Yoongi ♡ True Self | Harry Potter AU [request]

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Requested by TaesWolfie she wanted an imagine with Gryffindor Reader x Slytherin Yoongi and the reader only sees the good side of him until she catches him being mean to other students and breaks up with him.

I've been dating Min Yoongi for seven months now. Despite the fact that I'm a Gyffindor and he's a Slytherin, things have been great. He's one of the nicest Slytherins I've met, besides Jimin. He's always so sweet to me. He surprises me with gifts he picked up while in Hogsmeade and is always sneaking into the Gryffindor dorms to cuddle with me.

"Hey there cutie."

Yoongi walks up and wraps his arm around my waist.

"You ready for potions class?"
"No not really." I chuckled.
"Me neither, but it's okay. We'll get through it."

Every time Yoongi and I are seen together, people always look confused. I'm assuming it's because we're in competing houses.

Later that day I went looking for Yoongi. I heard some commotion down the hall and turned a corner to see Yoongi messing with a younger student.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Is Yoongi... my sweet Yoongi actually doing this? I put my hand over my mouth as I watched him kick the student's books across the floor.

"Go on. Pick it up." Yoongi snickered.

I immediately went to stop it.

"Min Yoongi!"

He froze and looked up at me with wide eyes. It looked as if all the color drained from his face when he saw me stomping towards him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked angrily.
"N-Nothing baby. I was... helping him pick up the books he dropped." Yoongi said bending down to pick up the books.
"Stop." I shoved him away and crouched down next to the boy.
"Hey, it's okay." I smiled. "I got it."

I picked his books up and handed them back to him.

"T-Thank you." He mumbled and walked away.
"As for you." I turned around pointing at Yoongi. "We're done."
"What?" He asked in disbelief.
"I'm breaking up with you Yoongi. How long have you been bullying other students without me knowing?"
"I want an honest answer."
"Three years." He admitted shamefully.
"I'm done. I don't want to be with someone who bullies others. Have a nice life."

I walked away heartbroken and angry. I'll never forgive him.

*2 years later*

It's been a couple years since I've been graduated from Hogwarts. I miss it. I also kind of miss Yoongi. That doesn't mean I'm not still mad at him or that I have forgiven him. I just miss him. I wonder what he's like now? Is he a dark wizard? Is he still bullying people? Has he changed?

I sigh and push any thought of him out of my mind as I head to Hogsmeade. I like to visit here and stop by Honeydukes. Sometimes I run into Hogwarts students. They're all running around and having fun while shopping for their favorite treats. It really does take me back.

I go over to the corner of the store where the chocolate cauldrons are. They're my absolute favorite. When I head over I see someone standing in front of the shelves. He's holding three or four containers of them in his arms.

"The chocolate cauldrons are my favorite too." I chuckle.

The man looks up at me.

My heart stops.

It's Min Yoongi.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I always come here."
"Yeah... me too."

I'm supposed to be mad at him. I'm supposed to want to punch him in the face. But seeing him now after what feels like forever, I don't want to do any of that.

"How have you been?" He asked.
"Fine I guess." I said grabbing a couple containers of chocolate cauldrons. "What about you."
"Same here."

It was quiet for what seemed like an eternity until he spoke up.

"I miss you Y/n."
"Yeah. I miss you too."
"I know it probably doesn't matter, but I've changed for the better. I'm not how I used to be."
"How am I supposed to believe that?"
"You're not. I just... thought I should tell you. After you-" he stopped, looking pained to even speak his next words. "After you broke up with me, I felt really bad for what I'd done. I acted like someone I wasn't. You thought I was your sweet boyfriend when I was just a bully. After that day I decided to change wether you would take me back or not."
"Why didn't you confront me and tell me you were gonna change?" I asked.
"Because I knew you wouldn't believe me, just like now."
"Well... you're right."
"Y/n I know this is stretch, but can I have a second chance? I promise I've changed. I'm not the old Yoongi you knew back at Hogwarts."

I wanted to hug and kiss him and tell him yes a thousand times, but I had to act cool.

"Okay." I said. "I'll give you another chance."
His adorable gummy smile that I miss so much spread across his face.
"Thank you so much. Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Okay. Yoongi please, we're in public."
"I don't care. I'll shout it from the rooftop."
I couldn't stop the tiny laugh that escaped my lips.
"So Min Yoongi, where should we start?" I asked.
"Right here. Right now. Let's buy all the candy we want like we used to and go get some butter beer. It'll be like the old days."
A soft smile spread across my face as memories from Hogwarts came flooding back.
"I like that idea."

QOTD: Do you want to go to the wizarding world of Harry Potter at Universal Studios?

AOTD: YES!! The one in Orlando is the closest to me, but it's too expensive and also too far away :(((

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