Namjoon ♡ New Neighbor

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I know I uploaded four imagines yesterday but I still wanted to updates on Wednesday like I usually do. Part of me kinda hates having an upload schedule because I often forget to publish new stuff. I kinda liked it better when I updated randomly 😅 I go back to that ?

I sit up in bed and swing my legs off the side, my feet landing on the soft rug lying on the floor. I extend my arms and straighten up my back, stretching out my muscles, stiff from sleep. I finally stand up and throw on my robe before walking into the kitchen and pouring myself some juice. I shuffle into the living room and open the curtains.

I gasp when I see a man standing by the window of the apartment building next door. He's got a cup of coffee in his hand and a bath towel around his waist.

I cover my face, utterly embarrassed. He sees me and chuckles. My eyes go wide as I run out of his view. My face is burning from embarrassment and my heart is beating erratically.

He was way too good looking. And why did he laugh? Did he think it was funny? Was he not embarrassed I saw him in a towel?

I cover my face, just wanting to disappear. I stay leaned against the wall of my living room, too scared to try and close the curtains, worried that man would still be there.

"It's fine. It's not like you'll see him out. But wait, I'll be scared to open my curtains now because I'll be risking having to see him again." I groan. "That'll be even more embarrassing."

After minutes of taking to myself in an attempt to calm down, I was able to go about my day. I got dressed and left my apartment, heading to the grocery store to pick up a few things.

I gathered a few things that I needed, plus some other things that I just wanted. I tried to made sure not to buy too much since I walked to the store today. When I made it back to my place, my arms hurting from carrying the few bags I had. I almost passed out after I saw who was hanging out outside the neighboring apartment building.
That guy I saw half naked earlier today.
My eyes widened and I quickly averted my gaze. I kept my head down as I headed down the walkway to the apartment.

"Hey!" He called, causing me to freeze in my tracks.
I slowly looked up, my whole body numb.
"Hi. Looks like you're my new neighbor." He grinned.
"Uh. No. I think you have the wrong person." I laughed awkwardly.
"Really?" He asked walking over to me. "I'd remember that scared look anywhere."
My eyes widened.
He had this funny grin on his face.
"You know it's weird to look at people while they're in a towel." He said.
I was immediately irritated by his comment.
"Well it's creepy to open your curtains for everyone to see you in a towel."
He let out a laugh.
"I didn't expect someone living right across from me would have their curtains wide open like me. It was merely a coincidence."
"Why did you laugh, then?" I asked.
"Because your reaction was funny."
I look at him flatly.
"Okay well this was nice, but I need to go."
"Hey wait." He stopped me. "What's your name?"
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you. I'm Namjoon."
"Namjoon." I repeat. "Okay I need to go."
"Wait." He stopped me again.
"Yes?" I ask raising my brows.
"Can I help you with those?" He asked referring to the large grocery bags in my hands.
"Um." I looked down at them. They are kind of heavy. "Sure."
Namjoon smiled, dimples making a quick appearance as he took the bags from me.
"Lead the way."
I walked into the apartment building and up to my room, Namjoon following behind. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"You can just set them in the kitchen for now." I said closing the door.
He nodded and walked to the kitchen. I headed into the kitchen right after him and started putting my groceries away.
"Thank you for helping." I said.
"You're welcome."
"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.
"Oh I'm fine. Thanks though."
"You're welcome."

I put the last few things away and turned towards Namjoon, feeling awkward.

"Um. Sorry about this morning. I usually open my curtains after I wake up. I wasn't expecting to see you in the building next door."
"That's okay. I'd rather a cute girl like you see me than anyone else." He chuckled.
"Hm? Nothing."
"Cute?" I asked.
"Uh." He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah."
I tiled my head to the side.
"I needed an excuse to talk to you. That's why I offered to carry your groceries."
"Wait really?"
"Yeah. Pretty lame, I know."
"No. It's cute. I've never had a guy make up an excuse to talk to me before." I chuckled.
"So... it worked?"
"Yeah." I laugh.
"Uh." His confident behavior was nowhere to be seen. Instead he seemed caught off guard and nervous. "This isn't how I had planned things to go." He admitted.
"What had you planned?" I asked.
"To ask for your number."
"You still can."
"Can I have your number?" He asked.
He held his phone out to me. I handed him mine and we exchanged phone numbers. I got my phone back and glanced at the contact name.

Hot Neighbor 🤩

"Are you serious?" I asked showing my screen to Namjoon.
"Maybe." He laughed.
I edited his contact name and changed it to Namjoon.
"I should have changed it to Towel Boy." I huffed.
"Please don't."
Both of us got quiet.
"Well, I should go." Namjoon spoke up.
"Wait." I stopped him, not really wanting him to leave just yet. "I just bought a frozen pizza. Do you wanna stay and eat? Maybe watch a movie?" I asked shyly.
I nod.
"I'd love to."

I had this idea some time ago. The only thing I had was the idea that you opened your curtains and saw Namjoon in a bath towel in the apartment next door and that's it. I kind of had to build on to that concept and make a story surrounding it. That's how it is for most of the imagines I write. I have this grand concept but then I have to fill in the blanks and write the actual story 😅 it's hard sometimes

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