Namjoon ♡ Babysitting [request]

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Requested by @eternalnamjoon she requested an imagine where her and Namjoon have a baby and she goes out for a girls night while Namjoon stays home and takes care of the baby
Name: Helly


Namjoon and I had just welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world a few weeks ago. We named her Melody.
Namjoon has been very busy on tour, but luckily he was able to be there for the birth of our daughter. After that he had to get back on the road and finish up the tour. He's been FaceTiming and texting me nonstop checking on me and the baby.

I just got a text from him telling me that he would be home in a couple days. I couldn't wait.

"Your dad is coming home from tour!" I said kissing Melody on the cheek.
She only giggled in response.


A couple days later I was up early mixing up baby formula for Melody when I heard the front door open.

My heart leapt in my chest. Namjoon came walking into the kitchen.

"I'm home babygirl." He smiled.
"Namjoon!" I cried and embraced him him a hug.
"I missed you so much." He said peppering kisses all over my face.
"I missed you too! How was tour?"
"Hectic. I missed my girls."
"Namjoon." I giggled.

He gave me one last kiss on my forehead before walking over to Melody in her little play pen.

"Hi sweet angel." He cooed as he picked her up and cradled her in his arms.

I took a picture of them and sent it to my friends.

Look who's back from tour ❤️

My phone blew up after that.

Omg Joon is such a good dad

We should celebrate!

Let's have a girls night!

I chuckled and texted back.

I'm down. When should we go out?

I got a response immediately.


My eyes widened. Tonight?

"What's wrong baby?" Namjoon asked.
"My friends wanna have a girls night... tonight." I said.
"That sounds like fun. You deserve it." He grinned.
"Go on. Have a girls night, I can take care of Melody."
"But you just got back from tour."
"Helly." Namjoon sighed letting out a chuckle. "I'll be fine. Go on and make plans and go get all dressed up."
"Joon." I pouted. "You're so sweet."

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Helly? Are you up for a girls night tonight?

I looked down at my phone and texted back.

Definitely! What time?


I had my hair fixed just right and my makeup was perfect. I picked my nicest outfit for tonight and was ready to go.
I heard a honk and looked out the window. My two friends are sitting in their car waiting for me.

I say goodbye to Namjoon and give him a kiss before heading out the door.

Namjoon's POV

I watch Helly walk out the door. I really hope she has a good time. She's been so busy taking care of Melody. She deserves a night out.

"What are we gonna do first?" I asked Melody.

She looked at me with her large brown eyes.

"How about we have some play time?" I asked.
She giggled and clapped her hands.
"Okay then. C'mon." I picked her up and carried her into the living room, setting her on her little play mat. She was lying on her back reaching up for the little dangling shapes at hung down.
I gave her a little soft teething toy to chew on and keep her busy while I started playing some music. I decided to play some of our songs and sing to her.

She giggled and tried to sing along but of course it only came out as baby babble.

"When you get older I'm gonna teach you how to rap like daddy. Yes I will." I cooed.

She just giggled, drooling in the process. I took a small baby cloth and wiped her mouth. I took some pictures of her and sent them to the boys.

I let Helly have a girls night and offered to take care of Melody!

Yoongi: She willingly left you alone with a baby?

Hey >:(

Hoseok: Yoongi don't be mean. Namjoon is a good dad.

Taehyung: Melody is so cute!

Jimin: You're such a good husband.

Jungkook: Send more pics of her :(((

I laughed and sent a few more pictures.

Jin: Can we come over and see her?

No. I'm taking care of her by myself. You guys can come over tomorrow.

Jin: Bummer :/

Hoseok: He said we can see her tomorrow. You should be grateful 😤

Jin: Whatever.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, setting my phone aside.

After playing with Melody for a while, I decided it was time to feed her and put her to bed. It's getting kinda late.

I mixed up some baby formula and fed it to her. I burped her, made sure her diaper didn't need to be changed and started to try and put her to sleep. I hummed and gently cradled her until she dozed off.
I carefully took Melody to her room and laid her down in her crib. I went to the living room and laid down on the couch with the baby monitor close by.

Helly has been gone for about four now. I hope she's having fun, but I do miss her.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Helly.

Helly's POV
I walked in the door and could see Namjoon laying on the couch.

"Baby you're home!" He grinned, sitting up on the couch.
"Yes. I'm home."
"Did you have fun?" He asked as I took off my heels.
"Yes I did, but I missed you." I said laying on top of him.
"I missed you too." He said stroking my hair.
"Where's Melody?"
"Oh wow. I bet you did a good job watching over her."
"I think I did. Oh, by the way the boys want to come over and see her so I told them they could visit tomorrow." He said.
"That'll be fun."

I looked at him and admired his features. He's so effortlessly handsome. I missed him so much. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and tangled his fingers in my hair.

"Thank you for taking care of Melody tonight." I said.
"You're welcome. I had fun."
"You think we can have some us time now?" I asked.

I hope you all enjoyed this imagine!

QOTD: Are any of you planning on watching BTS on SNL tomorrow?

AOTD: Y E S AND IM SO EXCITED. I lowkey hope they're in a skit.

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