Yoongi ♡ Beauty & the Beast AU [request]

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Requested by @TaeshookxJungshook

My dad hasn't been home in at least a week. I'm worried to death, I don't know what could have happened to him. There's a knock on my door which distracts me from my worried thoughts.
I head over and open the door only to be met the last person I want to see.


"Hello Y/n." He grins.
"Please Y/n call me Jin. No need to use my full name."
I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Oh. I was just in the neighborhood." He said pulling out a handheld mirror and smoothing his hair. "Thought I'd stop by and pay you a little visit."
"That's nice. Now that you've paid me a visit, you can be on your way."

I went to close the door but he stopped it.

"Where's your old man?"
"Out where? I haven't seen him around. Last time I saw him he was headed towards the Beast's castle."
"Oh please Jin. Stop making up lies."
"I'm serious." He said.
"Whatever. Leave me alone I'm busy." I slammed the door in his face and went back to whatever I was doing.

Could my dad really have been taken by the Beast?

After contemplating on what to do I let out a deep sigh. I'm gonna go find him tonight.


I dismounted my horse and walked up to the large castle, the cold wind and rain sending chills down my spine. My father has gone missing and I plan to find him.
I sneak up to the front doors and slowly pull on them. The large wooden doors creak as I pull them open just enough to slide through. I tiptoe through the monstrous castle that seems like a maze.

"Hello?" I call out only to have my voice echo back to me.

I wander into a stone corridor and see a glow coming from the top of the stairs.

"Hello? I'm trying to find my father."

I walked up the stairs and heard a voice.


I saw an arm poke out of a barred door.
I ran over and grabbed his hand.

"Dad you're okay."
"Y/n what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to save you."
"No, go back." He said.
"What? No way. I can't. Who did this to you?"
"I don't have time to explain, just go."

"Who are you?" A voice growled from behind me.
I jumped and turned around. I couldn't see who it was. The room was too dark.
"I'm Y/n. I'm here to save my dad. Please let him go."
"No. He trespassed into my castle. He's my prisoner now."
"Please! What can I do to make you set him free?"
"Nothing." The man said.
"I-I'll take his place."
"You'll what?"
"I'll take his place." I said firmly.
"You'd do that?"
"You have to promise to stay here forever."
"If I do, will you let him go?"
"Y/n don't do this." My dad begged.
"I have to."

I looked back into the shadows.

"Step out into the light. I want to see you." I said.
Slowly, a tall figure emerged from the darkness. A monstrous beast stood in front of me. I let out a gasp and covered my mouth in shock.
"Y/n." My dad whimpered.

I stood up and stepped in front of the beast.

"I'll do it. I'll stay here."
"Deal." He said walking past me.

He let my father out, tossing him on the floor.

"Y/n please don't. You go, I'll stay."
"No. I'd rather you go free than me."

The beast grabbed onto the back of my dad's shirt and dragged him out. Both of us shouting for each other. I collapsed onto the stone floor and broke down in tears.

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