Taehyung ♡ Vampire

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Had this cute idea where you and Tae are vampires and you guys run into each other at a bookstore and he's all excited to meet a fellow vamp 🥺

I step out of my apartment building, pulling my sweater tighter against my body as I make my way to the local bookstore. It's one of the oldest bookstores in Seoul. It's my favorite place to go.
I quicken my pace as I see the small sign sitting outside the entrance come into view. I push open the door to the store, the smell of old books immediately hitting my senses. Memories of when I was younger come flooding in like a tidal wave. I visited this bookstore often throughout my life so it's very sentimental to me. The lady behind the counter gives me a small wave as I walk in. I'm almost 100% sure every worker here knows me, as I come here so often. I walk over to one of the shelves, perusing the newest books. I pull one from the shelf and flip it over. I'm reading the description of a book when I hear the front entrance open. I look up, my eyes locking with a young man's, a tingly feeling at the base of my neck.

He's a vampire.

I blink a few times before tearing my eyes away from him. This is the first time I've seen another vampire besides me in this book store.
I glance back down at the book in my hand, no longer interested in it. My mind is more focused on the man who just entered the store. I discard the book, setting it back on the shelf as I peer around the corner. I frown when I don't see him.
A sudden tap on my back causes me to jump. I spin around only to come face to face with the man that's so instantaneously occupied my mind.

 I spin around only to come face to face with the man that's so instantaneously occupied my mind

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(This is kind of how I imagined Tae was dressed 🥺 a very soft babie. Sorry the quality sucks, I couldn't find any better pictures)

"Um... are you?" He asks softly, his voice trailing off.
I nod.
His eyes seem to sparkle with excitement as he holds his hand out.
"I'm Taehyung. What's your name?" He asks, his tone light, almost childlike. A big boxy smile displayed on his rather cute face.
"I'm Y/n." I shake his hand.
"So you're a vam-"
I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand. His eyes widen at my reflex. I quickly pull my hand away.
"You have to be quiet." I shushed him.
"Ah. Sorry about that." He laughed nervously.
"Come here." I gestured to a quiet corner of the bookstore that's used for reading.
Taehyung followed me, taking a seat on the couch that was set up in the back.
"How long ago?" I asked, not being specific.
He seemed to understand what I was referring to.
"Four months ago."
"Oh." I nod.
"What about you?"
"Seven months ago."
"Wow." He looked at me in awe. "You know, you're the first vampire I've met. I don't know how I knew you were one, but I got this feeling."
"Like a tingly sensation on the base of your neck?" I asked.
"That happens when you come in contact with another vampire."
"I don't really know much about... my kind."
I could tell he wasn't comfortable using the term my kind based on the look of discomfort on his face.
"Me neither. I've just been learning as I go."
"Maybe we can help each other out?" He asked.
"Sure." I smiled. "I'd like that."
"That's awesome! Thank you." He beamed.
I could feel this happy, bubbly feeling building inside me. This guy is adorable. He had this childlike charm about him that made my heart soar. I'm not sure why I'm feeling this way after just meeting him, but I don't think I mind.

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