Jin ♡ Love Story | Part 2

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Seokjin in glasses. You're welcome.
O H ! Also while I'm thinking about it I forgot to add something on the last chapter when I asked what everyone's favorite thing about Jin was. I forgot to add that I like when he does the little wrist twirl thing while he brings his hand up to fix his glasses úwù

I let out a heavy sigh and lean against the back wall of the elevator. I hear a ding and the doors slide open. I step out into the hallways and start reading the numbers on the doors.

I stop at 58 and take a deep breath.

I shakily reach up and knock on the door. I stand and wait.

No answer.

I start to walk away when I hear a muffled voice from inside.

"Come in!"

I furrow my brows.

He's not gonna come check and see who it is?

I turn the doorknob and open the door, stepping inside.

A delicious aroma fills my senses as I stand in the entryway.

"Hello?" I call as I shut the door behind me.
"I'm in the kitchen!"

I follow the smell and attempt to make my way to the kitchen. My breath stops in my throat when I see him.

Kim Seokjin. Real and in person.
He's even more handsome than in the pictures on the back of his books.

I shake away the thoughts and focus on why I'm actually here.

Jin is standing in the kitchen, his back turned to me. He has an apron on and appears to have raw meat in his hands. He tosses the meat into a pan.

"Sorry about that. I'm a little messy at the moment." He turns around with a bright smile on his face. When he sees me his smile fades and his welcoming look was now replaced with one of shock.
"I-It's you."
"I... have questions." I said clutching the book.
"Y-Yeah. Hang on."

He walked towards the sink and washed his hands before removing his apron. He walked towards me and opened his mouth about to speak when the phone rang.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I need to get that."
"That's okay. Take your time."

I heard shouting on the other end.
"Yoongi?!" he asked.
More frantic shouting.
"Yoongi stop yelling! She's in here, everything is fine. She's... the one."

There was a silence.

"Yes. I'm fine. Okay. Goodbye." Jin hung up the phone.
"Sorry about that. My buddy that owns the building was a little worried that you were a crazy fan."
"Oh I know. He tried to stop me from coming here."
"And you made it anyway?" He asked.
I nodded. "I need answers and I was determined to get them."
"Right." He nodded and stepped towards me.
"I'm Kim Seokjin, but you already knew that."
"Yes I did. I'm L/n F/n."
"So the girl has a name." He smiled softly. "Let's chat for a minute."
I nodded and followed him into the living room. He gestured for me to sit on the couch. I kindly obliged and took a seat.

"Okay, so I have some explaining to do." He said.
"Yes you do. Why am I in your book?"
"Well, you see..." he trailed off trying to find the words to say. "I've been seeing these visions... of you. I've never met you before but I feel... attracted to you and maybe even in love. The feelings I felt and the visions I saw inspired me to write a new book. I saw visions of you with a bunch of my books so I somehow knew you would end up purchasing this new one."
I sat and didn't say anything.
"I know it sounds crazy."
"Yeah... it does sound very crazy."
"How did you figure out it was you in the book?" Jin asked.
"The birth mark under my ear. I knew there was no way anyone could know that about me, except my parents."
"I assumed that's what would get you over here." He said.

Suddenly his attention was focused in he kitchen.

"I have to go check on the food. Do you mind... staying for dinner?" He asked shyly.

My favorite author who's been having visions of me and also may have feelings for me is asking me to stay for dinner?

"Sure." I smiled.

I followed him into the kitchen and watched as he cooked.

"Not to be creepy but I know a lot about you, but I didn't know you could cook." I said.
"I can. And it's not creepy, I'm the one who was having visions of you." He chuckled.
"Right." I smiled softly. "How come I wasn't getting visions of you?"
"I don't know, but I am your favorite author so I'm sure that had something to do with it. If you didn't love my writing so much we would have never met."
"Wow. You're right." I said.

After Jin finished cooking he was kind enough to fix our plates. He pulled my chair out for me and let me have a seat while he got some drinks for us. He came back shortly and took a seat at the other end of the table.

"Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me." Jin smiled.
"You're welcome. I mean how could I possibly turn down dinner with my favorite author?"
He seemed a little flustered by my statement.

Jin and I started eating, we made small talk over dinner and got to know each other better. He was very nice and gathered our dirty dishes and put them in the sink.

I stood up and headed into the kitchen.

"Thank you for the meal Jin. That was very nice of you. I should probably head home now."
"Wait." He stopped me, grabbing my wrist gently and pulling me towards him. "Can you stay just a little bit longer?" He asked.
I stared up at him, our bodies inches apart.
"I..." I trailed off and looked to the side.
Jin placed his finger under my chin and tilted my face up to look at him.
"You're so stunning." He whispered.

My mind was no longer on his previous question. My eyes traveled down to his lips. I watched him lean in until we kissed. My eyes filtered closed as I kissed him back immediately. His arms wrapped around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck. He left one long passionate and loving kiss on my lips before pulling away. He looked as if he was in a daze.

"To answer your question, I'd love to stay longer, but it's late and I should get home."
"Alright." He nodded. "I understand. Let me give you my number."

I handed him my phone and let him put in his number. He handed my phone back to me with a smile.

"You'd better be texting me so I can have your number as well." He grinned.
"Don't worry. I will."
"I wanna hang out again. Promise you'll come over tomorrow?" He asked.

Ok so this was supposed to be like a "soulmate" thing. That's why Jin was seeing visions of her. Anyway I hope that explains it.

QOTD: Favorite Agust D song?

AOTD: Besides Give it to me and AgustD I really really like 724148, Tony Montana and Interlude_Dream, Reality

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