Jin ♡ Fairy

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Jin's POV

I watched her as she walked through the wooded area in the park. She's so pretty. She was dressed casually today but still managed to make it look good. She wasn't wearing much makeup and her hair was slightly frizzy from the humidity, but otherwise perfect.
I sat, perched on a low tree branch watching her as she looked around. I know she's looking for me.

I kinda screwed up the other day and got too close. She saw me for a second and it kinda freaked her out. Of course I hid immediately after, hoping she'd forget she saw me. Yet here she is.

"Maybe I was just seeing things." She said to herself as she walked through the trees.

Darn. I feel bad for hiding. I don't want her to think she's crazy. Plus, I kinda wanna get to know her. I could shift to my human form but then I'd have to worry about telling her who I really am.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

What am I gonna do?

My eyes find their way to a small backpack. That's it! I fly down to the girl and carefully unzip part of the bag, just big enough for me to get in. This plan is perfect!

Your POV

I let our a sigh of defeat and head back. If that little man was real there's no way he'd let me spot him again. Then again maybe I was seeing things.

When I get to my house I drop my bag on the floor in my room and sit down on my bed. My mind keep replaying the scene over and over again. The small winged man sat in the bend of a tree, our eyes met and he flew off. That's it. Of course, I lost my mind, shouting for him to come back and muttering things to myself about going crazy. I'm almost 100% sure he was real.

I let out an agitated groan and walk to the kitchen to get something to drink. I went to the fridge and grabbed a can of soda. I popped he top and took a large gulp. When I set it down on the counter I saw a tiny... fairy standing on the counter.

He grinned and leaned against a bag of chips on the counter.

"Hi." He said wiggling his brows.
I screamed and started swatting at him.
"Shoo! Go away! Get out of here."
"Hey hey hey! Calm down!" He yelled as he flew around the room.
"Ahhh! It talks!"
"IT?! Excuse me?!" He shrieked.
"Ahhh!" I ran and grabbed the fly swatter, swatting at the small pest.
"Stop that! You're gonna hurt me!"
I continued to lose my mind, screaming and swatting at the thing... bug... person... fairy.
I swung the fly swat towards him seeing I had a clear shot, but before I could hit him, my actions were stopped. A hand was clamped over my mouth and someone had grabbed my wrist, preventing me from swatting any more.

My eyes widened when I saw the... rather good looking now that I see him up close, fairy I was previously trying to kill.

"That was not the reaction I was hoping for." He sighed.
I started to speak but my voice only came out as muffled nonsense.
"Listen, you gotta stop swinging that thing around, you could have killed me!"
I tried to say something again, more muffled nonsense.
"I figured you'd be screaming over my good looks, not because I startled you."
I rolled my eyes.

Is he serious?

"If I Let go of you, do you promise not to scream... or try to swat me with that?"
I nodded.

He slowly let go of my wrist and removed his hand from my mouth.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" I yelled hitting him in the arm with the fly swat.
I went to hit him again but he grabbed the fly swatter, tossing it to the other side of the kitchen.
"Stop hitting me!" He yelled. "I won't hurt you."
"How did you get into my house?"
"I hitched a ride in your backpack. I'm a fairy, how else do you think I got in here?"
"I don't know, that's why I asked you."
He sighed.
"How did you get in my bag?"
"I'm like four inches tall, I can sneak in your bag and you not know."
"You're not four inches tall." I scoffed.
"Well not right now obviously."
"Wait, when did you get in my bag? I only went to the park toda-" I stopped.
The guy raised his brows as if he expected me to realize something.
"I snuck into your backpack at the park." He said.
"Hey be quiet!" He said covering his ears.
"You're- you're the fairy I saw at the park aren't you?! Ha, I knew I wasn't crazy!"
"Oh you're crazy, trust me."
"Hey." I huffed.
"You tried to kill me with a fly swatter!"
"Oh right. Wait why did you choose to sneak home with me?"
"Because... I've been uh..." he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I've been watching you. You're... very pretty."
"You've been watching me?"
"Not in a creepy way! Even though it does sound rather creepy. I swear I had no bad intentions, you're just really beautiful and I liked to watch you walk through the park."
I couldn't stop the blush creeping up my cheeks. I mean this guy is good looking no doubt about it, but I know nothing about him.

"I'm flattered, but I don't know your name, or anything about you for that matter."
"Oh! Darn, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jin."
"Nice to meet you Jin." I smiled warmly. "I'm Y/n."
"Ah, finally the pretty girl has a name."
"You're gonna have to stop that." I joked.
"Why? You're so cute when you blush."
"Okay! Time to stop, how about we get to know each other?"

I offered to cook for Jin and we could get to know each other over a nice meal, but he insisted he was an amazing cook. I figured why not and let him cook dinner. I don't know exactly what cooking knowledge this fairy knows, but I'm willing to let him do his thing.

A few minutes after he practically locked himself in my kitchen I could smell something delicious. I couldn't help myself and walked into the kitchen.

"Whatever you're cooking smells amazing. I'm surprised."
"Surprised? Why? A good looking fairy like me can't have cooking skills?" He asked.
"No." I rolled my eyes. "I just assumed fairies didn't have much cooking knowledge. I didn't even know if you guys cooked or not."
"I'll have you know we cook all the time, and I'm the best at it."
"Really?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, even though I was very interested in what he had to say.
"Go ahead and be sarcastic. You'll feel bad for being like that once you try this."
"Actually, all jokes aside, I'm very excited to try what you're cooking."
"Ah." He chuckled, his cheeks turning pink. "Don't be making me blush, that's my job. I'm the one who should make you blush."
"I'm serious though."
"I've never had someone to cook for." He smiled softly.
"Really? Never?"
"Besides my family. What I meant was I've never had a girl to cook for."
"Oh." I blushed.


When dinner was finished I got the plates and utensils out. Jin fixed our plates and set them at the table while I got us drinks.
I sat down across from him at my small two person table. Jin watched with anticipation as I tried to dish he'd prepared.

"What do you think?"
"It's amazing! This is the best thing I've ever eaten."
"You don't have to lie that much." He chuckled.
"No really, I'm not lying."
"Well... thank you." He got shy. "I put all my love into it just for you." He winked and blew a hand kiss at me.

There's the Jin I know.

"I hope I didn't freak you out too much with my confession earlier." He spoke up.
"No. Like I said I'm flattered."
"Do you maybe feel the same?"
"I do." I nod. "But I think we should get to know each other first."
His face lit up.
"Okay. That's perfect." He beamed.
He took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips before gently pressing his lips to the top of my hand.
"Thank you for deciding to give me a chance."

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