Hoseok ♡ The Sun & The Moon

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I listened to Blue Side while writing this.
I'll be switching POVs for the sake of the imagine. And you'll have white hair and blue eyes in this because well... you're the moon so yeah :)

He's beautiful. So bright and luminescent. There's a glowing gold aura around him everywhere he goes. He radiates light. Every time he smiles I feel like I'm being blinded, but in the best way.

I've lived in the dark all my life and now that I've seen him, I feel as if I've seen a new world.  I want to go meet him, but it's impossible. How can the moon meet the sun?

Hoseok's POV

She's beautiful. Every night she glows with the most brilliant white light. She's absolutely stunning. I watch her but only from afar. I want to go meet her, but it's impossible. How can the sun meet the moon?

Your POV

Tonight is a special night. The stars have aligned perfectly and I can finally try and meet with him.

I can see him in the distance. Shining brightly like he always does. I move closer to him and my heart races. I can see that he's moving closer to me too.

Hoseok's POV

Tonight is a special night. The stars have aligned perfectly and I can finally try and meet with her.

I see her in the distance. Glowing beautifully like she always does. I love closer to her and my heart races. I can see that she's moving closer to me too.

Your POV

"Hoseok." I say when I get close enough where he can hear me.

He smiles brightly.


He holds his hand out and I take it.
I feel as if everything is right in the universe.

"I've been watching you for so long." He says.
"I've been watching you for so long too. You're stunning."
"Not as stunning as you."
I try to hold back a smile but it's nearly impossible.

One of his arms wrap around my waist as we sway together under the stars. I look up at him, despite him shining so brightly, it doesn't hurt my eyes to look at him. His cheekbones are shimmering with gold specks and his bright red bangs are swept perfectly to the side.

"I love you Y/n." He says looking fondly at me with his hypnotizing gold eyes.
"I love you too Hoseok."
"Even if we can't always be together?"
"Yes." I nod.

He smiles and leans in. As soon as our lips touch I feel a spark. It's like a fire has been ignited within me. I bring my hands up to run thought his bright red hair as he pulls me closer. I can feel the warmth radiating off him.

Hoseok's POV

As I kiss her I can feel the cold radiating off her, but it's not freezing. It's like a refreshing cool feeling like on a perfect fall day.
I want to stay like this forever. I want to be close to her all the time.
Her beautiful white hair hangs perfectly and her cheekbones are adorned with night blue specks. She's absolutely stunning and seeing her up close is nothing like watching her from afar.

I pull away and look down at her, her deep blue eyes. It looks as if small stars are shining in her eyes. A whole galaxy that I could get lost in.

"It's almost time for me to go." She says, a sadness taking over her voice.
"Then let's make the most of it." I said brushing her hair behind her ear.

I hold her close as we enjoy each other's presence for a few more minutes.

She pulls away, a somber look on her face.

"I have to go." She says.
"I do too."
"Until next time?" She asks.
"Until next time."

I gently grab her hand and kiss the back of it before moving away. I watch as the distance grows between us.
All that's left to do is wait until we can meet once again.

Not sure if this was angsty or romantic or both? I just game up with this idea all of a sudden and decided it would be a good imagine.

QOTD: Are you a night owl or an early bird?

AOTD: I'm definitely a night owl. I'm always staying up until 3 or 4am. It's actually 3am as I'm writing this (that's what time it was when I wrote this the other night)

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