Jungkook ♡ Black Swan

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Jungkook's POV

I watched her from the trees as she walked home, quietly humming to herself. When she was out of sight, I flew into the air heading towards her house where I sat, perched in one of her trees. I waited anxiously, eyeing the small white rose along with the small note I had laid on her front step. I've been watching her for some time now. I haven't spoken to her nor do I know her name, but I'm very attracted to her. I'm terrified to show myself, afraid she won't like me for who I am, so I've settled on leaving her small gifts. It seems to be working quite well. They always maker her smile.
I let out a small, excited gasp when I saw her walking up to her house. I bit my lip anxiously as she picked up the white rose. She brought it up to her nose, sniffing lightly before a smile spread across her lips. She unfolded the note and read it, her smile getting bigger. I let out a breath of relief. She likes it.

Y/n's POV
There's a rose bush that grows near my house. I thought you'd like one of them <3
- J

I smiled, my heart thumping in my chest. This person, J, has been leaving me small gifts and notes for about two months now. I don't know anything about him, let alone what he looks like, but I feel like I'm starting to develop a crush on this mystery admirer.

I head into my house, placing the rose in a small vase. I place the note in my nightstand drawer where I keep all his other notes. Sometimes I wonder who he is and how he knows where I live. I can't think of anyone who could possibly be doing this.

For the next few weeks, he continued leaving more notes and small gifts. One day when I came home I was surprised to see a sleek black feather laid on a neatly folded note. I let out a soft gasp as I picked up the delicate feather. It was huge, much bigger than a regular feather. It was also very smooth and beautiful. It wasn't dirty like some feathers you find on the ground. It was very clean. It couldn't help but wonder if maybe it was fake. Then again, this J guy wouldn't give me something that's fake. After admiring the unique feather, I read the note.

This is a very special feather. I found it lying on the ground while walking. Not sure why but I thought you'd like it. It's pretty unique, wouldn't you say so?
- J

I smile at the note and walk inside. I'm not too sure what to do the the feather, but I want to keep it where I can see it. For the time being, I set it down on my dresser.
I'm kind of tired of these one sided conversations. I'm ready to learn a little about him. That's when I decide to write him a letter.

Hi. Thank you for all the nice gifts and notes. They've really brightened my day. Since I don't know who you are I figured the only way we can communicate is if I leave a note for you.
Thanks again.
- Y/n

The next morning when I left for college I set the note on the step, hoping he would get it when he comes to leave me my note.

Jungkook's POV
I make my way up to her steps, pausing when I see a note folded up. I furrowed my brows as I reached down for it, unfolding it. My heart jumps excitedly in my chest as I read it.

"Y/n." I whisper to myself.

Her name is Y/n. I fold the note back up, slipping it into my pocket. I wonder if she's gonna start writing notes to me? For today's note should I ask how she's doing?

I head home and start writing Y/n her note for the day.

Y/n, I got your note. Thank you for reaching out. I'm glad you're enjoying my gifts. How are you? I hope things are going well for you, you deserve only the best. I hope I can continue to hear from you.
P.s. You have a beautiful name.
- J

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