Hoseok ♡ Squirrel Hybrid Imagine

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This is written in third person POV

"Y/n?!" Hoseok heard the sound of the front door opening signaling that his favorite person was home.
He hopped up from the couch and ran to the door, his large squirrel tail knocking over a picture frame in the process.

"Oops." He frowned.

As soon as he heard his beloved Y/n's voice he forgot about the frame and ran straight towards her.

"Y/n! I missed you!" He screeched and hugged her tightly. He then started peppering little kisses all over her face.
"I missed you too." She giggled and rubbed behind his ears.
He hummed contently and nuzzled his face closer into her neck.
"Okay I have to go put these groceries away." She said.
"Let me help you." Hoseok took some of the bags from her hands and scurried off to the kitchen.

Y/n followed behind Hoseok but stopped when she saw a picture frame had been knocked over. She set one of the grocery bags down and picked up the picture, quickly examining it. She assumed Hoseok got excited and knocked it over with his tail while running to the door. She chuckled and set it back the table.

At this point Hoseok was wondering what was taking Y/n so long, so he poked his head out from the kitchen and saw her placing the frame back on the table it was on.

"Oh. I knocked th-"
"I know."
"I'm sorry Y/n. My stupid tail gets in the way." He frowned.
"It's okay Hobi." She smiled. "Accidents happen and the frame isn't broken so don't worry about it."

She gathered the grocery bags off the floor and walked into the kitchen, setting them on the counter.

"Oh, and your tail isn't stupid. I love it. It's so soft and fluffy."
"Yeah?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.
"Yes, and it's super cute." She smiled making Hoseok's heart flutter. She kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair.
"Let's get these groceries put away."

After they finished putting away the groceries Y/n decided she wanted to be lazy, Hoseok was thrilled to hear that.

"That means we can cuddle?!" The hybrid asked excitedly.
"Yes." Y/n giggled.

They changed into some comfy clothes and piled up in Y/n's king size bed.
Hoseok loves being in Y/n's room. It smelled like her and it made him feel at home. Y/n pulled the covers over both of them, Hoseok moved closer to Y/n, wrapping his arms around her waist.

They were watching something on tv but Hoseok wasn't paying attention to it. He was more focused on Y/n. He started thinking of all the things he loves about her. The way her hair has a mind of its own and does silly things sometimes like flip out in a weird direction. When she laughs so hard she can't breathe so she just wheezes. He smiled just thinking about it.
He loves Y/n, not as an owner but as something more. He's ashamed to admit his feelings because humans and hybrids dating is often looked down upon.


He was snapped from his thoughts upon hearing Y/n's voice.

"Are you okay? You look sad."
"I'm fine." He breaks out in a bright grin.
"Okay." Y/n said turning towards the tv.

She knew he wasn't okay but didn't want to force him to tell her anything he didn't want to.

It was getting late and Y/n was starting to doze off, Hoseok was already almost asleep too. Y/n turned towards him running her fingers through his thick fluffy hair stopping to gently rub his ears. He hummed softly and snuggled into the pillow.

"I know something is bothering you. You can tell me whatever it is, you can trust me."

She knew Hoseok was probably too deep in slumber to hear her, but he did.


The next day while Y/n was putting away laundry Hoseok approached her.

"Y/n?" He asked.
"I have something to tell you." His tail twitched nervously.
"Mhm?" She asked turning towards him.
"I have to tell you something... and... you might not like it."
"Okay." She furrowed her brows.
He reached out and grabbed her hands.
"I love you, not in a cute hybrid pet way but in a love love kinda way."
Y/n's eyes widened, her heart began to pound.
Hoseok felt his heart drop seeing the look on her face, he could sense her emotions too and he could tell she was surprised.
"Hoseok I-"
"You don't have to say anything, it's okay."
"No I..." She trailed off.

He furrowed his brows as he sniffed the air lightly. There was a familiar scent in the air that he only smells when him and Y/n are cuddling. It was a soft, sweet smell like vanilla.

"I love you too." She said.
"You- Wait you do? You're not disgusted with me? You're not gonna kick me out?"
"What?!" She asked cupping his cheeks. "No I'm not gonna kick you out and no I'm not disgusted with you. Hoseok I see you as a person, not some animal."
He bit his lip trying to hold back a smile.
Without hesitation Hoseok grabbed her legs and lifted her up, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He brought his lips to meet hers and kissed her passionately. She grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him harder.

He carried her to the bed and laid down, burrowing under the covers. He wrapped his arms around Y/n cuddling her as closely as possible and showered her in kisses.

This was supposed to be a short concept because I didn't think I could write a full imagine about it but I did

QOTD: Do you see Hoseok as more of a deer or squirrel ?

AOTD: I honestly don't know. I see fanarts of him as both and it works so well ㅠㅠ
I just wanna see what everyone else thinks.

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