Jungkook ♡ Meeting the Family [request]

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Requested by @jeonkook02 where she's American and moves to Korea with Jungkook and meets his family
Name: Gabby

This is crazy. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. All my things are packed and on their way to South Korea. I have two suitcases and a backpack for the plane ride.

This is actually about to happen. I'm moving in with Jungkook.

I got out of the taxi and headed into the airport. Just as I was about to board my plane, my phone rang. I glanced at the screen to see who it was. I smiled seeing Jungkook's name and face flash on my phone screen.

"Hey baby." I said.
"Hey. Have you boarded the plane yet?"
"I'm about to."
"Oh good. I just wanted to call and say I love you before you board."
"You're so sweet."
"I know."

I spoke with Jungkook for a little while before I had to board the plane. I sat and waited for the plane to take off. My heart raced thinking about how much my life is about to change.


After hours of sitting on the plane, we finally landed in South Korea. I gathered the bags I carried on the plane with me and made my way off the plane with the other passengers. I waited at baggage claim and waited for my luggage. I was starting to worry that it got lost, but just as I was about to get an attendant, my luggage came riding past.

I grabbed it and walked outside to catch a cab. While I waited, I called Jungkook.

"Gabby! Are you still on the plane?"
"Nope. I'm about to leave the airport. I'm waiting for a cab."
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. This is really happening isn't it?" He asked.
"It is. I still can't believe it." I sighed. "Oh! My ride is here. I'll see you in a little while!"
"Okay. I love you baby."
"I love you too."


I glanced down at the key in my hand. Jungkook had mailed it to me a week before I moved. I took a deep breath before putting the key in and opening the door.


I shrieked seeing Jungkook jump out in front of me. He busted out laughing at my reaction.

"Aw baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He cooed, grabbing my face and kissing my cheek.
"That's one way to welcome me to my new home." I chuckled.
"Let me get your bags and put them in our room." He emphasized the word our.
I grinned, following him down the hallway. I watched as he set my bags down.

"So, I have a surprise." He said walking over to me.
"And what would that be?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You're meeting my family tonight."
"What?" I asked, my heart racing.
"Yes! They're so excited to meet you. I hope you packed something nice to wear."
"I did but... I'm meeting them tonight?"
"Mhm!" He nodded.
"Oh my gosh." I sighed, burying my face in his chest. "What if I embarrass myself in front of them?!"
"You'll be fine babygirl." Jungkook said running his fingers through my hair.


"Are you sure this is okay?" I asked referring to my outfit.
"Yes. You look beautiful."

I decided to wear a casual dress to go meet Jungkook's parents in. Jungkook dressed pretty casual too. He wore dress pants and a white dress shirt.

"Are you ready?" He asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be."

The whole ride down to Jungkook's parents house I was a nervous wreck. All I could think about was what could go wrong.

"We're here." Jungkook announced happily.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stepped out of the car. Jungkook and I walked to the front door. He opened it and we walked inside.

"Mom, dad we're here!"
"Jungkook?" I heard a woman's voice. "Honest Jungkook is here!"

Jungkook led me into the dining room where his mom was setting food down on the table. A man walked in seconds later.

"Jungkook!" He grinned and hugged his son. His mom quickly joined.
"We missed you so much." She said kissing his cheek.
"Mom." He chuckled awkwardly.
"Sorry." She laughed.

She turned to me.

"You must be Gabby."
"Yes I am. It's nice to meet you." I held my hand out but she went in for a hug.

She's so sweet.

She introduced herself, then Jungkook's dad introduced himself.

"Come on, have a seat. I just finished cooking." His mom said taking a seat at the table.
Just as everyone sat down we heard the door opening.

"Sorry I'm late." A man's voice said from the entryway.
"Oh! That's my brother." Jungkook grinned.

A guy walked in moments later greeting everyone.

"You must be Gabby." He smiled.
I nodded.
"I'm Junghyun. Jungkook's older brother." He ruffled Jungkook's hair before shaking my hand and having a seat at the table.
"You're just in time. We were about to start eating." Jungkook's dad said.

After everyone fixed their plates, we started eating.

"This is amazing." I said after I took the first bite.
"Thank you. It's Jungkook's favorite." His mom grinned.
"So Gabby, how long have you and Jungkook been dating?" His dad asked.
"A year." I said.
"You two seem very happy." His mom grinned.
"We are." Jungkook and I answered at the same time.
"He told us he asked you to move in." Junghyun said.
"He did."
"She just got here today." Jungkook said.
"Have you got a chance to check out Seoul yet?" His dad asked.
"No, not yet."
"We're planning on doing that tomorrow though." Jungkook said.


Dinner went better than I expected. His family seems to really like me, and I really like them. We shared some laughs and Jungkook's mom shared some cute baby photos. They've already told me I can visit any time I want.
Today was amazing and I can tell my new life here in Korea is going to be very exciting.

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