Jin ♡ Cooking Lessons

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Once again, thank you to TaesWolfie for giving me with this imagine idea!

I walk into the empty classroom and start getting out my supplies for the day. I teach a cooking class for people who want to learn how to cook meals. It's for everyone, single people, people who want to learn how to make meals for their significant others, people don't know, or never learned, how to cook for themselves. Whatever the reason, I'm here to help them.

Today's meal is something simple. Shrimp Alfredo. It's delicious and easy to make. It's perfect for a date night or a night alone watching tv.

I watch as the first few people start filing into the classroom, taking their places behind the prep tables and stoves. A large, rambunctious group of boys walk in laughing and cutting up. They're all easy on the eyes. I catch myself staring as they walk into the room, splitting off into pairs and standing at the prep tables. My eyes land on one of the tall ones. His hair is black and looks a bit longer in the back. His lips are full and his shoulders are wide. He wears a simple, light blue dress shirt and looks absolutely incredible in it.
I quickly snap myself out of it and finish prepping for today's class.

Once I had everything laid out, I cleared my throat and got the class' attention.

"Welcome everyone. It's nice to have you all here. Thank you for choosing to come here today, I appreciate it." I smile. "Now, I recognize a few familiar faces. Welcome back. To the new people here, welcome. I'm L/n F/n, I reach this cooking class once a week. This class is for anyone and everyone. It's for people who just want to cook for fun, for friends, family, or for a significant other. It doesn't matter. Everyone is welcome."
I finish with the introduction and clasp my hands together.
"Alright, let's get started. Today's meal is shrimp Alfredo. It's simple and easy to make and it's perfect for any occasion."
I notice someone near the back raise their hand.
"Yes?" I call on him.
"Um. What if you don't like seafood?" He asked shyly.
"You can easily replace the shrimp with chicken, or you could have the Alfredo plain.
"Ah. Okay." He nodded, a dimpled smile appearing on his face. "Thank you."
I nod and get back to the class.
"First thing's first, put on your aprons and wash your hands. Next, get a pot or a medium size saucepan, depending on how much food you're going to make, and fill it about halfway. Today we're making a small batch, so you all have medium saucepans on your stove."

I watched as everyone got to work, smiling to myself. I truly love my job.

"Next, turn the stove eye all the way on high and get the water boiling." I instructed. "Once that's finished, get your dry noodles and put them in the water."
Once I saw everyone was finished, I moved on and started giving instructions on how to peel and prepare the shrimp.
Afterwards, I went around the room to see how everyone was doing so far. I walked over to the broad shouldered man, watching as he cooked skillfully, his partner seemed to be struggling a bit. I recognized him as the one who asked about seafood.

"Are you guys good over here?" I ask.
"Yeah." He smiled.
"What about you?" I ask the broad shouldered one. "You seem to be doing a fantastic job."
"Thank you." He smiled brightly, making my heart flip. "I'm really enjoying this class so far."
"Oh." I blush. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

I move on to the next table, watching a bubbly man with a boxy smile sautéing shrimp while his less energetic partner kept an eye on the pasta.

After checking in on everyone and preventing some accidents, I returned to my station and started giving instructions on how to make the sauce.


"Alright everyone, now you need to drain the water from your noodles and pour in the sauce you just made." I announced as I demonstrated what needed to be done.
"You can add whatever garnish on it that you'd like. If you wish to add different seasonings to it or even making some garlic bread to go on the side, you can do that as well." I said as I plated the dish. "Now, this is the fun part. Dig in everyone! See how you like it."
I watched as the whole class tried the meals they prepared. The pleased looks on their faces filled me with pride.

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