Jin ♡ Vampire

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Here's a picture (below) I edited myself. It's a fansite photo. All I did was add red contacts to the picture and blend it a little using PicsArt lololol anyway enjoy the visual

 All I did was add red contacts to the picture and blend it a little using PicsArt lololol anyway enjoy the visual

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This imagine is nearly 7,000 words. Enjoy.

I was out on a walk around town, in need of some fresh air. It was a perfect day out. Thick, light gray clouds covering the sky as far as the eye could see. It's such a beautiful overcast day, and thanks to the clouds, the temperature was perfect too. The streets weren't too busy this time of day which I was thankful for. I wouldn't be enjoying my walk as much if the streets were bustling with people.

I glanced across the street, my eyes landing on a strangely dressed man. He wore a long, black tailcoat with white flowery designs going up the front of it. Underneath was a white dress shirt with a ruffled collar and sleeves. He had on a pair of sunglasses and held a black umbrella in his hand. I furrowed my brows at his peculiar attire, now fully focused on this stranger.
I assume he's probably some goth guy who likes to dress in Victorian clothes. It's unusual and rare, but I've heard of people doing that. It's an aesthetic.
The poshly dressed man strides across the street, seemingly floating across the asphalt, not paying attention to the car speeding down the road. The car screeched to a stop in front of him, the driver sitting down on his horn, yelling profanities.

"Are you crazy? Do you not see the light is green?!" The man shouts angrily.
"You need to calm your metal beast." The Victorian man yells back.
"What? Is there something wrong with you?"

I can see the situation is escalating quickly. I don't know what got into me, but I ran over to the strange man, grabbing his arm.

"C'mon let's go." I urge him.
"You know this lunatic?" The man in the car asked.
"Yes." I answer.
"I don't know you." He says to me.
"There you go, pretending like you don't know me." I laugh awkwardly as the man in the car watches, an uncomfortable look on his face.
"Let's go and get out of the road, hm?"

I manage to pull the guy off the road and get him onto the sidewalk.

"Unhand me!" The man says, jerking his hand away. "Who are you anyway?"
"I'm sorry. I saw you were in trouble and wanted to help. I didn't want anything bad to happen." I apologize profusely, trying to explain why I helped.
"You think I cannot deal with these problems myself?" He asked.
"N-No. Not at all."
"While I appreciate your help, I did not need it."
"Alright. Sorry for bothering you. Have a nice day." I quickly excuse myself, seeing that my presence and help was unwanted.
I walk past the man to continue my way down the street when he calls out to me.
"Pardon me."
I stop and turn to him.
"You did help me, I suppose. My apologizes for being so brute. The gentlemanly thing to do would be doing something kind in return. Perhaps I could treat you to a coffee?" He asked.
I was caught off guard by his sudden change of heart. Nevertheless, I won't pass up the chance to get a free coffee.
"Sure." I nod.
"Splendid!" The man smiled, clasping his hands together gleefully. "Which coffee shop do you like to frequent?"
"It doesn't matter much to me." I shrug.
"Very well. I will choose then."
He took a step forward, only to stop and spin around towards me.
"Forgive me. I haven't introduced myself yet." He stated, taking a small bow before extending his hand. "I'm Seokjin."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n." I grab his hand, flinching at how cold it is. I watch as he brings the back of my hand up to his lips, placing a small kiss to it. Even his lips are cold.
"It's a pleasure Miss Y/n."
"J-Just Y/n is fine." I stutter foolishly.
"Shall we?" He asked, gesturing ahead of us.
I nod, swallowing hard, trying to keep my composure.

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