Jimin ♡ Don't Touch Me

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This is gonna be another soulmate au hehe

I sat in my apartment looking out the window at the cars driving down the street. I've been sitting here trying to figure out if it's worth it to leave the house for some takeout. If I do go out I have to be very careful. I can't touch anyone or they end up getting hurt... physically. Something bad always happens to them without fail and it's usually seconds after they make physical contact with me.

I hate this curse that I have. I don't care if it's so I can find my soulmate, I hate it and I consider it a curse. I've always been told that when you meet your soulmate you'll know. You won't be able to look away from them, and when you meet them, whatever ability you were born with will go away, along with your soulmate's ability.
It's just been so long I'm starting to lose hope.

I sigh and decide I will go get some takeout. I'm starving and there's nothing I want at home. I get ready and leave, heading down the street to the nearest Chinese takeout place.

I walk in and a lady behind the register greets me. After looking at the menu for a few minutes I order my food. The lady tells me it'll be about ten to fifteen minutes. I take a seat on the leather bench beside a small stone koi pond and wait. Eventually I resort to scrolling through my phone. I hear a ding sound signaling that someone has just walked in. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a flannel shirt and a leather jacket. He wore ripped jeans, boots and a black beanie on his head, fluffy blonde hair peeked out from underneath the hat.
He made eye contact with me for a split second, flashing me a small smile as he strode up to the register. I watched as he ordered his food and took a seat at the very end of the bench. I glanced up admiring his features. His beautifully structured face and full lips are entrancing.

This is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

I feel like I could look at him all day. My heart started thumping in my chest. He began to look up at me, but I quickly looked away, not wanting to be caught staring. I've never felt this way before. Could he be my soulmate? Am I feeling all these crazy feelings because he truly is my soulmate? I looked up at him and saw him staring at me, his large brown eyes looking right at me. I quickly looked back down at my lap, my cheeks burning.

"Miss, your food is ready."

I was thankful to hear the woman's voice. I stood up and walked over to the counter, paying for my meal, being careful not to make physical contact. I grabbed the bag of food and thanked her before walking out. Just as I stepped out of the restaurant I could hear the voice of the woman behind the counter.
"Sir your food is ready."


I headed down the street, wanting to get back to my apartment as quickly as possible.


Oh no.

I look behind me and sure enough it's the cute guy from the restaurant. He was getting closer and closer to me. I kept trying to get away but it was no use. He reached out his hand to try and grab me but I flinched away.

"Don't touch me"
"You'll get hur-"

The guy reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"No!" I jerked away.
I frantically started looking around, waiting for someone to run up and mug him, for someone to bump into him and make him fall and break his arm, anything.
But nothing happened.

"What?" I asked furrowing my brows. "Nothing happened."
I saw the guy with a smile on his face.
"What? Why are you smiling? You could have gotten hurt!" I shouted.
"I knew it."
"You knew what?"
"When you make physical contact with anyone, they get hurt. Am I right?" He asked.
"Y-Yes. How did you know that?"
"I have the same thing."
"You what?"
"Yeah. When I saw you in the restaurant, my heart started racing and I couldn't seem to look away from you. I heard you feel that way when you see your soulmate." He said.
My eyes widened.
"I knew I had to see if you really were my soulmate."
I stared at him with wide eyes.
"I... I felt it too. I didn't want to believe it. It's been so long."
"I know." He nodded. "I've been waiting my whole life to meet you."

He pulled me in and kissed me.

Despite having just met him, this felt right.
He pulled away and bit his lip.

"I'm so sorry." He said.
"No, it's okay. It felt..."
"Right." He finished.
"Yes! Exactly."
"I'm Jimin by the way." He said.

I realized neither of us had introduced ourselves.

"I'm Y/n." I said.
"Nice to meet you Y/n. I assume you were heading home?"
"Would you maybe like to come to my place and we can eat there?" He asked.
"I'd love that." I smiled brightly.
He grinned widely showing off his beautiful, perfect white teeth. I felt like melting just seeing him smile.
He grasped my hand and we headed to his apartment.

QOTD: Favorite anime? (If you've watched anime)

AOTD: Out if all the anime I've watched, some of my favorites are My Hero Academia, Ouran High School Host Club and Tokyo Ghoul

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