Yoongi ♡ Mafia AU | Part 2

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Jin sat in front of his computer letting out a sigh.

"We have a problem." He said causing me to look up from the magazine I was reading.
"And what is that exactly?" Namjoon asked, placing his hands on Jin's computer desk, leaning over to look at the screen.
"They know Y/n is staying hidden and they're looking for her."
"Well, they won't find us. Everything here is protected and untraceable." Namjoon said. "Even our WiFi is locked down. No one can hack it."
I looked at the two with worried eyes as they talked.

"Hey." I heard a soft voice beside me.
I turned around seeing Jimin next to me. I wasn't sure how he got there.
"It'll be okay." He smiled softly wrapping his arm around my shoulder. The gesture oddly calmed me down. "You're safe here."
"Hey." Yoongi snapped as he walked into the room, a stack of papers in hand. "She's not here so you can flirt with her."
Before Jimin could speak up, I did. If there's one thing that's changed since I've been here, it's that I've gotten braver. Yoongi was nice to me at first, but not long before the situation with the phone he started getting kind of snappy and I've quite literally had enough.
"He wasn't flirting. He's comforting me." I said rather sharply, looking Yoongi in the eyes.
"Whatever." He muttered, placing the papers on Jin's desk. "Here's what I could dig up on the Holangi mafia." He said to Jin.

(Holangi 호랑이 means tiger in Korean. I just thought it sounded like a tough name for a mafia group so I used it)

I looked over at Jimin. As if he could read my mind, he spoke up.
"That's the group that's after you."
I nod.
"Don't worry though." He smiled. "There's seven strong men protecting you."
Jimin's presence comforted me immensely. I leaned over and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Jimin. You, Jungkook, and Taehyung have been really comforting."
"It's nothing. If I were in your situation I'd want someone to comfort me."
I smiled softly. I could feel Yoongi glaring at me but I couldn't seem to care.

Taehyung walked into the room holding Yeontan in his arms.

"Tannie wanted to come see you." He grinned.
He took a seat on the opposite side of me, letting the small fur ball walk all over us.
I started petting him, a smile on my face.
"What's Kook doing?" I asked.
"Working out. What else?"
"I don't understand how he can work out all the time." I sighed.
"He's a muscle pig. What do you expect?" Jimin chuckled.
"I'm kind of cold. I'm gonna go get a blanket from my room." I said standing up. "I'll be right back."

As I walked down the hallway I could hear someone else's footsteps echoing against the narrow walls. I turned around only to be face to face with Yoongi.

"What was that all about?" He asked harshly.
"You're getting pretty comfortable with Jimin don't you think?"
"No. I only hugged him."
"Yeah. You've been spending a lot of time with the maknae's lately."
"They make me feel comfortable. Why do you care?"
"I don't." He said angrily, taking a step towards me.
"It sounds like you do."
He grimaced at me, looking straight into my eyes.
"Look Yoongi, you should just be happy I'm staying safe."
I seemed to be making him angry, not that I cared. His face was a mere inch from mine which made my heart beat erratically. I saw his eyes move down to my lips for a split second. Before anything could happen, he quickly backed away.

"Just go." He said avoiding eye contact.
I walked off without saying another word.

He's acting weird. He was kind of nice at first, taking up for me and offering cook, but now he just seems to always be mad at me for something. Almost like he's jealous or something.

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