Hoseok ♡ Pet Store

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Hobi with Yeontan makes me soft :(

I stepped into the pet store, the smell of plastic toys and pet food taking over my senses. I had finally made up my mind that I was going to buy a pet.
I had in mind that I would probably buy a dog.

"Hi." I say sparing a short glance at the man behind the register.
I had to do a double take because of how cute he was. I looked away and made myself focus on the reason I came here in the first place.

I went to the area where they keep the dogs and started looking around. Some of the puppies started jumping around in their cages.

"Hi babies." I cooed and stuck my finger in one of the cages letting the puppy lick it. "You're adorable."

"Yeah I get that a lot."

I jumped and turned around. I almost passed out when I saw the cute pet store guy standing behind me.

"Excuse me?"
"I'm kidding." He chuckled. "Do you need help finding anything?"
"Uh." I glanced down at his name tag.
"Right! I'm Hoseok! I work here... I mean you knew that, I have a name tag and a vest. Sorry." He giggled and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"It's okay. I'm Y/n."
His face lit up.
"Nice to meet you. So Y/n, is there anything I can help you with today?" He asked.
"Actually I came in here to adopt a dog."
"Is there a certain breed you're looking for?"
"Yes, but it honestly doesn't matter. I love all dogs." I said.
"How about these over here?" He asked leading me over to a different section of the store.
"Aw these dogs are adorable!" I gushed.
"It's hard to pick one isn't it?"
"Yeah. I don't know what to do."
"I can let one of them out and you can play with them and see how you like them."
"Okay! Any excuse to play with a cute puppy."

I chose which dog I wanted and Hoseok let them out in a small enclosure that I had to sit in to be able to play with the dog.

"This one's name is Tulip. She's a Maltese."
"She's so pretty." I said while petting her.

I played with a few more dogs before making my decision. Hoseok was very helpful in finding things for my new pet. I got my dog a nice bed, food, bowls for the food, treats, a brush, a collar, a leash, toys, tick and flea treatment and any other things I might need.

I checked out and signed the adoption papers for the dog.

"Before you go, uh here's my number." Hoseok said sliding a piece of paper across the counter. "In case you have any questions or if you wanted to go out sometime."
"Smooth." I chuckled.
"It's lame, I know. I'm not good at this." He giggled, a blush on his cheeks.
"Well, I'll be keeping this safe and sound." I said taking the piece of paper. "And I might be calling you later, you know... because I might have some questions." I grinned and walked out the door.


Are you a cat person or a dog person?

AOTD: I'm a dog person. I'm badly allergic to cats so I can't be around them for very long but I always pet them anyway sksksk

My eyes get itchy and my throat swells up a little and I can't breathe good. It's pretty bad, but not bad enough that I would have to go to the hospital. I just use my handy dandy inhaler, eyedrops and take an allergy pill and I'm all good.

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