Jungkook ♡ Gaming Tournament

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Imagine in which you're a famous gamer and you go to play in a tournament.

I got into my most comfortable clothes and got ready to leave. Today is a big day for me. I'm playing in the national gaming tournament.

When I get to the venue my heart is thumping in my chest. I look down at my phone and see a bunch of messages from fans.

You got this Y/n!

It's okay if you don't win. All that matters is you try your best.

Your fans are cheering you on! <3

I smile and head into the building. I take a seat at one of the computers and put my headphones on. All the other gamers pile in and take their places.

"Alright everyone welcome to the 2019 national gaming tournament!" An announcer's voice rang through the speakers in the room. "Please sign in to your game and get everything set up. We ask that everyone plays fairly. Any cheating will result in immediate elimination."

I signed into the game and made sure everything was set up. I rolled my wrists around a few times and popped my neck before letting out a long breath.

Here we go.


(Example: HR98)

The competition soon started. Every gamer in the room was laser focused on winning, including me.
I'm a fairly popular gamer on YouTube, but not nearly as famous as some of the other gamers here. To win this competition would mean the world. I can feel a sense of accomplishment in a way.

I immediately move my player to hide in an abandoned building. I see a few players run by and start shouting. A heard a couple groans of annoyance and chuckled to myself. I waited for any more players to run by. There were a few but not too many. I decided I should go head and find a different spot. I leave the abandoned building and start running across the desert. I see a character running towards me and quickly start shooting. They fall over and I take my chance to run.

I get to a two story building and go inside, searching for any other players. I breathe a small sigh of relief when I see that it's empty. I make my way to the top of the building where I have a clear view of the vast desert. I stay up there for a while and shoot at any players that happen to run by.

*4 hours later*

It's just me and a couple other players. We just took a break and were able to use the restroom and get some snacks if we needed to. I took the opportunity to sit back and take a breather. I have no idea who the other two players are but I can't afford to lose now. The game started again.

I ran all over the empty desert searching for the last two players. I saw a dark spot behind an abandoned car and ran towards it. As I got closer I noticed it was one of the players. They started trying to shoot at me. I moved my character away and started shooting at them in a last ditch effort to get them eliminated.
I saw their character fall over and let out a gasp. My hands got clammy and my heart felt like it was gonna burst.

There's only one player left.

"Alright players, we have two contestants left. Let's see who comes out on top." The announcer spoke.

This is it.

One more player.

I run past a few hills and cacti while looking for the last remaining player. I spot an abandoned building and go search it. No one. I leave and head to another location. There's a road with abandoned cars lining them. I carefully look into the vehicles as I'm walking by but there's no one there.

Suddenly I hear the sound of a gun in my headset. I turn around and see a player shooting at me. I press down on the joystick controls and move my character as fast as I can.

I'm gonna die. I'm gonna be in second place.

I spot a boulder off to the side of the road and head towards it, using the large object as a shield. I peek out from behind the rock and see the other player moving towards me. I quickly start shooting but he dodges every time.

As he gets closer I'm able to read the username above the character.


"Well JKOO97, I'm sorry but you're not winning this game." I think to myself as I start shooting at him mercilessly.

He dodges them all. I sigh and start running away to find another place to hide. The shooting sounds become faint as I get away from him. I see a hill over to my left.

If I can get my character up that dune I can probably get this JKOO97 guy. I waste no time in getting my player up the sandy dune. I crouch down as I see my target come into view. He's moving around a lot. I can tell he's looking for me. Just as he's about to then towards the dune I'm hiding behind I crouch low so he can't see me.

Then in a split second I sit up and aim at him. I see his character quickly look towards me, his gun ready.

I press one of the buttons on my controller and shoot before he can get a chance. I close my eyes tightly right as I press the button, assuming that he shot before me and that I was dead. Game over.

"Looks like we have a winner!"

I peek open one eye and gasp.

It's me.

I'm the winner.

I won.

I'm in utter shock and disbelief.

"Our winner is (YOUR USERNAME)!!!"

I gasped and stood up walking over to the announcer. He put a medal around my neck and congratulated me. Everyone cheered for me which nearly made me cry.

After all the excitement there was an after party where the gamers could mingle with each other and eat some delicious food.

I stood in the corner of the room with a plate of snacks.

"So you're the one who beat me."

I looked up to see no other than Jeon Jungkook. One of the most famous gamers on YouTube.

"You're JKOO97?!" I asked in disbelief.
"Yep." He nodded. "I have to say, I'm impressed. You were so great out there.
"Wow. Thank you! I just wanna say I'm a huge fan! I've been watching your gaming videos for years. You're the reason I started my gaming channel."
"Wow. I'm flattered." He grinned showing off his heart melting, bunny-like smile.
I blushed and looked down at my plate.
"Hey, I really was impressed with your gaming skills." He said.
"Are you serious?"
He nodded. "Maybe you can teach me some of your gaming tricks sometime?"
"Wait what? Really?"
He nodded and gave me a grin.

He's asking me out on a date.

My eyes widened.

"Yeah, sure." I finally said.
"Cool. Can I maybe get your phone number?" He asked pulling his cellphone out.
"Yes. Of course." I set my forgotten plate of snacks aside and took his phone shakily putting my number in.
"Thanks......" he trailed off and furrowed his brows, looking at me.
"Oh! Oh my gosh I didn't ever introduce myself." I said in embarrassment. "I'm Y/n."
"Y/n." He smiled. "I'll text you later." He said giving me a wink before walking off.

QOTD: Any foreign foods or snacks you've always wanted to try?

AOTD: I really wanna try the Samyang fire noodle (because as you all know I LOVE spicy food) tteokbokki. I wanna try some Korean snacks and Japanese snacks.
I'd love to order a Korean snack box from SnackFever and a Japanese snack box from Japan Crate.

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