BTS ♡ Wizard Of Oz AU

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@Voltronfart suggested a Wizard Of Oz AU a few months ago and I couldn't NOT do it!
This imagine is a whopping 9,682 words HOLY CRAP. Y'all are really getting fed today. I'm so glad I've finished this because I was getting tired of writing it lol

Disclaimer: This will somewhat follow the storyline, but I changed some things. Please don't question stuff. This took a lot of work and it's written exactly how I want it. Thank you.

I'm sitting in my room when I hear my aunt and uncle speaking to someone.

"Y/n?" My uncle H called.
"Yes," I ask, walking into the living room. My heart sinks when I see Mr. Park standing in the doorway. He owns half the town and always seems to be after me, more specifically my dog Yeontan.
He points to me. "Your dog bit me on the leg today."
"Tannie? He's never bitten anyone though."
"I've had it with your mangy little dog. I'm here to take it to the authorities to get rid of it. I can't have rabid dogs running around town."
"What? You're not taking him from me." I stand my ground. "You guys won't let him take my dog, right?" I ask, looking at my aunt and uncle.
"Right." My uncle nodded.
"I have a sheriff's order that says I can take him with me." Mr. Park states, handing my aunt a piece of paper. "You'd be going against the law if you were to refuse."
My aunt and uncle look at it for a moment.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, but we can't go against it. Mr. Park will have to take Yeontan." Aunt E says regretfully.
"No!" I protest, stepping away from Mr. Park, holding Tannie close to me.
Mr. Park opens a basket he was carrying in his arms. "Give him to me!" He demands.
"No! You won't take him! I won't let you!"
My uncle reaches out, pulling Yeontan from my arms.
"No." Tears begin to well up in my eyes.
My uncle placed Tan into the basket. Mr. Park brushes his hair back, letting out a "humph." sound. "I'll be leaving now." He says, walking briskly towards the door.
I bite my lip, trying to stop the tears from flowing, but it was no use. I turned around and locked myself in my room.
I sniffled, dropping my head onto the bed comforter.

What now?

I laid there for a minute or so, thinking about how terrified Yeontan must be right now. I lift my head up, wiping my eyes.
Just as I did so, Yeontan came leaping through my bedroom window, landing on my bed.

"Tannie!" I shouted excitedly. "You're back! You escaped mean Mr. Park didn't you? You brilliant dog." I beamed, scratching his ears. My smile faded once I realized Mr. Park will be back once he realizes Tan escaped.
"Oh no." I frown. "We have to get out of here."

I quickly start packing a small suitcase, shoving a few articles of clothing into it before slipping out to door. I look around to make sure none of our farmhands see me escaping. Once the coast is clear, I hurry down the dirt road. I'm not sure where I'll go, just as long as I'm away from Mr. Park. I notice the wind picking up, blowing my hair in my face, obstructing my view.

I move my hair back and squint, seeing a wagon parked on the side of the road. I pick up my pace and approach the wooden wagon. I notice a big sign painted on outside saying, Professor V fortune teller. I can hear the faint sound of a man humming to himself. Slowly as I approach the parked wagon, a dark haired man steps out. He appears to be too carried away by humming he doesn't notice me.

"Excuse me." I call out softly.
He jumps, spinning around towards me, his long, eccentrically printed, coat whipping in the wind.
"Yes?" He asks.
"I was wondering if you could help me out."
"Help you out? Sure. What do you need?" He asked.
I open my mouth to speak, but he stops me.
"Wait. Don't tell me. You want to know how to get rick quick."
I open my mouth to say no, but he continues.
"Nope Nope. That's not it at all. Let's see..." He trailed off, stroking his chin. "Ah! You have a boyfriend that you're going to meet. Your parents don't agree with it, but you're going to meet him anyway. A forbidden love!" He exclaims.
"No." He shakes his head, looking me up and down. "You're running away!" He says, snapping his fingers.
"Yes! How did you know?"
"I'm the Mystical Professor V. I know all!" He grins.
"Professor, can't you take me with you? To travel and see the world?" I ask desperately.
"Hm. Well my little dandelion, I have to consult my crystal first."
"Ah. I see." I nod.
"Come on then." He motions. "Let's go inside for a moment." He carefully ushers me into his wagon. The inside is decorated with all sorts of knickknacks. Strange wooden masks, bird feathers, and exotic tapestries hanging from the walls.
"Have a seat." He pulls a cheap fold out chair from underneath the table.
I sit down, watching as he places a turban on his head, a large green emerald hanging from it.
"Alright. I'm going to need you to close your eyes for a moment." He instructs.
I nod, closing my eyes. I feel him take my basked out of my hands. "Now. Just breathe and focus. Uh... calm down and focus your energy." He mutters distractedly. "Alright. Open your eyes."
I felt much more relaxed and focused after that. I watch as the professor gets situated in the chair and pulls his tiny crystal ball towards him from the middle of the round table.
"Okay." He breathes out, closing his eyes. He waves his hands over the crystal ball and gazes into it. "Oh. I see a little house. A picket fence. Ah and a barn."
"That's our farm!"
He nods, looking into the crystal again.
"There's a woman in a dress."
"That's Auntie E!"
"Yes. She's standing outside shouting, calling out to someone. She's... crying. Oh my." He mutters to himself. "She's very sad. Heartbroken."
"What?" I ask worriedly. "I-I have to go home right away."
"But I thought yo I wanted to run away?" He asked.
"I can't. My aunt needs me." I frantically gather my things, getting up and rushing out of the wagon. "Thank you so much Professor V!"
"Just Taehyung is fine." He calls out as I jog away.
"Thank you Taehyung!" I wave.

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