.
"You're wasting my time." Yoongi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If Hoseok wasn't out of the office today I'd tell you to go bother him."
"I'm begging you." Jin clasped his hands, dropping to his knees. "Pleaseeeee Yoongi. You can't say no to this handsome face, can you?"
"C'mon. Help your favorite hyung out." He pouted.
"Fine." Yoongi huffed, finally caving in. "I'm only agreeing to this because I want you to quit bothering me."
"Thank you!" Jin jumped to his feet and hugged the small, and very irritated, man.
"Yeah yeah. Now get back to work."
"Wait! I need you to write it down so I can give it to Y/n. She won't believe me if I tell her without proof."

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