Taehyung ♡ Bully [request]

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Requested by @ohjangmi she requested an imagine where Taehyung bullies you and does something mean to you and you transfer without him knowing. He surprises you in school one day and tries to make things up to you.

"Nice shirt. Where'd you get it? The thrift store?" Taehyung asked.
"Actually I got it at Walmart."
"Even worse!" He laughed in my face.
"Whatever. Leave me alone."
"Hey fashion disaster! Come back!"
"Screw off Taehyung!" I shout and walk down the hallway.

Taehyung has been bullying me since last year. He critiques everything about me. Always bashing my outfit, hair or makeup. Everyone says to report him, but I've learned to just deal with it.

It was the end of the day and I headed to my car. Taehyung is standing at the bottom of the steps. I step away to avoid walking past him but he sticks his leg out and trips me.

I fall over on the concrete skinning my knees, hands and elbows.

"Watch it." Taehyung snickers.

I sigh and get up dusting myself off. I hear some gasps and look down. My knees are skinned up badly and bleeding but I ignore it.
I don't say a word as I walk off to my car.

My hands are burning and it's hard for me to keep a grip on the steering wheel, but I manage. By the time I get home there's blood dripping down my knees, some of it starting to dry. I walk into the bathroom and clean up my hands, elbows and knees.
I put some ointment on my knees and cover them with two large bandaids. I use some small bandaids for my elbows. My hands were so skinned up and sensitive I had to put ointment on the scrapes and wrap the injured part of my hand in gauze.

I sighed and tossed all the bandaid wrappings in the trash. I went to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat. Dad has just walked in the door as soon as my food was finished.
Mom walked into the kitchen and hugged my dad asking him about his day.

"Y/n, how was your day?"
"It was okay I guess." I shrugged.

I sat down at the table and started eating.

"Y/n what happened to you?" My dad asked.
"Oh, I just tripped that's all."
"You weren't pushed?" Mom asked raising an eyebrow.
"Is it that Taehyung kid again? I told you to go to the principal about him if he didn't leave you alone." Dad said.
"Guys it's fine, okay?"

They seemed to let it go because they didn't say anything after that.

The next day when I walked in school, a couple girls walked up to me.

"Y/n are you okay? I saw what Taehyung did to you yesterday." One of them asked.
"I'm fine." I smiled.
"Are you sure? You're like covered in bandages." The other said.
"I'll be fine. Thank you for worrying."
"You should report him to the principle."
"No, he'll only bully me more." I said.
"Look, if you report him, we'll be witnesses to what happened."
"Thanks, really, but I'll be okay."

They both gave me looks of pity and wished me well before walking off.

I managed to avoid seeing Taehyung until lunch. I sat in the corner like I always do. I was able to eat in peace, that is until I went to throw my plate away. Taehyung got up and quickly approached me by the trash cans.

"Hey mummy, nice bandages." He snorted.
"Thanks. They're covering up scrapes that you caused." I snapped. "Now go away."
"But I haven't dumped my tray yet."
"Then dump it." I said.
"Okay." He took his tray and dumped the whole thing on me.

I let out a gasp.

It feels like something in me snapped. I've put up with his antics for a year and I've acted like none of it bothered me, but this was the cherry on top. This moment right now broke me.

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