Taehyung ♡ Bar Fight [request]

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Requested by @Lil_Mochi_Magumi
She wanted a bar fight imagine but with Taehyung this time.

I apologize for any feelings this picture may have caused you.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, admiring the dress Taehyung bought for me.
He walked into the room tucking his shirt into his pants and looking over at me.

"You look even more beautiful in that dress than I thought you would." He said.
"Thanks baby. You did a good job. When it comes to clothes you never disappoint."
He grinned at the complement.

He tucked his printed dress shirt into his pants and put on his yellow framed glasses.

"You ready angel?" He asked.
"Mhm." I said grabbing my purse.

Taehyung gently look my hand and led me out of the apartment to his car. The drive to the bar was fun. Taehyung and I sang and laughed together all the way there.


We headed into the bar and took a seat. Taehyung ordered for both of us.

When the bartender placed our drinks in front of us I smiled and took a sip.

"Baby you always remember what my favorite is."
"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't remember the things you like?"
"You have a point." I smiled.

Taehyung sat at the bar and talked until we had almost finished our drinks. I noticed him glaring behind me somewhere.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, starting to turn around.
"No. Don't look." He said quickly.
"Some guy is checking you out."
"Well then you better stay close to me and protect me from him."
"Don't worry, I will." He stood up. "Let's go dance."

I followed him to the middle of the dance floor. He placed his hand on my waist as we both swayed our hips to the music.
He giggled cutely, his cheeks looking round as he did so. I reached out and gave them a small squish.

"You're so cute." I said.
"No you're the cute one." He said.
I shook my head.
"I won't argue with you about this." He said quirking his eyebrow like he always does.
I rolled my eyes and let out a light laugh allowing him to have his way. He grinned and pulled me closer as we danced.

I'm not sure how long we were on the dance floor but I was exhausted.

"You look tired baby." Taehyung said.
"I am."
"You wanna go home?"
"Not if you don't." I said.
"I kind of do want to go home. I'm dying to get in some sweatpants." He said.
"Me too." I agreed.
"Okay then, let's get out of here."

We started to head back towards the entrance until Taehyung stopped.

"Ah. I have to use the bathroom real quick."
"Okay. I'll wait right here."
He smiled and headed down the short hallway and into the bathroom.
I stood at the entrance of the hallway and stared out into the crowd. I cringed as I saw people grinding on each other. I'm glad Taehyung and I can go have fun at a club without grinding up on each other like that.

"Hey doll."

I furrowed my brows and looked towards where I heard the voice.

"Where'd your boy toy go?" He asked.
"Excuse me? Boy toy?"
"Yeah the one who was at the bar with you earlier."

So this is the creep who was staring at me earlier.

"That's my boyfriend for your information." I said sternly.
"Oh, my bad." He said chuckling. "So uh... where is he?" He asked leaning over me.
"He's in the bathroom, and if you don't leave me alone I'll go get him right now."
"Oh? A threat?"
"We'll see about that." He said caging me against the wall.
"Hey!" I shout and start trying to shove him away. "Back off!"
"I don't think-"

"She said back off."

I was relieved upon hearing Taehyung's voice.
The guy stepped back and turned towards Taehyung who was looking rather angry. He was giving the guy the deadliest glare I've ever seen.

"You must be that boyfriend she was talking about." He smirked.
"I am. So why don't you leave her alone? She's taken."
"Listen buddy, I don't care if she's taken."

I could see Taehyung getting angrier by the second. He's never been one to fight let alone be mean to someone but I can tell he's about to explode on this guy.

"Oh really?" Taehyung asked.
"Yeah really."

Within seconds Taehyung threw a punch straight to the guy's jaw sending him stumbling backwards.

"You've got quite the punch." The guy said grabbing his jaw. "But now you've started something I don't think you can finish."
He went towards Taehyung and punched him right on the cheekbone.

"Hey! Stop!" I yell and try to latch onto the guy. He pushes me away and I land on the floor with a thud. I can tell by the impact that I'm gonna be a little bruised tomorrow. I stand up and go to stop the fight but a bunch of people run up and start pulling the guy off Taehyung. Some of them look like bar staff, the others look like people from the crowd who decided to step in and help.

I run over to Taehyung and help him sit up.

"Baby your cheek."
"It's fine."

He stands up nearly losing his balance.

"Do you need an ambulance?" One of the staff members ask.
"No I'm fine." Taehyung says.
He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk out of the bar. I look back and notice some of the workers have restrained the guy beating up Tae. I grin and turn back towards my injured boyfriend.
He pulls out his keys and gets in the car.

"Hey, you should let me drive."
"I'm fine." He said starting the car.
"Wait babe. We've both been drinking."
"We just had one drink and that was two hours ago."

There was no way I could change his mind. I sigh and buckle up, leaning back in the seat.


We made it home safely. Taehyung was driving just fine, which I was thankful for.

"Come here." I say and pull him towards the bathroom.

I start getting things out to clean his wounds. He wraps his arms around my waist as I start to wet a washcloth.

"Come here." I say and start to wash his cheek.
He winced and squeezed my hips a little.
"I know it hurts." I whisper.

I bandage his cheek and clean up the mess of first aid supplies.

"Angel, you're bruised."

I look at my knees and elbow where I landed on the floor.

"Yeah." I sigh. "It's fine."
"No it's not. Are you hurting?"
I shake my head.
"C'mon." He sighed. "Let's get in some comfortable clothes and I'll make something nice for us to eat."


We got changed, Taehyung letting me wear one of his shirts like he always does.

"What are you making?" I asked.
"My specialty of course."
"So rice."
"Yes, but I'm making it with love." He said.
"Right." I chuckled and lightly kissed his uninjured cheek.
He quickly turned his head and kissed me right on the lips. I pulled away and smiled.
"You're sneaky."
"I know."
"Hey Tae?"
"Is it okay if we don't go to the club again?"
"Yes of course it's okay sweetheart. I don't really wanna go back either."
"Good." I smiled.

QOTD: Favorite food? (like Chinese, Mexican, fast food etc.)

AOTD: I like it all tbh hahah. But it depends on what I'm in the mood for.

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