Jin ♡ Hard To Get

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I was in need of a Jin imagine idea so I asked you guys and @KwentoNiLili suggested an idea so here it goes! Hope you like it.

I dug through my dresser drawers in search of my favorite pair of sweatpants.

"I swear I put them here a few days ago." I mutter as I toss aside pairs of leggings and shorts.

I hear my phone ring from my nightstand, making me stand upright. I flip my phone over, glancing at the screen.

Big Dumb

I accept the call, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Jin. What do you want?"
"How rude. No how are you doing?"
"How are you doing?" I ask, rolling my eyes.
"I'm fine thank you. And you?"
"Tired. What do you want?"
"Are you free today?" He asked.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the amusement park." He said ignoring me.
"I don't know..." I trailed off. "My schedule is pretty busy."

My schedule isn't busy, but I love teasing him and acting like I don't care. It's so much fun, especially since Jin is so cocky. It's fun to just brush him off.

"Now Y/n, it's not good to lie." He teased.
"Alright fine." I huff.
"You have nothing planned."
"Okay you don't have to rub it in."
He laughed.
"So? You, me, amusement park?"
"Sure. That sounds like fun."
"Great I'll see you in a couple hours?"
"A couple hours?!"
"Yeah I asked if you were busy today. Not tomorrow."
"Okay shut up. I'll be ready."
"You picking me up?"
"Of course."
"Alright. Don't be late. I expect to see you exactly two hours from now."
"Yes sir." He joked before hanging up.

I let out a short chuckle and set my phone down, heading to my closet to choose my outfit.

It's springtime but still chilly outside so I settled on a hoodie, some shorts, and a pair of sneakers. I put on a little makeup and brush through my hair. I don't wanna make it took like I'm trying too hard, but I want to look nice for Jin.
Exactly two hours later, I hear a knock at the door. Jin stood straight up, a soft smile on his full, pink lips. He wore a black shirt with a matching leather jacket on top, one silver earring dangling from his ear.

"You look cute." Jin commented.
"You don't look so bad yourself." I said.
"You ready?"
I nod.
Jin reached out, grabbing my hand and guiding me to his car.

On the way there we talked and joked, singing loudly to the songs Jin played on his phone. It was a good time.

"Oh look!" I pointed to the amusement part sign. "We're here!"
"Someone's excited." Jin chuckled. "You didn't seem that excited over the phone."
"I just didn't want you to make fun of me is all." I shrugged.
"Why would I make fun of you?" He asked innocently.
I looked over at him, unamused.
"Should I give some examples?"
"Alright alright. I do make fun of you a lot. It's just because I like you."
I softly smile at him.
As soon as Jin parked the car, I unbuckled as fast as I could and got out. Jin followed behind me, laughing at my behavior.

"Come on slowpoke!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him to the front entrance. "Your legs are much longer than mine, I know you can go faster."
"Okay I'm coming." He picked up the pace and caught up to me.
He paid for both of us to get into the park. The attendant at the front gate gave us a stamp on the hand before letting us pass.

"Alright beautiful. Where to first?"
"Wherever you want."
"What about this roller coaster? It's not too big. What do you think?"
"Let's go."
We waited our turn to get on the coaster. Jin and I both sat next to each other.
"You ready?" Jin asked.
"Of course I'm ready. This is a small roller coaster."
Jin chuckled.
The ride slowly started to move forward. I held on tightly to the handle bar across my lap as the train made its way around a curve, before slowly going uphill.
"Here we go." I giggled excitedly.
The pulleys and chains under the roller coaster train clicked as they worked to move everyone up to the top of the hill.


The sky was starting to change colors. The clouds were wispy with a tint of pink to them as the sun set. Jin and I were walking hand in hand through the park, passing by all the booth games.

"Look." I point to one of the stuffed animals. "It looks like you."
"The alpaca?" He asks.
"I thought it was a llama."
"Come on Y/n. That's clearly an alpaca, can you not tell the difference?"
"Okay fine. Yes the alpaca."
"It does look like me doesn't it?" He placed his hand on his chin as he looked at it. "Cute like me too." He said winking.
"Yeah right." I snort.
Jin pulls some money from his pocket and hands it to the man behind the booth.
"Watch this." Jin said. "I'm gonna win you that big alpaca plushie."
The man handed Jin three darts.
"How many do I have to pop to win that?" Jin asked.
"Three in a row." The man answered.
"Psh. Easy." Jin took one dart in his hand, aiming it carefully before throwing it.
With that cocky attitude of his, I expected him to miss, but he didn't.
Not bad. But can he make the other two? It's evening now, so most of the balloons have already been popped. He'll have to have fantastic aim if he wants to pop two more.
Jin took the second dart from his hand, closing one of his eyes as he aimed. He bent down a little and threw the dart. A pop sound was heard as it hit a red balloon attached to the huge board.


"Alright. One more." Jin smiled. "This one's for you baby."
He took the last dart, aiming it carefully.
I just don't know if he'll make this one. There's only a few balloons left on the board and they're all spaced out.
I watched as his eyes landed on one balloon in particular. He held the dart up, moving it back and forth, practicing how he'd throw it. He looked once more, making sure his aim was perfect before he threw the dart. I gasped when the balloon popped.

"Good job. Here's your prize." The worker took the alpaca plushie down from the shelf it was on. He handed it to Jin who immediately turned towards me, holding it out.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeaked, grabbing the plushie from him. "It's so cute! I love it!"
"You do?" Jin asked with a smirk.
"Uh. I mean. It's okay." I shrugged.
Jin's smirk softened into a smile.
I let out a sigh, deciding to drop my act.
"Yeah. I do love it." I held the alpaca close to my chest as we walked down the concrete walkway.
"I wanna see this Y/n more often." Jin commented.
"This Y/n?" I question.
"The real Y/n. Not the one that plays hard to get and acts uninterested when she's exploding with excitement on the inside."
"Well, I like this Jin. The one that doesn't pretend to be a bad boy. The goofy, dorky, and serious Jin."
"You really like it when I'm silly?" He asked.
"Yes. I even like your dad jokes, even if they are stupid."
I looked up at him, my heart racing. For the first time since we met, I truly feel like I love Jin. Up until now it's just been joking around and getting to know each other only when we feel like sharing things. We've been seeing each other for a month now and neither of us has made a move yet.

"Y/n." Jin spoke up.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Let's promise to only be ourselves from now on. Okay? No acting like people were not and covering up our real emotions."
"I think that's a good idea. I can't promise I won't make snarky comments here and there though."
"Fair enough." He chuckled.
We stood staring at each other, both of us taking in each other's features. Jin reached out brushing my hair away from my face. His hand lingered beside my face before he traced his fingers along my jawline, gently lifting my face up to look at him. He started leaning in closer to me, my heart racing with anticipation. His plush lips softly made contact with mine. I kept hold of my plushie in one hand and cupped Jin's cheek with the other as I took a step closer to him.
I didn't even realize we were kissing in public. I didn't really care though.
He pulled away, his eyes slowly opening, a smile spreading across his lips.
"What do you say Y/n? You wanna make this official?"
"Yes!" I say a little too enthusiastically.
"Okay then." He giggled. "So, girlfriend, you wanna go get something to eat."
"I do." I smiled, holding onto Jin's hand as we headed to a food stand.

This was supposed to be like Y/n is playing hard to get but it came off more as Y/n teases him and tries to act cool and chill. Nevertheless, I like how it turned out. I hope you all did too!

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