Namjoon ♡ Sea Demon

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Namjoon's POV
"Here he comes."
"Why is he so scary?"
"Don't look him in the eyes."
"He's gonna eat us."
"I hear he curses people who are mean to him."

I've heard it all, felt the judgmental and frightened stares. Everyone is afraid of me, and it's all because of how I look. Do they bother to get to know me? No.
They take one look at me and swim away because I look dissimilar than them. I suppose, in their eyes, I look like a monster.
I can't help it, this is how I was born. If they'd get to know me, they'd see I wasn't so bad. Maybe they'd even like me.

I swim somberly through the water, my heart feeling heavy. I went to town to browse the plants, I've been wanting to buy some red algae for my garden, but when I got into how everyone swam away, as usual. I was so discouraged I decided to just wait and go another day. Maybe a day when it's not busy.

I swim through the water, headed directly for my safe space. My special spot where I can get away from everything. My safe haven.

Your POV
There he is!
I'm gonna follow him this time.
I've seen this guy around town before, but he never stays long, and everyone is always saying mean things about him. I get that he looks different, but that's no reason to say such awful things about him. He's interesting to me. Instead of swimming away like a coward, I want to befriend this guy and get to know him. He looks like he could use a friend anyway.

I make sure to be extra stealthy as I trail a few feet behind him, making sure he doesn't notice me.
As we approach a large cluster of rocks leading to the surface, he slows down, causing me to go hide behind some nearby seaweed. I watch from my hiding spot as he looks around momentarily before swimming to the surface and getting out of the water.
I slowly make my way to the same spot he was just in, stopping just beneath the surface for a moment to debate wether I wanted to do this or not.

What if he gets mad at me?

But what if he doesn't? He might appreciate the company.

Or he might get mad that I followed him.

After a short battle with my conscience, I finally decide to swim to the surface. Slowly, I poke my head up out of the water, peering over the edge of a large rock. He was leaned back, resting against another rock, his toned arms folded behind his head as he sat quietly with his eyes closed. My eyes raked down his large, broad chest and slim waist, all the way down to his eight black tentacles, spread out on the rock.
I've never seen him up close before. He's even more beautiful than I thought. I feel a light blush on my cheeks, all because I simply looked at him. I lift myself further out of the water, resting my arms on the rock.

"Excuse me." I speak up softly, so as not to freak the man out.
His eyes snap open, a small gasp leaving his lips as he sits up a little.
"I'm sorry for startling you." I apologize.
"How did you find me?"
"I followed you. I'm really sorry."
"Did someone dare you to follow me? Is this a prank?"
"No, not at all. I followed you because I wanted to get to know you." I answer honestly. "You know, be your friend."
"My friend?" He questioned, his sharp eyebrows corrupted together in confusion.
"I'm Y/n." I introduce myself to him.
"I'm Namjoon." He says. "Do you... want to come up here?"
I heave myself onto the rock next to Namjoon. Now that I'm sitting beside him, I take a moment to look at the details of his dark tentacles. I notice small flecks of purple on them. The sun reflects off them, making them more noticeable.
"You're very interesting." I comment aloud.
"I'm... interesting?" He asked quietly.
"Mhm. I've never seen anyone that looks like you before."
"Yeah, my kind is not very common, especially around here amongst you merfolk. I don't think you guys like me very much."
"How so?" I ask tilting my head, even though I know the answer.
"They all stare at me and say mean things. They think I'll... curse them or something."
"Can you even do that?" I ask.
"No." He scoffs. "I don't have any sort of magic. I'm just me."
"Well, I'm not scared of you and I certainly don't think you'll curse me."
He gives me a small smile. "Thanks. You're the first person to think so."
I give him a friendly smile.
"So, I don't see you around very often." I say.
"I usually try and keep to myself. I don't leave my home unless I need to."
"Oh. I saw you in town today I was going to talk to you then, but you left."
"Yeah." He sighed, looking down at his hands. "I got uncomfortable under everyone's stares. I wanted to go and buy some red algae for my garden."
"You have a garden?" I asked, perking up.
He nodded sheepishly. "I enjoy planting things. So far I've got sea grass, coral, anemones, all sorts of different plants. I felt I needed more color so I wanted to get red algae."
His spirits seemed lifted just at the mention of plants. I can tell it's something he's passionate about.
"Why don't we both go?" I suggest aloud.
"What?" He looked over at me, clearly caught off guard by my suggestion. "Right now?"
He looked apprehensive. "I don't know about that."
"It'll be okay. I'll be right there with you." I grin.
"You really don't mind?"
"Of course not. I want you to get your plants."
He smiled, looking away from me with rosy cheeks. "That's really sweet of you."
"It's no problem at all."

Namjoon and I took off to town together. I could tell he was a little nervous. I tried my best to comfort him, reassuring him that it would be okay.
Once we got there, I quickly noticed the glances people would take at Namjoon. I heard the whispers and harsh words. It hurt.

This is what he has to put up with all the time?

I look over at him, seeing that he was uncomfortable. We approached the garden nursery, a noticeable sparkle in Namjoon's eyes as he looked at the plants displayed outside.

"Hello. Welc-" A man watering plants inside the building freezes when he sees Namjoon. "Um. Welcome. Is there something I can do for you."
I look over at Namjoon and give him a soft nudge.
"Um... do you... have any red algae?"
"We do. Right over here." The man leads us over to the back where a whole section of red algae was lined up.
I could tell the store owner was starting to get a little more comfortable around Namjoon. I smiled a little as I watched Namjoon scan over the plants.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you need it for?" The owner asked.
"My garden." Namjoon answered. "It needs more color."
"Oh! Come over here, I've got some more things you might be interested in."
Namjoon followed the owner to the back of the shop where he showed him some special coral.
"Looks kinda plain." Namjoon commented.
"Yes, but it glows in the dark."
"It does?" Namjoon asked in awe, his eyes sparkling like those of a child.
"Yes. They're very rare so the price is a little higher."
"That's fine. I'm very interested in purchasing it."
"Wonderful! I'll just leave you two to browse."
We both gave the owner a small nod, watching him swim off.
"How do you feel?" I ask Namjoon.
"So much better." He beamed. "I could tell he was scared at first, but once he noticed I wasn't mean, he loosened up a lot. I'm so thankful. Oh! Look at that!" He stopped mid-sentence to dart over to a shelf of long kelp.
I unconsciously smile, watching him giggle as he examined each plant. By the time we left the shop he had bought way more than just red algae.

"Sorry you had to carry some of those." Namjoon apologized as we swam towards his place.
"It's fine. I don't mind. I'm just glad you got your new plants."
"Me too." He smiled brightly, his dimples making a brief appearance.
I could feel my heart jump in my chest. He's so cute and sweet and gentle.
"My place isn't the nicest." Namjoon spoke up. "It's... probably different from where you live."
"I'm sure it's not that bad."

We arrive shortly at Namjoon's home. He mutters a small, "We're here." I look in front of me and see a walkway lined with seaweed and other plants, flowing with the current. It led to the opening of a small cavelike structure covered in coral and other sea life.

"Wow." Is the only phrase I can utter.
"Do you... like it?"
"Yes! It's beautiful."
He set his new plants down in the sand and excused himself to go retrieve his gardening tools. He returned shortly and handed me a small trowel.
"Where do you want this?" I asked, holding up his small pot of red algae.
"Right here next to the kelp. I think it'll really brighten up that area."

The two of us chat as we get the plants situated in their new home. Namjoon and I had just finished placing the special glow in the dark coral right in the center of his now colorful array of sea plants.

Namjoon pulled me into an unexpected hug.
"Thank you so much."
"For what?" I asked, softly hugging him back.
"Everything. For helping me get my plants and helping me get them planted. For even approaching me in the first place. I'd probably still be moping on that rock like a sad blob fish if it weren't for you."
I chuckle at his comparison.
"You're welcome Joon."
"Is it okay if I call you that?"
He bit his bottom lip, his cheeks pink like the coral in his garden. "Yeah. I like that."
I smile and lean my head over on his chest only to immediately pull back and look up at him. "Hey! You wanna go somewhere tomorrow?"
"A small restaurant in town. They've got amazing food! You wanna go tomorrow?" I ask excitedly, just wanting to spend more time with him.
"Sure. I'd like that a lot."

This was... not the best. I've gotten a bit of writers block and I kind of forced myself to finish this so that's why I feel it's not the best. I didn't give myself time to think about where I wanted the story to go and ended up coming up with a mediocre storyline (in my opinion)
Don't attack me. Just let me complain lol

Fun fact: "Octopus people" are called Cecaelias and I called this imagine Sea Demon because I saw them referred to as such and I thought that would be a better title than "Cecaelia"

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