Namjoon ♡ Puppy Love

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"Here you go buddy." I said putting a scoop of dog food into a bowl.

The small puppy ran up and started eating. I gave him a light scratch behind his ear before standing up and going to straighten up the play area. I picked up stray dog toys and placed them in a bin. I had just finished cleaning up when I heard the bell on the front door ring signaling a customer had just walked in. I headed to the front desk and saw Namjoon. He's a regular here. I see him at least once a month.

"Namjoon. What brings you here?" I asked leaning on the counter.
"My group is going out of town for a week and I need someone to watch over Rapmon for me."
"Of course. I heard your group's new song on the radio the other day, it's really good."
"Thank you." He grinned shyly.
"How is your group doing by the way?"
"They're good, we're all a little tired from practicing so hard but besides that we're just fine."
"I'm happy to hear that."

Namjoon filled out the check in paper for his dog while I let Rapmon behind the desk.
I crouched down on the ground and started petting him.
"Hey cutie! How have you been?" I giggled as the dog jumped on me and licked my face.
"He really likes you." Namjoon chuckled.
"That's good." I smiled and stood up taking the check in sheet.
"Oh here's Rapmon's leash." Namjoon said, laying it on the counter. "Here's his favorite toy too."
"Thanks." I took the items and put them in a small cubby shelf. "So where are you and your group going? If you don't mind me asking."
"Oh we're going to be doing some concerts in Japan and China."
"Woah. Nice."
"Yeah I'm really excited about it."
"I feel like I'm talking to a celebrity." I chuckled. "Your songs are on the radio and you're touring in different countries."
"I'm not a celebrity. I'm just me." He smiled humbly.
"Truth is you don't act like one. You seem like just a regular person."
"I am. I'm just a regular person who gets to do something I love."
"I like that." I smiled.

You must be wondering "If Namjoon is so famous he must have a bunch of people that are able to watch his dog." Truth is he has friends offer to watch Rapmon all the time, but he always turns them down because he wants to see Y/n.

I chatted with Namjoon for a few minutes before he went to leave. I held Rapmon in my arms and started waving his paw talking in a baby voice.

"Bye Namjoon."
He smiled brightly, his dimples making an appearance.
"Bye." He waved.

Just as he walked out the door I swear I heard him say, "So cute."

I kissed the top of Rapmon's head and set him on the floor. He ran off and started playing with the other dogs. I smiled and took at seat on the bench watching the dogs play.

I looked up and saw my boss walk into the room.
"Who just left?" He asked.
"He sure comes here a lot."
"Yeah, but he's in a pretty famous Kpop group so he has to have someone watch his dog."
"That's true. Don't you think he has people to do that for him though?"
"I guess so." I shrug.
"Or...." He trailed off.
"Or what?" I asked.
"Or he could be coming up here because he has a crush on you."
"Ha!" I laughed. "I highly doubt that."
"Well, do you like him?"
"He's good looking and he's really nice... and his dimples are so cute."
"I think someone has a crush." He chuckled.
"Shut up Wonho." I mumbled.
"I'll take that as a "You're right Wonho, I do have a crush on him. I think I love him. He's so handsome."
"Oh shut up!" I shout and throw a dog toy at him.
He lets out a bellowing laugh as he walks back to his office.

(Yes uwu Wonho from Monsta X is your boss. Can you imagine a big tough looking guy like him running a dog-sitting business? Can you imagine him playing around with all the dogs giggling like a kid? Sorry I love him 😔 he's big soft babie)

Rapmon walked over to me and jumped up, putting his paws on the bench. I chuckled and picked him up letting him sit on my lap.

"What am I gonna do?" I said to the dog. "I think I have a crush on your owner."


Over the next few days Namjoon would call and check up on Rapmon. Today was no different.

"Puppy Love Dog-sitting how may I help you?" I answered the phone.
"This is Namjoon."
"Oh! Namjoon hi."
"Hi. How is Rapmon?"
"He's good. I think he misses you though."
"Well I'm coming home tomorrow so he'll see me very soon."
"How were your concerts?"
"They were really good. Our fans are incredible. We have one more tomorrow, it's actually in Seoul."
"Oh so you'll be in town for the concert tomorrow."
"Yes I will."
"Well, good luck on your concert. Make sure you eat well and get some rest." I said.
"I will. See you tomorrow Y/n."
"See you tomorrow."

I hung up and leaned against the wall, sighing dreamily.

"I wish I had the guts to ask him to hang out." I said to myself.
"Just go for it." Wonho's voice made me jump.
"You were eavesdropping?" I asked.
"No. I just happen to overhear." He said, softly rubbing behind a small puppy's ears.
"Right." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.


The next day I kept an eye on Twitter to watch any clips from Namjoon's concert. I had to wait until after the concert because I knew that's when everyone would be tweeting their videos.

"Wow." I whispered as I watched him dance around on stage with his group.

He looks so hot oh my gosh.

"Why is he so hot?" I whispered.

"Hi Y/n."
"Huh?" I jumped and almost dropped my phone when I saw Namjoon standing at the front desk.
"N-Namjoon you're here already."
"What were you watching?"

The video was still playing and you could clearly hear Namjoon and the boys rapping and singing.

"You're watching videos from our concert?" He asked with a cute grin.
"Yes." I admitted sheepishly.
"Um... who were you... calling hot just now?" He asked shyly.
"Uh... I was taking about... Jimin! Yeah Jimin is hot."
"Don't let Y/n lie to you Namjoon. She was calling you hot." Wonho yelled from the back.
"Wonho shut up!" I shouted.

I heard Namjoon's heavenly laugh and turned back towards him.

"Were you really talking about me?"
"Um... yes."
"You think I'm hot?"
"I was just talking about your performance.
Y-You're hot when you perform." I stuttered making excuses. "N-Not that you're not hot now, I mean you're really attractive-"
"It's okay Y/n." He chuckled lightly. "I'm flattered. Truth is I think you're super adorable. I always come here so you can watch Rapmon because I want to see you."
"Told you!" Wonho yelled.
I shook my head and let out a sigh.

He's right.

"You've been coming here to see me?" I asked.
"Yes. Now that I've admitted that, and now that I know you think I'm hot-" He winked. "I'd like to know if you'd wanna go out sometime."
"I would love to go out."
"Alright." He grinned and handed over his phone.

I put my number in and handed it back to him.

"I'll go get Rapmon for you." I excused myself shyly and got the cute dog along with the items Namjoon left with me.
"Thanks for taking good care of him."
"No problem. It is my job after all." I chuckled.
He paid for the dog-sitting and started to walk out. He stopped in the doorway and turned towards me.
"I'll text you later." He said with a smirk before waking out.

QOTD: Have you ever been compared to a celebrity?

AOTD: Someone on Youtube commented on a video of mine and was like "Avril Lavigne is that you?!"
Not sure if it was intended in a good or bad way but I took it as a complement. That was a few years ago way back when I wore LOTS of eyeliner sksksk
A few years ago one of my friends told me I looked like Kate McKinnon.
And here recently quite a few people have said I look similar to Billie Eilish WHICH OF COURSE I TAKE AS A HUGE COMPLEMENT !

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