Yoongi ♡ Selfish Royalty

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This will be a mix of modern and older times, similar to the Daechwita video. Like the town was old fashioned, but Yoongi's watch, the car, the gun, King Yoongi's tennis shoes etc. were all modern.

I huffed as I slaved away, scrubbing the life out of my hanbok skirt. I only own a few hanboks and this one, which happens to be my favorite, is stained with mud from falling in a puddle this morning. I managed to get the shirt part of my hanbok cleaned rather quickly. It's the skirt I'm having trouble with. I got so much mud on it, it's practically covering the whole front of the skirt.
I heard a commotion somewhere in the distance. I look up, wiping sweat off my brow, gazing down the dusty village street. I squint, seeing a couple villagers going at it. One of them had a fishing pole and is using it to hit the shorter, younger-looking man who's relentlessly throwing punches. I shake my head and turn my attention back to my muddy hanbok skirt. I'm relived to see part of the fabric coming clean as I continue to scrub away. I squeeze the excess water from the skirt as I hang it up to dry.
Once again, a commotion is heard from down the street. This time I ignore it. I have no time to get distracted by silly fights. I pour out the muddy water and set the empty pot on my porch.
I start to hear murmuring followed by quiet gasps. My curiosity started to get the best of me and I finally cave in, glancing up to see what all the hubbub was about. The crowd of villagers was far too dense for me to be able to see what exactly was going on. Everyone appeared to be shuffling around, making room for someone as they made their way through the mass of people. My eyes widened as I saw a familiar, short, blonde headed man emerge from the multitude.

King Min.

His sharp, catlike eyes scanned the street as two of his guards followed closely beside him. King Min is the most powerful ruler in all of South Korea. Wherever he goes, a strong, intimidating presence follows. Every head turns to look at him and people stare in awe, too amazed, yet too terrified to speak. He turned his head, looking directly at me, stopping in his tracks.

"You." He pointed.
I stared up at him, stunned that I was seeing him this close, but too scared to speak.
"I want her." He said to his guards. They both nodded.
"Good choice your majesty." One commented.

Good choice? What?

King Min strode towards me, a stoney expression on his face.
"What is your name?" He asked.
"Y/n." I bow in respect.
"Y/n. You will become my maid." He says it like I don't have an option, because, well, I don't.
"M-Maid?" I sputter. That seems to be the only word I can form at this moment.
King Min nods to one of his guards.
"King Min has come to the village today to find a maid and he has chosen this woman." The large man announced with a bellowing voice.
There was a chorus of gasps and murmurs from the crowd.
"What do you say to that?" King Min asked looking at me. My voice seemed to catch in my throat. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't think.
"I will give you a place to live, clothes to wear, and food to eat. You should be agreeing to this offer." He said, his voice low.
"I-I'm sorry." I apologized, bowing to him. "I humbly accept your offer, y-your majesty."
My eyes moved to look at the deep scar over his eye, a shiver running down my spine. That scar just might be the scariest thing about him, not even his cold, intimidating aura can top that. Kings aren't supposed to have scars, so the fact that he has one shows how powerful he really is.
"What are you staring at? Let's go." He ordered.
"What about my clothes?" I asked, gesturing to my damp hanbok clipped up on a rope.
"You won't need it. You'll have a uniform. Were you not listening to me earlier?" He asked sharply.
"I was y-your majesty."
"You're going to have to fix that stuttering if you are to be my maid. It's irritating."
"S-" I cleared my throat. "Sorry your majesty."
"That's better. Now let's go. You have work to do."
I hesitantly followed him down the crowded street under everyone's hawklike stares. The King's guards walking beside me didn't make the situation any better. I'm honored to have this opportunity, however, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, terrified, even. I've heard stories about King Min. He's... very powerful and has a zero tolerance for nonsense.

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