Taehyung ♡ Subway Stranger

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I stepped onto the subway and took a seat in the first empty spot I saw. I set my backpack down beside me and let out a sigh, leaning back against the window. College was rough today. All I want is some coffee.
A man dressed in a large puffy jacket entered the subway and sat across from me. He wore a cap that matched his jacket and a white mask. His hair was so long it covered his eyes. I don't pay much attention to him. I watch as more people pile into the subway, the space becoming more cramped by the second. I check my phone, just as I do so, the subway doors close. A few moments later, we start moving. I slip my phone back into my hoodie pocket and glance up at the man across from me. I watch as he removes his hat, a mop of brown hair falling in his eyes. He shakes his hair a little, smoothing it out. I furrowed my brows a little. That hair looks vaguely familiar. I look away for a moment, not wanting to stare. When I look back he's removing his mask. My eyes widen a little and I feel my heart rate quickening when I finally see who it is.

Kim Taehyung from BTS.

There's no way this is real. Is he really sitting across from me?
I looked away and tried not to look back at him. It's just hard to comprehend. How did I get so lucky? I really want to snap a picture of him, but that would be so disrespectful. Maybe I should just enjoy the moment. I try to slow my erratic heartbeat and just calm down. I avert my gaze elsewhere, my eyes landing on the rather large Tata keychain hanging from my backpack. I let out a quiet gasp.

Crap! He's gonna think I'm an obsessed fan or something.

I not so casually turn my backpack around so the front of it is facing away from Taehyung. I hear a small chuckle come from across the aisle. I look up and see Taehyung with a small grin on his face.

Way to go Y/n.

I mentally facepalm myself. I'm making a complete fool of myself right in front of my bias. I look away awkwardly, not even wanting to see if he's staring at me. He probably thinks I'm an idiot. I'm just ready for this ride to be over with.
I pull my phone out and check the time.

Twenty more minutes? Are you kidding me?

The whole ride I was sitting awkwardly, my whole body stiff. I kept glancing up at Taehyung every once in a while. I can't believe he's right there, sitting across from me. He's even more handsome in real life. As I'm admiring him, he looks up, making direct eye contact with me. I quickly avert my gaze, my cheeks heating up. He let out another chuckle.

Just let me disappear, please.

Finally, the subway comes to a stop. I grab my bag and stand up, wanting to get off as quickly as possible. I start getting shoved around by the crowd of people, all of them trying to leave at once. I manage to shuffle my way off the cramped train and into the station's waiting area.

"Okay." I sigh. "Now, coffee."

Taehyung's POV

I keep stealing glances at the girl sitting across from me. She's adorable. I can't help but laugh when she turns her backpack around, hiding her Tata keychain. I keep catching her staring at me throughout the whole ride. I can tell she's nervous, but I appreciate that she hasn't tried to take any pictures of me or make a scene.

When the subway comes to a stop, she starts putting her backpack on rather quickly. I slip my mask and hat back on as I watch her stand up, the crowd of people making it hard for her to move. She hurries towards the doors of the subway, shuffling as fast as she can. I see something fall on the ground as she makes her way to the exit.

Her keychain!

I stand up, maneuvering throughout the crowd.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me." I mutter as I squeeze by. I manage to snatch the keychain off the floor before someone can step on it. I look up and see the girl stepping off the train.

"Hey!" I shout, holding the keychain up. "Wait!"
I push through the crowd and step off the subway, only catching a glimpse of the girl heading up the steps. I start speed waking, avoiding bumping into anyone as I did so. I start making my way up the steep steps, trying to catch up with the girl. She makes it to the top and goes on her way.

"Excuse me! Miss! Wait!" I shout as loudly as I can, not caring who stares.

When I get to the street I see her just a few feet away.


I run up and tap her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me."
She turns around, her eyes widening.

Your POV

Here I am face to face with Kim Taehyung himself. He's wearing his hat and face mask again, but I know it's him because of his clothes.

"Um... y-yes?" I stumble over my words.
"Sorry to bother you. Your keychain fell off your bag when you were getting off the train." He held up my Tata keychain.
"Oh! Oh my gosh." I took it from him. "Thank you."
"It was nothing."
"I feel like I should do something for you. I was about to go get coffee. Do you want to tag along?"
He looks at me.
"Sorry that was stupid. You probably think I'm a crazed fan. There's no way you'd go get coffee with me." I laugh awkwardly.
"No. I'd actually love to get coffee with you."
"You would?" I asked.
"Of course." He nodded. "Where at?"
"At the Starbucks just down the street." I pointed.
"Well we'd better get going then." He said. He had his mask on but based on the way his eyes crinkled up I could tell he was smiling.

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